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Saturday 26 May 2012

Let Us Block Restoration of “Yushin” Dictatorship

Let Us Block Restoration of “Yushin” Dictatorship

The Park Chung-hee military clique grabbed power through a military coup d'etat on May 16, 1961 at the instigation of the US imperialists.
After the seizure of power Park declared anti-communism as the “state policy” and reduced the whole of south Korea into a killing hell and prison without bars through the fascistization of society.
The “Yushin” dictatorship which turned south Korea to a terrible land with the monstrous fascist rule eventually faced a miserable end by the people's stern punishment.
Though more than 30 years have lapsed since then the remnants of the “Yushin” dictatorship are still rampant.
They are advertising so-called “achievements” of the “Yushin government” and running amuck to realize their ambition for power, ignominiously putting up Park Geun-hye, daughter of Park Chung-hee.
The farce to praise the “Yushin” dictator is blatantly staged; the “Park Chung-hee commemoration library” was opened in Seoul, TV series on him are aired, and lots of seminars on him are held lately.
Lurking behind it is a sinister trick of the “Saenuri Party” to enlist the conservative forces so as to regain power through stirring up nostalgia for Park Chung-hee.
The “Saenuri Party” gentries bossed by Park Geun-hye now brand the progressives in south Korea as “pro-north leftists” and “north-following forces” connected with the DPRK, cry out against their ruling, and leave no means untried to win the people's favor on the other hand.
They impute all their crimes to Lee Myung-bak, a living corpse, and trumpet so-called “shake-up” and “change”.
That the “Yushin” remnants bossed by Park Geun-hye unreservedly raise their heads and make desperate effort to seize power sparks off serious concern and bitter anger among various circles in south Korea.
The people from different social standings maintain that the restoration of the “Yushin dictatorship” will only result in returning the history back to the medieval dark era, and stress they should frustrate Park Geun-hye’s ambition for power without fail.
Even the presidential candidates from the ruling “Saenuri Party” strongly denounce the party as a dictatorial system controlled by her, and take the offensive against her saying that if she takes power the people would tremble for fear reminding the “Yushin” dictatorship.
And those opposed to her in the party comment that she is a cold-hearted princess who distances herself from others, difficult to have communications with, and say that she, accustomed to the aristocratic living as a daughter of president since her early years, cannot solve the problem of the people's living.
The execrable history of treason to the nation should not be repeated any longer.
The south Korean people should thoroughly block the ambition for power of Park Geun-hye, the same as traitor Lee Myung-bak who is frenzied in fascist dictatorship and confrontation with fellow countrymen.