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Saturday 23 May 2015

The Park regime in a predicament

The Park Geun-hye regime, that took power through fraudulent election and has engrossed in fascist dictatorship and treachery, finds itself in a tight corner. 
The south Korean prime minister, a main target of Song Wan-jeong case, resigned his post and current governor of south Gyeongsang Province, who squeezed a hundred million money from Song, is under intensive investigation of the south Korean Prosecution Service.  
The Song case excited illegal fund of the “presidential election” held in 2012.
From October to November in 2012 when the 18th “presidential election” entered the critical stage, the Gyeongnam Business Group headed by Song handed over hundreds of million cash to the election measure committee of the present chief executive. 
In particular, the fact that the note left by Song were listed with names of some persons of the then presidential measure committee presume a colossal amount of money was spent for the “presidential election.”
In this regard, the south Korean mass media asserted the Prosecution Service’s investigation should focus on illegal fun of the “presidential election” of the present chief executive.
As the 18th “presidential election” was branded as a fraudulent election, if the fund of the “presidential election” is made public by the Song’s case, the result would lead to a complete destruction of the present regime. 
The ruling Saenuri Party set up illegal offices for the “presidential election” in 2012 at 12 officetel to launch illegal SNS activities and make fund, a south Korean Sisa Journal exposed on May 10. 
In this connection, the opposition parties including the Alliance for New Politics and Democracy and various circles urged the Blue House and the ruling Saenuri Party to accept the special investigation, denouncing it is unimaginable large-scale illegal act.
Now the south Korean public sentiment commented the Song Wan-jeong case would be the worst crisis insoluble for the Park regime.
The south Korean people are crying for the resignation of the present conservative ruling quarters.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

S. Korean Workers Commit Suicides

    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- Nowadays workers, unable to bear sufferings due to crackdown on trade unions, discrimination against part-timers and layoff, are committing suicides one after another in south Korea.
    The chief of a branch of the Kwangju-South Jolla Provincial Chapter of the Metal Workers Trade Union hung himself to death on a hillock near his house on May 10.
    In his note he asked his co-workers to fight to the bitter end to have the discharged workers reinstated and part-time jobs turned into full-time ones and put an end to the firing of workers.
    The former chief of a branch of the Kyonggi Provincial Chapter of the Metal Workers Trade Union also hung himself to death in a mountain on May 11.
    Earlier a worker of a Pusan joint brewage company committed suicide in his house on May 7. -0

Friday 8 May 2015

Spokesman for GFTUK Central Committee Denounces S. Korean Puppet Group's Human Rights Abuses

 Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea Friday issued a statement denouncing the south Korean puppet group for its brutal crackdown upon workers' large-scale rallies and demonstrations.
    The statement went on:
    The puppet group of gangsters cruelly beat workers and arrested them, far from congratulating them on May Day, stunning the world people.
    The GFTUK Central Committee brands its fascist crackdown as heinous human rights abuses and unpardonable challenge to justice and democracy and vehemently denounces them on behalf of all workers in the northern half of Korea.
    The puppet regime has turned south Korea into a veritable hell and a tundra of human rights. It is, therefore, the height of impudence for it to pull up the DPRK over its "human rights issue."
    The recent May Day rallies were a clear manifestation of the pent-up grudge and resentment of the people from all walks of life including workers at the authorities' unbearable unpopular rule.
    With neither high-handed actions nor suppression can the south Korean regime arrest the just struggles of the workers to have their vital rights guaranteed.
    If the regime continues resorting to fascist crackdown upon the just actions of people from all walks of life, refusing to face up to the mind-set of the angry public and the trend of the times, it will surely meet its doom.
    All workers in the northern half of Korea will positively support the workers and other people of south Korea in their just actions for democratic freedom and the right to existence against the unpopular policies and fascist rule of the regime. -0-

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Action for Genuine Life

Action for Genuine Life
Large-scale anti-"government" actions of labor circle were staged in south Korea on May Day, marking the 125th anniversary.
The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a rally on May 1 at Seoul Square putting up slogan "End to Park Geun-hye".
A protest against misrule of the Park regime
It was attended by at least 50 000 workers under the confederation and more than 200 bereaved family members of the ferry Sewol disaster.
Speakers at the meeting said that the workers get the minimum standard cost of living and suffer all kinds of grinding toil in poor working condition.
End to Park Geun-hye!
Han Sang-gyun, chairman of the confederation, declared it would fight to put an end to the Park corrupt regime, not yielding to any threat.
He stressed they would continue the general strike in May and June.
At the end of the rally the participants staged demonstrations.
The south Korean riot police barricaded the road with their vehicles, sprayed tear gas and water on the demonstrators and took many people to the police station.
Meanwhile, there took place a rally in Youido, Seoul denouncing the puppet authorities for retrogressively revising the structure of labor market with at least 120 000 workers under the Federation of Trade Unions attending.
The south Korean riot police spray tear gas on the workers
Speakers deplored that the reality of south Korea is becoming more disastrous and miserable owing to unemployment and financial crisis during two-year-long Park regime’s rule and there is neither hope nor future.
They said that they would stop the authorities’ move to retrogressively revise the structure of labor market through the June general strike.
That day members of the Government Employees Union staged a strike in Seoul in protest against the Park group's moves to retrogressively revise pension for government employees.