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Saturday 25 July 2015

Park Geun Hye Accused of Her Reckless Tongue-lashing

Pyongyang, July 25 (KCNA) -- The Joint National Organization of Working People of the DPRK released a statement on Saturday denouncing south Korean Park Geun Hye's ceaseless reckless tongue-lashing against the DPRK.
    The DPRK has seriously advised and warned Park Geun Hye of her reckless tongue-lashing, terming it a source of trouble for the nation, the statement said, adding:
    However, Park has not yet come to reason but is still keen on letting loose invectives against the DPRK.
    Reprimanding her once again for the wrong way of thinking she had when she was foul-tongued on July 20 as she is politically illiterate, ignorant of even common knowledge, the statement went on:
    Park talked rubbish that the "biggest hurdle" lying in the way of achieving peace and stability on the Korean peninsula is the "north's nukes."
    Park, however, should know what the real hurdle is.
    In a nutshell, the actual stumbling block is the U.S. and her group blindly following it, not the DPRK's nukes.
    She should bear in mind that peace on the Korean peninsula is harassed by the U.S. moves for aggression and war and stability there is disturbed by the confrontation and hostility being incited by her and her group of traitors moving according to her skirt swishing.
    Ridiculing her claim that the DPRK is "developing nuclear weapons in disregard of the living of its citizens", pursuant to the line of developing the two fronts simultaneously, the statement urged her to be well aware of the weighty significance of the DPRK's line, to begin with.
    The line is the wisest choice to foil the U.S. and its followers' desperate moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and promote wellbeing of the people and accelerate the building of a thriving nation, it noted, and went on:
    The DPRK's nukes protect its people's destiny from the constant moves of the U.S. and its stooges for aggression and nuclear war and huge funds for building of conventional force go to the improvement of the people's living standard. This is the essence of the above-said line.
    The people of the DPRK enjoy all social benefits given by the state -- free education, free healthcare and provision of houses.
    She is bound to feel ashamed as she would get to know that the national incomes advertised by her regime and the U.S. is no more than petty ones when they are compared with the social benefits in the DPRK.
    Park was so impudent as to say that her regime would "actively support the economic development" in the DPRK by "cooperating with the international community" if it makes a strategic decision to "dismantle its nukes."
    The people of the DPRK have dynamically advanced along the road of prosperity by their own efforts.
    Park, seized with sycophancy toward the U.S., had better concern herself about the crippled economy of south Korea that depends on the U.S.
    She claimed the "unification" pursued by her is "the ultimate solution" in an effort to mislead the public opinion by creating impression that such complicated issues as "nukes, human rights and provocation" were spawned by the DPRK. She had better drop such a pipe dream.
    The issues that should be settled are neither the issue of the DPRK's nukes, a treasured sword common to the nation, nor the "human rights issue" which can never exist in its popular masses-centred society.
    What should be halted urgently is the U.S. nuclear blackmail and threat against the DPRK, human rights abuses in south Korea, a human rights tundra where fascist dictatorship is rampant, and all the political and military provocations being perpetrated every day by the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet military warmongers against the DPRK.
    Park once again self-exposed through her reckless remarks that she is no more than a hideous confrontation maniac rare to be found in the world. Park is doomed to ruin like her father who met a miserable death as he betrayed the nation. -0-

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Against the Labour Policy

On July 4, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the Federation of Korean Trade Unions waged anti-government struggle in protest against the south Korean authorities’ policy against the workers.
About 35 000 manufacturing, public and financial workers of the trade unions participated.
Nearly 20 000 manufacturing workers of Joint Struggle Headquarters held a rally at the plaza of the Seoul Station and declared joint general strike.
The retrogressive revision of wage system and employment condition by the south Korean “government” is for the expansion of part-time job and mass dismissal, they noted in the joint statement.
They insisted that the “government” should accept their demands such as reduction of working hours and wage increase and also stop the revision of labor market structure.
They declared that there would be general strike of manufacturing workers against the revision of labor market structure on July 22 and simultaneous rallies of all branches throughout south Korea.
At the end of the rally they marched, shouting slogans “Punish Park Dictatorship!”, “Check the Revision of Labor Market Structure!”

Meanwhile, 15 000 public and financial workers of Joint Struggle Headquarters held a rally in Seoul in demand of stopping the revision of labor market structure and privatization of the public.
Holding slogans written “General Strike! Punish Park Geun-hye!”, “Achieve Basic Labor Right”, they condemned the Park regime who has made desperate bid to realize anti-workers policy.
They insisted that the south Korean authorities are forcing only dismissal and intensive work without wage increase and are depriving the trade unions of rights to negotiate.

In essence, the “Normalization of Public Institution” and “Reforms in the Financial System” advertised by the “government” are aimed at turning the public institutions into moneymaking means, they denounced.
Asserting that the authorities, who have spent tremendous money on the “Four Major Rivers Restoration Project”, are scheming to place the responsibility of it on the public workers, they appealed to the workers to launch the struggle against the anti-workers policy such as privatization of the public.
At the end of the rally, the workers marched to Cheonggye Square. (4)

Friday 3 July 2015

Trade Union Members Swear Allegiance

Taean, July 2 (KCNA) -- There took place an oath-taking of workers and trade union members before the statue of President Kim Il Sung in Taean District, Nampho City on Thursday in commemoration of the 21st anniversary of his demise.
    Present there were Ri Il Hwan, department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials of the trade union, workers and other trade union members.
    The participants laid a floral basket and bouquets before the statue of the President and paid tribute to him.
    A letter of pledge was read out at the meeting.
    It called for holding the President in high esteem as the sun of Juche, eternal leader of the revolution and glorifying his revolutionary life and exploits down through generations. -0-