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Monday 29 February 2016

Rejected Draconian Labor Law

 Recently,  the feud between the various political forces on the Park regimes 5-point bill for labor reform is being intensified and the anti-government struggle of south Korean workers is on a high tide against the anti-popular misgovernment of the conservatives.
The bill proposed by the present chief executive is an evil law to increase the part-time workers. If the bill passes through the parliament, business groups easily fire the workers and pay the minimum wages.
For instance, the Labor Standard Act provides that the enterprisers are able to reduce the wages of the workers on some unreasonable pretexts or other. And the other doubles the part-time workers period of employment from 2 years to 4 years so that they are more difficult to be full-time workers.
Also, the bill makes the returnees who worked abroad at low wages as the part-time workers.
In a word, the bill is to sacrifice the workers rights to live for the interests of the business tycoons.
The various trade unions such as the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the Federation of Korean Trade Unions and civic organizations of south Korea are carrying on a vigorous struggle against the conservatives retrogressive revision of the labor law.
Since January 25, the KCTU has gone on a general strike to smash the conservatives scheme. On February 2, the KCTU and the FKTU had a joint press conference to denounce the authorities two principles for the bill.
They would go on a struggle jointly to crush the plot to pass the bill, they noted.
With the general election is near at hand, the south Korean workers and people harden their determination to give a stern punishment to the authorities against the peoples intention and demand.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Crucial Statement of KPA Supreme Command

Crucial Statement of KPA Supreme Command

 Pyongyang, February 23 (KCNA) -- The Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army (KPA) issued the following crucial statement on Tuesday:
    The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces are making desperate efforts after being taken aback by the first successful H-bomb test of Juche Korea and its successful launch of earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4.
    As the hysteric farce for adopting resolutions on "sanctions" at the UN, madcap military moves for stifling the DPRK with all type nuclear weapons and all unprecedented "options" against the DPRK could not break the will of the DPRK, the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces have now turned to their last gambling.
    That is the "collapse of social system" through "beheading operation" targeting the supreme headquarters of the DPRK.
    The U.S. imperialist aggression forces' nuclear-powered submarine North Carolina has already entered Pusan Port, F-22A Stealth fighter-bombers have been deployed in the Osan air force base and special operation troops of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces are finding their way to south Korea one after another to get involved in the operation.
    The first special warfare corps of the U.S. Army, 75th commando regiment, special commando regiment of the U.S. marines, 720th special tactics corps of the U.S. air force, special warfare team Seal and other special operation troops have already been deployed in fields. Their operation missions are to strike major strategic targets including the supreme headquarters and nuclear and strategic rocket force bases of the DPRK in wartime.
    Never has there been such a time as now when almost all the special operation troops of the ground force, navy, marines and air force of the U.S. that earned an ill fame in the past overseas aggression wars, and the aggression troops that go operational for the so-called "high-density strike" have found their way to south Korea all at once.
    The U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces openly bluster that they will examine the feasibility of the combined "beheading operation", a key program of new OPLAN 5015, and the "removal operation" of nuclear and strategic rocket forces of the DPRK at the upcoming Key Resolve, Foal Eagle 16 joint military exercises.
    The "beheading operation" touted by the enemies means a preemptive strike for "removing in advance the one empowered with the mandate of order" to deter the "use" of the nuclear and strategic rockets of the DPRK.
    Gravity of the situation is that the south Korean puppet forces are frantically joining the gangster-like U.S. in the implementation of "beheading operation," not content with introducing nuclear war means of the U.S. into south Korea to kill the compatriots in the north.
    The above-said "beheading operation" and the moves to "bring down the social system in the DPRK" are the height of hostile acts against it.
    The service personnel and people of the DPRK regard the supreme headquarters of our revolution as dearer than their own lives.
    All the service personnel and people of the DPRK are ready to immediately and mercilessly punish without slightest leniency, tolerance and patience anyone provoking the dignified supreme headquarters even a bit.
    The Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army clarifies the following principled stand reflecting the will of all the angry service personnel and people to take a thousand-fold revenge upon the enemies in view of the situation that has reached the dangerous phase which can never be overlooked any longer:
    From this moment all the powerful strategic and tactical strike means of our revolutionary armed forces will go into preemptive and just operation to beat back the enemy forces to the last man if there is a slight sign of their special operation forces and equipment moving to carry out the so-called "beheading operation" and "high-density strike."
    Our primary target is the Chongwadae, the centre for hatching plots for confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north, and reactionary ruling machines.
    The Park Geun Hye group of traitors has long been disqualified to live in this land as it has recklessly introduced nuclear war means of its U.S. master to bring a nuclear disaster to this land, desperately decrying the DPRK's nuclear deterrent and successes made in space development, treasures common to the Korean nation.
    The group will have to pay a very high price for its high treason to get the sun eclipsed and destroy the cradle of our life.
    If the enemies persist in their foolish military action, failing to come to their senses despite the DPRK's crucial warnings, the DPRK will stage the second striking operation to totally eliminate its very source.
    The U.S. imperialist aggressor forces' bases for invading the DPRK in the Asia-Pacific region and the U.S. mainland are its second striking target.
    The Korean-style striking operation which has been in the making for several decades for the final battle against the U.S. imperialists, robbers, will be an unimaginable retaliation war and reduce the cesspool of all evils to ashes never to rise again on our planet.
    They should bear this in mind.
    The DPRK is possessed of the most powerful and ultra-modern strike means in the world which are capable of dealing fatal blows at the U.S. mainland any moment and in any place.
    There is no need for the DPRK to keep secret about its military capabilities for which it has exerted all efforts to fight decisive battles with the U.S. for more than half a century.
    The U.S. is fated to be punished and perish in the flames due to the DPRK's deadly strikes.
    The doom of the U.S. has been sealed.
    Its strongholds for aggression are within the range of the DPRK's strikes and its weaponry is ready to open fire.
    The U.S. and south Korean puppet forces would be well advised to make the final choice: Whether they are to face merciless punishment or opt for making apology, though belatedly, and putting the situation under control.
    Nothing is more foolish and reckless than trying to make the sun sink.
    The DPRK's service personnel and people who are like manifold fortresses protecting the supreme headquarters of the revolution will mercilessly frustrate any provocation of the hostile forces and dash forward more dynamically for the final victory of the great Paektusan nation. -0

Sunday 14 February 2016

Actions against Retrogressive Revision of Labor Law

South Korean workers take to the streets to defend their rights to live in bitter cold unprecedented in this year.
In recent, south Korean workers dissatisfaction with the government are growing higher as south Korea suffers political volatility and social chaos.
Upset by this, Park Geun-hye released a statement and threatened the national assembly and opposition party to bull through a bill on labor reform and admonished the workers to share pains and cooperate.
Revitalization of economy and economic reform advertised by the south Korean authorities are sheer sophism to enrich the conglomerate but left millions on the poverty line.
Some days ago, the Federation of Korean Trade Unions proclaimed the abrogation of agreement with workers, business and government and suspension of dialogue in protest against the south Korean authorities that have made desperate bid to ram through a bill on retrogressive revision of the labor law through the national assembly, regardless of the workers intention.
The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions opened an emergency meeting on Jan. 22 in protest against the authorities' announcement of the guidelines for the retrogressive revision of the labor law and decided to launch an indefinite general strike from Jan. 25
The KCTU opened a rally to declare a general strike in Seoul Plaza on Jan 23 in which it said that the south Korean authorities double guidelines for the retrogressive revision of the labor law is made to let the business groups to dismissal and wage cut.
The KCTU asserted the current regimes economic policy advocating for the business tycoons met failure and continued that the government and business groups are going to pass the buck for the economic slump to the workers and common people. More than 5 000 unionists took part in the rally.
The FKTU decided to hold a meeting to discuss the guidelines on Jan. 25.
The south Korean authorities branded the KCTUs general strike as an illegal and said it would crack down on it.

Friday 5 February 2016

New Party against Capitalists' Suppression and Plunder Organized in S. Korea

Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The Workers' Party for Reforming Society was inaugurated in Seoul on Jan. 31, according to the south Korean internet paper Chamsesang.
A declaration was read out at the inaugural meeting.
It said that capital's wriggling threatens the lives of workers and the reactionary policy sweeps across the land of south Korea and workers are subject to discrimination and exclusion.
Noting that the Workers' Party for Reforming Society was inaugurated for carrying forward the tradition of the working class which has struggled against the capitalists' suppression and plunder, it stressed that the party would struggle for building society free from lay-off and part-time jobs and which guarantees the right to labor, well-being and democracy.
It said that the party would boost an urgent struggle for taking back the funds from the business giants and launch a workers' general strike for defending the people's right to existence. -0