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Saturday 30 November 2013

S. Korean Regime Flailed for Moving to Suppress Teachers Union

Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet group of traitors is making desperate efforts to stamp out the Teachers Union.
    Shortly ago, the puppet government deprived the union of its legitimate right, charging that it is granting membership to the teachers who were dismissed for calling for democracy against irregularities and corruption. City and provincial education agencies are taking legal actions against the union and there is continued crackdown on its members in different parts of south Korea.
    The puppet authorities are contemplating sending back to schools at least 70 members who conducted full-time union activities.
    The Jeju Provincial Education Agency dismissed the former senior vice-chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions from the post of teacher on the charge that he spearheaded the general strike of the organization against the import of American beef in 2008.
    The Jonju District Prosecutor's Office arrested and indicted the former unification chairman of the North Jolla Provincial Branch of the union by invoking the ill-famed "Security Law".
    The frantic suppression of the union is a heinous move to justify the revival of the fascist dictatorship and a blatant challenge to the ardent desire and aspiration of the south Korean people for democracy.
    Very clear is the real intention of the Park Geun Hye group when it deprived the union of the legitimate right which the successive regimes had not done for the fear of the public opinion at home and abroad, and set in motion repressive mechanisms to put down the union.
    The union is conducting brisk education activities to bring home to the rising generation the truth about the illegal election by the ruling forces, the reactionary essence of their anachronistic moves to distort history and the miserable aftermath caused by the "yusin" fascist dictatorship.
    Unset by this, the puppet group is trying to remove the stumbling block lying in the way of maintaining power and trample down the democratic forces in south Korea to build the "yusin" dictatorial system. -0-

Friday 22 November 2013

GFTUK Supports S. Korean People's Struggle

Pyongyang, November 22 (KCNA) -- The actions of workers and people of other strata against the south Korean group of traitors' wholesale fascist crackdown upon the progressive democratic forces and its moves to revive "the yusin" dictatorship are now mounting like an active volcano.
    Extremely taken aback by these actions, the puppet group is hurling more than 10 000 police force into brutally cracking down upon participants in peaceful demonstrations with water cannons. But organizations of workers and people of other strata are intensifying their protest actions against this suppression.
    A spokesman for the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea in a statement issued on Friday said that the resistance of the people is an eruption of the pent-up grudge and resentment at the remnants of "yusin" and the Park Geun Hye regime working with blood shot eyes to bring back the most evil era of "yusin" dictatorship to south Korea in total disregard of elementary democratic demands.
    No repressive regimes in south Korea kicked up such indiscriminate repressive campaign against the labor movement and progressive democratic forces to get rid of the worst ruling crisis, bringing to light their true colors as fascist ones as the present conservative regime, the statement said, and went on:
    The south Korean puppet forces have gone desperate in their moves to violate democracy and revive "yusin" dictatorship despite the strong denunciation of the public at home and abroad. This is aimed to nip in the bud progress and democracy in south Korea and thus prop up the pro-U.S. unpopular ruling system and lay a foundation for their long-term office.
    It is shame and disaster for the nation that "yusin" dictatorship is being revived in south Korea though it was sternly punished by the popular masses decades ago.
    The working class in the north will positively support the workers and other people in the south in their sacred struggle for a democratic new society and genuine new life, it stressed. -0-

Monday 4 November 2013

S. Korean Worker Commits Suicide

 Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- A worker of a company under Samsung Electronics of south Korea was found dead in Jiksan township, Chonan City, South Chungchong Province, according to the south Korean paper Hangyore on Nov. 1.
    He opened to public the data laying bare the crimes of the manager of the company some days ago in protest against the company side's worsening maltreatment of the workers.
    Displeased with this, the company side tormented him, putting all sorts of pressure on him. Not content with this, it watched and inspected him under the pretext of "formation of trade union".
    The Samsung Electronics Branch of the Metal Trade Union held that the company side's increased pressure and dire destitution drove the worker to death. -0-

Saturday 2 November 2013

S. Korean Authorities' Moves to Stamp out Jongyojo under Fire

Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet authorities have gone to extremes in their fascist moves to revive the "yusin" dictatorship in south Korea.
A spokesman for the Educational and Cultural Workers' Union of Korea (ECWUK) Saturday made public a statement in this regard.
The statement said:
Some time ago, the puppet Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Ministry of Education took such a tyrannical action as formally depriving the Teachers Union (Jongyojo) of its legitimate status as a trade union under the pretext that it backed the teachers who had been laid-off for conducting just educational activities for democratization of society and kept them affiliated to the union.
According to it, city and provincial offices of education in south Korea started enforcing the "law" to stamp out Jongyojo.
The ECWUK Central Committee denounces the brutal suppression of Jongyojo as an action of suppressing the inviolable democratic education and a hideous fascist action to build "yusin" dictatorial system by eliminating the democratic forces in south Korea.
Jongyojo has made efforts to combat sycophancy towards the U.S. and hostility towards compatriots and achieve social democracy and national unity, conducting education to help the youth and children have a correct view on history and consciousness of reunification after singling out "education for the nation, democracy and humanization" as its programme.
The present chief executive blustered long ago that it is "impossible to leave children to Jongyojo", branding it as "an entity as harmful as a noxious insect". As soon as she took office she kicked off fascist suppression of it to stamp out it.
The Koreans will never pardon the conservative group which suppresses the educators teaching justice and truth and tramples down the inviolable education by enforcing fascist dictatorial rule. The group is bound to meet a shameful fiasco for such outrageous action against the nation and democracy. -0-