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Sunday 12 October 2014

Ever-mounting Struggle against the Regime

Ever-mounting Struggle against the Regime

For probing the truth about the ferry Sewol calamity
On September 27, there took place a big rally at Seoul Plaza demanding the probe of the truth about the ferry Sewol calamity.
Attending it were tens of thousands of people of various circles from across south Korea including the bereaved families, farmers, members of civic organizations and citizens.
Speakers there censured the chief executive for seeking to cover up the truth of the disaster.
Though lots of questions were arouse, nothing was clarified yet, so how can they stop the struggle, they noted.
They asserted that they can never make a safe society without probing the truth so they can never retreat in the struggle for enacting a special law.
They pointed out to the struggle spreading throughout south Korea and called on all the people for the continuing struggle till the truth is probed.
After the rally, the participants launched a demo.

Against the regime’s move to open the rice market
The National Federation of Peasants Associations and other farmers’ organizations in south Korea held a rally in Seoul on September 27 denouncing the puppet regime’s move to open the rice market.
They criticized the regime saying that the total opening of rice market is little short of renouncing agriculture.
They asserted that the regime claims it would protect agriculture with high tariff, but it cannot withstand the pressures from foreign countries.
They stressed they would turn out in the struggle to check the opening of rice market in order to defend the food sovereignty and the right to existence.
Prior to this, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions called a press conference in Seoul on September 24 in which it announced a worker-peasant solidarity struggle to check the regime’s move for opening the rice market.
Meanwhile, farmers in Gwangju, South Jeolla Province and other parts launched struggles against the puppet regime’s move to open the rice market.

Workers’ struggle
On September 25, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions clarified that it would wage the struggle against the regime’s anti-people misrule.
It claimed that it would fix the institution of a special law on the ferry Sewol calamity and gaining the rights to existence and labor as the key aims for the present.
It noted that it would conduct, in particular, an all-people struggle on November 1, the 200th day since the Sewol disaster.
It stressed it would also launch large-scale struggles to frustrate the privatization of medical service and the revision of public servants’ pensions

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Oratorical Meeting Held by Trade Union Officials, Members

Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- An oratorical meeting was held by officials and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea at the Central Hall of Workers on Wednesday to celebrate the 17th anniversary of leader
Kim Jong Il's election as general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the 69th founding anniversary of the glorious WPK.
    Nam Chun Bin, chairman of the primary organization of the federation of Pyongyang Railway Station, in an oratory "Strong Roots" eulogized the greatness of President Kim Il Sung who accomplished the historic cause of the party founding without delay in the liberated country on the basis of party building successes and experience gained in the flames of the hard-fought anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.
    In an oratory "Undying Feats" Ro Man Gi, worker of the February 8 Jikdong Youth Coal Mine, highly praised Kim Jong Il for building the WPK into the party of Kim Il Sung and a genuine mother party which takes care of the destiny of the popular masses in a responsible manner.
    In oratories "Great Defender" and "Korean Speed" Won Kyong Ok, trade union explainer of the Mangyongdae Revolutionary Museum, and Ryu Chang Sun, trade union lecturer of the Pyongyang Railway Maintenance Team, said that Marshal Kim Jong Un is arousing the Korean people to create the Korean speed startling the world people while preserving and carrying forward the revolutionary traditions of the WPK.
    In an oratory "We Know Nobody but You" Kim Un Jong, trade union lecturer of the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex, vowed to carry forward and accomplish the cause of Mt. Paektu under the leadership of the party just as the first and second generations of the revolution did to feature the grim road of the revolution with victory and glory under the leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. -0-