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Monday 23 June 2014

DPRK trade unionists denounce US Imperialism


Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Workers and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) held an indignation meeting at the compound of the National House of Class Education on Monday on the occasion of the June 25, the day of struggle against U.S. imperialism.
    Hyon Sang Ju, chairman of the Central Committee of the GFTUK, made a report to be followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said that the U.S. imperialists, the sworn enemies, provoked the brigandish war of aggression on June 25, Juche 39 (1950) and inflicted the monstrous calamities and misfortune on the Korean nation.
    Under the leadership of Generalissimo
Kim Il Sung the servicepersons and people of the DPRK honorably defended the national sovereignty and gains of the revolution and made the U.S. imperialists go downhill for the first time in history, they noted, and went on:
    The U.S. imperialist aggressors have not yet drawn a due lesson from the defeat in the Korean war but imposed unbearable misfortune and pain on the Korean nation, occupying south Korea.
    They called for remaining loyal to the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un and giving fullest play to the heroic stamina of the working class of Songun Korea in reunifying the country and achieving the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche.
    Present at the meeting were officials and members of the GFTUK and workers. -0-

Monday 9 June 2014

KCTU Demands Wage Increase and Guarantee of Right to Existence

  Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) held a meeting in Sejong City on June 5 demanding the authorities settle the wage issue and guarantee the right to existence.
    The KCTU at the meeting said that plutocrats' purses are snowballing while the life of the workers is miserable.
    Nevertheless, the minimum wage committee is mulling cutting down the wages of the workers again, it noted, and continued:
    The settlement of the wage issue is the most urgent one and the least demand of the workers for living as human beings.
    Stressing the need to force Park Geun Hye to fulfill her promise to increase workers' wages, the organization declared it would carry on diverse actions to have the demands of workers met with the current meeting as an occasion.
    Prior to the meeting, the organization held a joint press conference with the Federation of Trade Unions of south Korea at which it held that the settlement of the wage issue is an urgent matter at present when the living of the workers has reached an abject destitution. -0-

Thursday 5 June 2014

South Korea, Kingdom of Crimes

South Korea, Kingdom of Crimes

South Korea, a colony of the US imperialists who is the ringleader of aggression and war, is a living hell and den of crimes where mammonism and the law of jungle hold sway and people cannot live in.

Ever-increasing crimes by the US aggression troops in south Korea
In recent years, crimes by the US aggression troops in south Korea are rapidly increasing.
Last year alone, the US occupation troops committed without letup such crimes as sexually abusing south Korean women in their barracks, metros and lifts, threatening citizens with gun-fire, assaulting them in group and menacing them with deadly weapons, catapulting civilian cars to damage, smuggling drugs via military mails, groundlessly walking away innocent citizens to their bases without agreement with the puppet police, etc.
Such felonious crimes as violence, larceny, drug use, sex abuse, robbery, arson and killing amount to 44% of all crimes committed by them.
South Korean civic organizations including the movement headquarters to eradicate the GIs’ crimes assert that the disclosed criminal cases by the GIs since the US occupation of south Korea in 1945 to the present date would number more than 100,000.
Since Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, diehard pro-US conservatives, took power, crimes by the arrogant US troops began to dramatically increase.
As regards the daily-increasing US crimes, various circles in south Korea stress the need for the reexamination of the presence of the US troops in south Korea for a fundamental solution to their crimes, noting that enormous is the damage the people suffer by those troops.

Immoral south Korea
Maltreatment cases of children beyond imagination occur one after another these days in south Korea.
A man surnamed Jeong, 22, living in Kumi City, North Gyeongsang Province, got frenzied in games while leaving his son, 28 months, unguarded in a vacant house, so he died of hunger.
Worse still, he left the corpse wrapped with a blanket in the balcony after smelling the stink from it, then stealthily discarded it within a plastic bag in a neighboring village for fear of others’ noticing of it. What an egregious crime it is.
Father Kang, 39, living in Cheong-an City, South Chungcheong Province, brought back his daughter, 15, who left home for family discord, cruelly beat her to death with 1 meter-long singlestick and fists but he made a false testimony as if she suicided, denying his crime.
At a high school in Jinju City, South Gyeongsang Province, students perpetrated a shuddering crime of beating two juniors to death for disobedience within 10 days, triggering a big shock in the public.
It is quite natural that in south Korea ruled by murderers who don’t have an iota of qualms after sinking hundreds of young students to death, immoralities and killings are persisting.