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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Poor Health Conditions in S. Korea, Product of Unpopular Rule

Poor Health Conditions in S. Korea, Product of Unpopular Rule

  Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- The Seoul National University Hospital, the Severance Hospital and other hospitals in south Korea were recently disclosed to have conducted clinical tests on patients without guarantee of their lives. The story stunned the people.
  Such illegal acts clearly indicate the poor health conditions of the south Korean society where money is everything.
  The poor are denied hospital treatment in south Korea with medical treatment fees steadily rising.
 A general medical check-up costs 100-400 U.S. dollars. Hospital charges a day in big hospitals of Seoul are estimated at 100-300 U.S. dollars on average.
  In 2009 when bird flu swept across south Korea hospitals demanded 200 000 won for one medical examination.
  After the emergence of the present "government" the number of infection cases at hospitals reached 300 000 a year and the ensuing yearly mortality rate 15 000.
  The poor suffer from all kinds of diseases as they can hardly get timely treatment.
  Such poor health conditions of south Korea are an inevitable product of the unpopular rule by the puppet authorities.
  All facts go to prove that the healthy life of the south Korean people is unthinkable as long as the present puppet authorities are allowed to stay in power. -0-

Thursday 17 March 2011

ASSPUK,JISGE and UK KFA slam "Homefront" anti DPRK propaganda


The UK Korean Friendship Association along with the Juche Idea Study Group of England and ASSPUK wish to issue a statement of protest against the US imperialists computer game "Homefront".This game paints the DPRK as the aggressors.Such propaganda is childish and absurd.The DPRK has never invaded any country,its troops are not in other countries but the US keeps its military,navy and airforce in south Korea,thousands of miles from the shores of the US.It is the US that since 1945 intervened in more than 150 countries and being involved in dozens of conflicts.The US has a massive network overseas military bases straddling the globe.
"Homefront" could be dismissed as simply a moneymaking ploy by the giant US capitalist electronics monopolies and as crude and banal propaganda,indeed it might actually increase interest in the DPRK,however it should be noted that as part of the marketing effort for the game anti DPRK rallies have been held in the US.Thus the "Homefront" game aims at inciting war pyschosis against the DPRK.It aims to make young people view the DPRK as an aggressive enemy threatening them and prepare them for the idea that they
might have to fight in conflict against the DPRK.

The game slanders the idea,system and policy of the DPRK.The DPRK's foreign policy is underpinned by the concepts of independence,peace and friendship.It has no intention to invade and conquer the US mainland.The DPRK weapons are for self defence.They are weapons of justice defending the independence of the DPRK and its dignified socialist system.
We call on people to reject the vile and false propaganda of "Homefront" ,we call on progressive and peace loving people to fight the lies about the DPRK.If you support the DPRK please join the UK KFA (email uk@korea-dpr,com)


Saturday 12 March 2011

South Korean puppet's sex scandal shame and disgrace

South Korean puppet's sex scandal shame and disgrace

News has broken of a massive "sex for visas" scandal involving the south Korean puppet diplomatic mission in Shanghai,China.Up to 7 south Korean diplomats are involved in this sordid scandal.Meanwhile another south Korean diplomat this time in Japan has has to resign over gross
Will they start a provocation against the DPRK to cover up the scandals

Wednesday 9 March 2011

South Korean power cuts

After a decade or two of deriding the DPRK's economy and exaggerating the difficultes faced by the DPRK during the arduous march period now the south Korean puppet regime has been hit by power cuts

SEOUL, March 8 (Reuters) - The bustling entertainment districts of one of the world's largest cities, Seoul, were pitched into darkness early on Tuesday as the government clamped down on energy use to cope with rising oil prices.

Neon signs and outdoor lights were ordered switched off in the business and entertainment districts of the South Korean capital, in a tangible sign of how the oil price rise is hurting the resource-starved country.

President Lee Myung-bak has called for a tighter national energy policy to counter the impact of higher prices

Wednesday 2 March 2011

KCNA Assails Shuddering Crime Committed by GI against S. Korean Old Couple

KCNA Assails Shuddering Crime Committed by GI against S. Korean Old Couple

  Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- A soldier belonging to the 2nd Division of the U.S. imperialist aggression troops present in south Korea broke into a house in Tongduchon City, Kyonggi Province, and assaulted an old couple with a lethal weapon on Feb. 26.
  It is needless to say that this is the height of human rights abuses and an unpardonable insult to the dignity of the Korean nation.
  This crime is by no means limited to this area and it is not the first of its kind, either.
  The U.S. imperialists openly commit violence and murder against south Koreans at any place and any time regardless of age and sex.
  Five cases of various crimes are committed by GIs in south Korea on a daily average. The number of the crimes disclosed before the world reaches hundreds of thousands.
  Not a day passes in the U.S. military bases in different parts of south Korea without their crimes.
 Typical examples of them are the incident of forcing hair cutting upon a Korean woman in Tongduchon, the incident of killing Yun Kum I, the mass-killings of Koreans in the U.S. air force base in Songthan and the incident of killing Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son.
  The U.S. military bases and their vicinities are the strongholds of Yankees for committing murder, arson, destruction and plunder, their main attribute, and dens of evils and crimes.
 This goes to prove that the U.S. military bases are nothing but nooses tightening the necks of the south Korean people.
  This being a hard reality, the U.S. made no mention of the dismantlement of the U.S. military bases. Worse still, it is going so foolish as to let the above-said criminal go scot-free from the outset.
  This once again betrays the arrogance of the occupiers behaving as rulers over south Korea, exercising extraterritorial rights.
  All the Koreans clearly remember the fact that the U.S. declared "not guilty" the GIs who mercilessly killed two schoolgirls by driving their armored car over them in broad daylight and whisked them away to the U.S.
  If the U.S. pays no heed to the demand of the south Korean people for taking a strong legal action against the criminal just as it did at that time, this will be a wanton violation of justice and conscience.
 The south Korean people′s misfortune and pain will go on and all the Koreans will not be able to escape disaster and catastrophe unless the U.S. military bases are dismantled. -0-