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Tuesday 29 March 2016

Inexorably condemn Park Geun-hye and the ruling Saenuri Party going against public sentiment

Inexorably condemn Park Geun-hye and the ruling Saenuri Party going against public sentiment

Action slogans on the 20th general election
Dear fellow countrymen!
Sternly punish Park Geun-hye and the Saenuri Party, the heinous enemy of democracy, nation and people through ballot!
Turn the peoples pent-up indignation at the Park regime into a stern judgment of the Saenuri Party!
Take a vote to make Park hell-bent on the revival of yusin dictatorship as a living political corpse and put an end to the ruling conservatives life!
There are no hope of a new politics and life speaking for the public sentiment as long as the conservative ruling quarters remain in the saddle.  
Overthrow the old political landscape by inflicting a disastrous defeat upon the Saenuri Party!
Knock the Saenuri Party, the minion of the Park regime clinging to the policy against the people, democracy and reunification!
Dont be taken in by Park who broke her presidential commitments and settle accounts it with punishment of the Saenuri Party.
Overthrow the political landscape through an active poll!
Cast ballots against the Saenuri Party killing 99 percent of people for the sake of 1 percent of conglomerate!
Women voters should ostracize Park and her henchman the Saenuri Party violating womans beauty and ideal.
Do away with Park and the Saenuri Party scheming to liquidate the progressive forces under the pretext of following the north in the name of the nation!
Put an end to the pro-US conservative regime by turning the approaching general election into a nationwide action against the US!
Eradicate Park and the Saenuri Party, faithful stooges to Washington and tyrant to the people!
Make all the polling booths into the theaters of denouncing capital crimes of Park and the Saenuri Party.
Check the Uncle Sams foxy interference in the election!
Cast ballots for the candidates who value the June 15 Joint Declaration and the October 4 Declaration and advocate inter-Korean reconciliation, cooperation and peace!
Success in the election depends on cohesion and single candidacy.
Do not weep with disunion but make the cheerful laughter after winning the election in unity.
Make the forthcoming election into a platform for punishing the Saenuri Party through the ballot! 
Propaganda Department of the AINDF Central Committee
March 24, 2016

Saturday 26 March 2016

Spokesman for C.C., GFTUK Assails U.S. and S. Korean Authorities' Reckless Moves

 Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) in a statement on Saturday vehemently condemned on behalf of all the workers the U.S. imperialists and the Park Geun Hye group of traitors of south Korea for their heinous moves to get the sun eclipsed, not content with running amuck in the reckless moves to invade the DPRK.
    The statement said:
    If the enemies ignite a war, the DPRK's working class will join the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army in the battle to blow up the den of the Park's regime, liberate the southern part of Korea and build a new society for the working people there, tightly holding arms of the revolution instead of hammer.
    The world will see how the service personnel and people of the DPRK including the working class firmly rallied behind the outstanding Songun brilliant commander punish the provocateurs who have committed the shuddering acts against the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and win the final victory in the confrontation with the U.S. and a great war for national reunification.
    The U.S. imperialists, the sworn enemy, and the Park Geun Hye group of traitors will pay a dear price for the high treason committed against the Korean people. -0-

Friday 4 March 2016

Park Geun Hye Jeered as Cheap Pro-American Parrot

  Pyongyang, March 4 (KCNA) -- Kim Un Gyong, bird raiser at a zoo in the DPRK, released an article titled "Matchlessly cheap parrot bred by America".
    In the article Kim said Park Geun Hye cannot but be likened to a die-hard pro-American parrot.
    Reminding the readers of how Park went hurry-scurry, being shocked by the loud blast of the first H-bomb conducted by her fellow countrymen and the launch of earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4, Kim called Park a parrot.
    The article continued:
    Making a speech at the "National Assembly" in mid February she repeated even 12 times the anti-DPRK phrases "collapse of social system" and "isolation and blockade."
    She always echoes her American master's assertions, being deprived of her thinking faculty for understanding the reality.
    The U.S. announced "super-tough additional sanctions against the north" on Jan. 12 and Feb. 11, taking issue with the DPRK's H-bomb test and satellite launch.
    After quickly echoing the intentions of her master, Park began reeling off a whole string of jargons in public appearance.
    When she flew into America, she read through the speech written by her U.S. master.
    She obeys the Yankees, the sworn enemy of the Korean people, but spouts vituperations and violent remarks full of jealousy, hostility and confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north.
    She is the wickedest woman who makes reckless remarks which her U.S. master dares not spout for fear of world criticism.
    She is nothing but a poor and stupid parrot of the U.S. in human skin as she does not know her persistent tongue-lashing would only precipitate her doom.
    Parrots in aviaries of the zoo please visitors for parroting nice words but Park does everything evil. It is, therefore, the unanimous demand of the people that she be finished off at once as she is a devil inciting confrontation and war to drive the whole Korean nation into uneasiness and fear.
    The doom of Park, the traitor without an equal in the world, is rapidly drawing nearer, concluded the article. -0-

KCNA Commentary Accuses S. Korean Chief Executive of Her Reckless Remarks

Pyongyang, March 4 (KCNA) -- Chief executive of south Korea Park Geun Hye, addressing an event commemorating the anniversary of the March 1st movement, described the March 1st movement as a historic event in which the Korean people pooled efforts to take back the usurped country and talked nonsense that this spirit helped build an "independent and prosperous" south Korea. In her address she did not forget to slander the DPRK as a "provocateur".
    In a word, what she uttered was nothing but shameless and sheer sophism.
    The flurry of jargons spouted by her even at the event commemorating the anniversary of the March First Popular Uprising which recorded a glorious chapter in the history of the Koreans' struggle for national liberation was a challenge to the sacred national history of the struggle for protecting sovereignty.
    The March First Popular Uprising was a nationwide resistance against the Japanese imperialists in which the Koreans turned out as one to win back the dignity of the nation and sovereignty usurped by the ferocious Japanese imperialists.
    Through this heroic resistance, the Korean people powerfully demonstrated before the whole world that the Korean nation had a high sense of independence as it was possessed of the indomitable spirit and warm patriotism of risking any sacrifice for the sovereignty of the country.
    Had Park been a woman with an elementary thinking power and face, she should have kept mum and looked back upon her miserable position and the crimes committed by her group against the nation.
    South Korea is not a society with "freedom and prosperity" as claimed by her but a colonial and corrupt one increasingly depending on the U.S. master in political, economic and military aspects.
    In recent years the south Korean puppet group has concealed and overlooked the fact that the U.S. imperialists have conducted dangerous germ warfare experiments after introducing pest, botulinus and toxic germs into south Korea dozens of times.
    When the U.S. criminal scenario for germ warfare was disclosed by media, sparking criticism from the Korean nation and the world, she perpetrated such act of treachery as describing it as a "meaningful project" before the U.S. master.
    She brought about a series of changes in the "economic policy" and spent a huge amount of money to save the economy from bankruptcy caused by the U.S. colonial policy, but they proved counter-productive. They did not help increase household income. Household debt jumped to 1 200 trillion won.
    Due to the extremely tense situation caused by the ceaseless nuclear war drills with the U.S., south Korea's export-oriented industry is in the doldrums, putting economy on the verge of bankruptcy.
    In recent days Park was upbeat over her master's commitment to deploying THAAD in south Korea but she is now running helter-skelter as the situation turned unfavorable to her.
    South Korea has never exercised a sovereign right for several decades since the liberation of Korea from the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule. It is a political caricature for this poor colonial slave to talk about "freedom and prosperity."
    Her shameless rigmarole about "freedom and prosperity" is nothing but a third-rate trick to embellish the miserable reality of south Korea where nothing has changed for the better in the past three years of her office and calm down the angry public by hurling mud at the compatriots in the north and mislead public opinion to prolong her dirty remaining days.
    With no rhetoric can the puppet group of south Korea cover up and justify their unpardonable acts of treachery.
    Running high is the resentment of the nation at the Park group.
    The traitors are fated to face a stern punishment by history. -0