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Friday 28 October 2011

Warning to Ruin of Capitalism

Warning to Ruin of Capitalism

The struggle against capitalism begun at the Wall Street, Manhattan of the US on September 17 is sweeping over the world.

In south Korea, too, on October 15 as the US protesters set as an “international action day” and called for positive response, fierce struggles took place in different parts of Seoul against poverty, economic inequality and social polarization.

Members of over 400 civic organizations including the Financial Consumers’ Association, the Joint Conference for Restoring the Right of the Financial Consumers, the Center for Supervising Invested Capital and the People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, and workers held a rally in Yoido, home to financial capital. They condemned the privileged rich, less than 1% of the population, which exploit 99% of absolute majority of the people.

The participants noted that there are many students who commit suicide for the registration fee, old people who lost the money they saved in their lifetime due to the crimes of the financial organs and workers who lost their jobs due to the speculative capitalists, and criticized the “government” which should supervise and control the capitalists’ deeds but shields them.

That day in front of the US embassy, members of civic organizations urged US president Obama’ apology and the revision of south Korea-US “Status of Forces Agreement” in regard to the atrocious crimes perpetrated by the US occupation troops in recent days.

On the same day, some 500 people including members of civic organizations and labor circles and students held a rally in front of Deoksu Palace demanding the checking of south Korea-US FTA and the settlement of the registration fee issue and unemployment crisis of young people.

Participants in rallies and demos taken place in different parts of Seoul that day called for struggle in united efforts against the exploitation of greedy capital and staged protest actions chanting such slogans as “Occupy Seoul!”, “We condemn the avarice of financial capital and the social polarization!” and “Money kills people”.

Capitalism based on swindle, lies, hypocrisy, vanity, mammonism, the law of the jungle, individualism and liberty is the root cause of all the misfortune and sufferings and is doomed to ruin for its structural contradiction and social ills.

The society which reflects the human aspirations for independent living and development is the socialist society where the popular masses are master of everything and everything serves them.

Cheongwadae, Foothold of Irregularities and Corruption

Cheongwadae, Foothold of Irregularities and Corruption

With the scandalous cases of irregularities and corruption of the conservative ruling force being disclosed one after another in south Korea, the people's wrath gets higher.

Kim Du-ou, chief secretary for public information in Cheongwadae, was arrested on September 28 for receiving a huge amount of money and bribe from the Busan Savings Bank, former vice-ministers of the Knowledge and Economy Ministry and the Culture, Sports and Tourism Ministry became the target of denunciation from the public for getting graft from the businesses.

Besides, family members and relatives of the current chief executive are ridiculed and censured for their irregularities committed under his patronage.

To make the matter worse, the chief executive was implicated in a scandal when buying a mansion for his family after the retirement, sparking off the public shock.

It was disclosed days ago that under a secret contract between the presidential guard and the chief executive’s family and the owner of the building, the family bought expensive land cheaply by a price 1.3 times than the declared price, and the presidential guard bought cheap land expensively by a price 4 times than the declared price dissipating the state treasure.

In this regard, the political quarters and various circles in south Korea now termed this case as a scandal of misappropriating the state budget by the president, unprecedented in political history, and reprimand him saying “President Lee Myung-bak should shoulder the responsibility for the issue of the Naegok-dong private mansion, stained with all sorts of illegality and filthy expediency”.

The true colors of Cheongwadae, foothold of irregularities and corruption, were brought into a bolder relief after the chief executive’s scandal of buying an enormous lot of land for his private mansion was exposed to the public.

Sky-high is the south Korean people's wrath toward the chief executive and his clan who committed irregularities to satisfy their greed only while lots of people lose their jobs and suicide for snowballing debts and the children’s registration fee.

Stinking junk must be removed cleanly.

Only when the conservative group which persists in committing corruption and decadency, seeking their wealth and prosperity indifferent to the people's miserable living is uprooted as early as possible, is it possible to realize true justice and democracy and eradicate all social evils.

Monday 10 October 2011

S. Korean Authorities′ Fascist Action Flayed

Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea issued its information bulletin No. 982 on Sunday as regards the fact that the south Korean authorities recently imposed jail term on Hwang Kil Gyong.

Hwang, an inhabitant of south Korea, opened an Internet website called Cyber National Defense Command and posted on it articles and animation files praising President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and the DPRK and calling for reunification through alliance with the north.

For this reason he was detained in December last year on the charge of violation of the "National Security Law". At the fascist court trials he expressed his deep reverence for the peerlessly great persons and shouted "Long live the Great General Kim Jong Il!", causing a great sensation in the south Korean society.

Recalling this fact, the information bulletin said:

The south Korean authorities, however, imposed a heavy penalty on him who expressed what was in his mind by invoking the NSL. This is as foolish an act as to cover up the sunshine with palm and an unethical crime of violating faith and conscience.

Today south Korea has turned into the world's biggest grave yard of human rights, a dark society of fascism where the elementary democratic rights, gained by the people at the cost of their blood, were ruthlessly trampled down and no one can express one's will.

The south Korean puppet forces have viciously repressed those yearning after and lauding the dignity and system of the DPRK. This shows clearly once again that they are a group of most wicked separatists and traitors keen on confrontation, a group of those against humanity bereft of human reason.

The more desperately the south Korean ruling conservatives try to swim against the trend of the times and the people's mindset, the bitterer accusations and curses they will face by all the fellow countrymen. -0-

Unabated Resistance Flames

Unabated Resistance Flames

The mass candlelit demos of the south Korean students demanding the reduction of registration fee by half since late March now gains further momentum amid solidarity of different circles.

A people's rally for the reduction of registration fee by half took place at Cheonggye Plaza in Seoul on September 29 under the co-sponsorship of opposition parties and the People's Headquarters for Halved Registration Fee grouping some 700 students, civic and student parents’ organizations. At the rally attended by more than 3,000 students and citizens the participants stressed that the government should take measures to solve the registration fee issue which became insolvable any further.

The South Korean Federation of University Students in the 21st Century asserted in a statement released that day that the “government” should relieve all students who failed to register for not being able to afford the fee, denouncing the regime’s policy for reducing the registration fee as a deceitful one disregarding the people's demand for halved fee.

After the candlelit rally, the participants staged a demo chanting such slogans as “Implement the halved registration fee” and “Don’t kill the students any longer”.

Much perplexed by the fighting enthusiasm of the people the authorities mobilized 6,000-odd policemen of 78 companies to suppress them firing water cannons and arrested some 50 students.

However, the struggle continued to the next day.

On the same day such struggles for halved registration fee also took place all at once in ten-odd areas including Busan, Ulsan, Daegu, Chuncheon and Daejeon.

At present, the students who were out of university for not paying the fee accounted for 26.9% of all students and the students who owe debts are as many as 50.9%.

For the skyrocketing registration fee the students give up studying and undertake drudgery and, even worse, increasing number of students and their parents commit suicide.

So without terminating the anti-popular misrule of the south Korean authorities the registration fee issue cannot be settled.

South Korean students and people will smash the anti-popular policies of the south Korean government with the resistance flames.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Suppression of Workers Flayed in S. Korea

Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- Veterans of the civic and social organizations of south Korea in a press conference in Seoul on October 5 issued a declaration demanding the authorities stop the suppression of the workers in their struggle for the right to existence.

The declaration said:

Kim Jin Suk, dismissed worker of the Hanjin Heavy Industry, has been staging a sit-in for more than 270 days in a crane at the factory.

This is a proof for the present reality in which the workers' life is being pushed to the brink of a cliff.

People are supporting the workers' struggle, exclaiming the dismissal leads to death, but the "government" and the business side have failed to take any step, it deplored.

Instead, the "government", the ruling party and police are cracking down on the workers in their struggle for the right to existence, it said.

It is a unanimous desire of the workers to live in the world free from lay-off and part-time jobs, the declaration said, calling upon all the people to pool their efforts to achieve the labor right.

It urged the authorities to immediately stop the suppression of the workers. -0-

Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- The Confederation of Trade Unions of south Korea held a rally in Seoul on Friday in denunciation of the puppet authorities' crackdown on trade unions.

Speakers condemned the authorities for indiscriminate lay-off and suppression of trade unions.

All the people, pushed to the brink of a cliff in life, are carrying on the struggle against the "government" and capital, they said.

Only solidarity is a way out, they said, declaring that the workers would pool their efforts to continue the struggle to the last without yielding to the repression.

They called for frustrating the present regime's suppression and defending the trade unions. -0-