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Wednesday 18 September 2013

ONE COREA NETWORK: Converting the DPRK into an Invincible Socialist P...

ONE COREA NETWORK: Converting the DPRK into an Invincible Socialist P...: President Kim Il Sung writes a classic work President Kim Il Sung has face to face talks with peasa...

Plenary Meeting of General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea Held

 Pyongyang, September 18 (KCNA) -- The 74th plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea took place here on Wednesday.
    Present there were members and alternate members of the Central Committee and officials of union organizations in Pyongyang and local areas.
    They discussed the tasks to be carried out by trade union organizations to thoroughly implement the important tasks set forth by supreme leader
Kim Jong Un in his work "Let Us Add Eternal Brilliance to Comrade Kim Jong Il's Great Idea and Achievements of the Songun Revolution".
    Hyon Sang Ju, chairman of Central Committee of the Federation, made a report, to be followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said that Kim Jong Un clarified the sacred Songun revolutionary history and tradition and set forth the tasks and ways for glorifying the revolutionary idea and feats of Generalissimo Kim Jong Il.
    They called for regarding Kim Jong Un's work as important guidelines, glorifying Kim Jong Il's Songun revolutionary idea and feats and contributing to bringing earlier the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche, the cause of Songun. -0-

S. Korean Authorities Accused of Suppressing GEU

Pyongyang, September 18 (KCNA) -- The Government Employees' Union (GEU) of south Korea held a press conference outside the "government" building in Seoul on Sept. 16 in protest against the puppet authorities' crackdown upon the union.
    The speakers accused the "government" and police authorities of committing a search operation against the Kwangju Headquarters of the union on Sept. 10 on the charge of conducting information activities against the Intelligence Service's interference in election.
    This proves that the regime's suppression has gone beyond tolerance limit, an indication of suppression of freedom of speech, they said.
    Declaring that they would never yield to the government's clampdown, they demanded it stop at once its suppression of the GEU.
    They will join civic and social organizations and labor organizations in their strong actions against the regime's illegal suppression of the union, they warned. -0-