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Sunday 20 September 2015

KCTU Declares General Strike

Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) held a rally in Kyonggi Province on Sept. 17 at which it declared to launch a general strike against the authorities' moves for retrogressively revise labor market structure, according to Chamsesang, an internet paper of south Korea.
The organization condemned the "government" for pushing forward the retrogressive revision of the labor market structure under the plea of the "labor reform".
In order to check this, the workers across south Korea should launch a powerful general strike all at once, it held.
It noted that the KCTU will fight together with the people in protest against the authorities' move to kill workers. -0
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S. Korean Authorities Slammed for Trying to Railroad "Bill on Human Rights in North" through "National Assembly"

    Pyongyang, September 19 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea in a statement Saturday denounced the south Korean authorities for trying to railroad the "bill on human rights in the north" through the "National Assembly."
    Such move is a heinous confrontation racket prompted by a sinister political purpose to bring down the workers' world of the DPRK, the spokesman said, and went on:
    There can be no "human rights issue" in the DPRK where everything serves the working people and which gives top priority to the wishes and interests of the people, regards them as absolute and realizes all their dreams and ideal on the highest level.
    The south Korean authorities should set right the human rights issue of south Korea, the veritable hell of the working people, before talking about "human rights" of someone.
    South Korean workers and other people are being driven into suicide, denied even elementary right to existence under the worst working condition, subject to unemployment and poverty, to say nothing of political freedom and right.
    It is nonsense and height of shamelessness for such human rights abusers to talk about "human rights" of someone.
    The south Korean authorities' moves to make the "bill on human rights in the north" a law is a revelation of their base and vicious intention to cover up their unpopular rule and poor human rights performance and suppress and block the mass struggle of the workers to protect their human rights.
    They should stop running riot, clearly understanding the spirit and stamina of the workers of the DPRK who never pardon those who dare slander and hurt the dignity and social system of the DPRK and try to destroy its cradle of creation and happiness. -0-

Thursday 17 September 2015

S. Korean Workers Demand Stop to Retrogressive Revision of Labor Market Structure

 Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- South Korean workers in the public field of south Korea including those of the public transport trade union, public health and medical service trade union and financial trade union held a rally in Seoul on Sept. 12 in protest against the authorities' moves for the retrogressive revision of the labor market structure.
    They accused the present regime of unilaterally pressing for the retrogressive revision aimed at easy lay-off, cut-down of wages and expansion of part-time jobs.
    They urged the need to reform big businesses before the reform of the labor market structure, saying the diversion of even some of fund possessed by the big businesses at present will create lots of jobs.
    If the big businesses and the "government" continue to move to retrogressively reform the labor market, workers will launch a general strike against them, they warned. -0-