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Sunday 22 June 2008

Meeting Held to Mark Anniversary of Anti-Japanese Trade Union

Meeting Held to Mark Anniversary of Anti-Japanese Trade Union

Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- A meeting took place here on August 24 to mark the 75th anniversary of the anti-Japanese trade union formed by President Kim Il Sung. The President inaugurated the anti-Japanese trade union, a revolutionary mass organization of new type of the workers, the first of its kind in Korea, on August 25 Juche 17 (1928).
Chairman Ryom Sun Gil of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea in his report said that with the formation of the anti-Japanese trade union the workers of Korea came to have their genuine mass organization, united around it and discharged their historic mission and duty in the great struggle for national and class liberation under the guidance of the President and this marked a glorious beginning of the building of a revolutionary mass organization of the workers.
Right after the liberation of Korea the President, basing himself on the strong roots provided by him to build a revolutionary mass organization of workers, founded the trade union, a unified mass political organization of the workers in the wake of the founding of a revolutionary party, clearly indicated the duties of the trade union in each period and at each stage of the revolution and wisely guided it to advance along the road of Juche, he said.
Leader Kim Jong Il, attaching great importance to the work of the trade union, gave detailed instructions as regards the content and method of the work of trade union and energetically directed the organization so that it could make great contributions to the modeling of the whole society on the Juche idea, the reporter said.
His idea and guidance, he noted, are vital to the trade union.
He said all the trade union members should have absolute worship of Kim Jong Il and single-heartedly uphold the Party's Songun guidance.
Present at the meeting was Secretary Kim Jung Rin of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Sunday 15 June 2008


The UK KFA Trade Union Section-Trade Unions for the DPRK has now been founded.Our
aims are

a) To Co Ordinate KFA work amongst KFA members who are trade union members
bToPromote the DPRK and the idea of the KFA amongst trade union members
c)Exchange and co operation with the General Federation of Trade Unions
of Korea

We have members in RMT,PCS,Unite,CWU and other unions

We aim to win support amongst trade unionists for the DPRK and promote solidarity.