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Friday 29 July 2016

Trade Union Officials Tour Revolutionary Battle Sites in Area of Mt. Paektu

    Pyongyang, July 29 (KCNA) -- Officials and primary information officials of the trade unions toured the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu from July 20 to 28 on the 63rd anniversary of the victory of the Korean people in the great Fatherland Liberation War.
    They laid floral baskets and bouquets before the statues of President Kim Il Sung at the Monument to the Victorious Battle of Pochonbo, Pochonbo Revolutionary Battle Site, Chongbong Bivouac, Monument to the Victorious Battle in the Musan Area and at the shore of Lake Samji and before the mosaic depicting the three commanders of Mt. Paektu at leader
Kim Jong Il's birthplace in the Paektusan Secret Camp before paying tribute to them.
    At Pochonbo they went round the then command post of the Battle of Pochonbo, police sub-station and subcounty office.
    At Chongbong Bivouac they looked round revolutionary historical relics associated with the traces left by Kim Il Sung on his way to the homeland.
    While going round the groups of subsidiary theme sculptures at the Samjiyon Grand Monument and revolutionary historical relics at the shore of Lake Samji against the background of Mt. Paektu, they learned about revolutionary exploits of Kim Il Sung and the anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners' spirit of devotedly defending the leader and patriotism.
    They also visited the Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station and toured the revolutionary battle site in Sinsadong and the Monument to the Victorious Battle in the Musan Area.
    They climbed Mt. Paektu, where they hardened their will to glorify for all ages the exploits of the great leaders and accomplish the cause of the Juche revolution under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    They visited the Paektusan Secret Camp and held an oath-taking meeting in front of Kim Jong Il's birthplace.
    During the tour they held various political and cultural events like meeting to hear impressions of the reminiscences of anti-Japanese guerrillas read by them, poem-reciting and sports and amusement games. -0-

Thursday 28 July 2016

Workers’ drive against retrogressive labour reform

South Korean workers’ action against the south Korean authorities’ retrogressive labor reform is fiercer.  
The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) entered into a large-scale general strike across south Korea on July 20
The workers staged general strike at more than 250 worksites in 14 areas demanding the abrogation of anti-worker policy, stop to suppression of the KCTU, stop to restructuring sacrificing workers, wage-hike and ensuring of the rights of part-time workers, teachers and government employees.
The KCTU held a rally for the general strike with attendance of over 11 000 workers in Seoul. The acting chairman of the KCTU said that the government and capitalists branded the general strike as an illegal and egoistic and asked back that who take an illegal act and drive the part-timers to death.   
The business groups are discharging the workers by enforcing the labor restructuring and suppressing righteous trade unions activities, and neglecting to take appropriate measures when the part-timers are killed or wounded by accident, he noted.  
The chairman of trade unions of public transportation warned that unless the piecework system aiming at mass dismissal is withdrawn until September 27, the workers of the key industries and public sectors would launch an indefinite general strike.
They went to the building of the national assembly to hold another rally.
They poured out their hearts that a high-ranking public official defiled the popular masses as dog and pig. They branded the high-ranking bureaucrats of the "government" and the police, servants of the power, as dogs barking at their owners and the plutocrats as pigs as they betray even the people to meet their interests.
The righteous action of south Korean workers, who want to lead a life worthy of man, would keep a vigorous progress.  

Thursday 21 July 2016

Seventh Congress of GFTUK to Be Convened

Hyesan, July 20 (KCNA) -- Officials of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) and primary information workers started the study tour of revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu on the 63rd anniversary of the great victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.
    A kick-off meeting was held before the Monument to the Victorious Battle of Pochonbo on Wednesday.
    The participants laid bouquets before the statue of President Kim Il Sung at the monument and paid tribute to him.
    A reporter and speakers said that the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu are eternal treasures which cannot be bartered for anything as the Songun revolution started there and the Korean revolution struck its roots.
    The battle sites associated with the revolutionary history and exploits of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu reflect the intention of the Workers' Party of Korea to achieve a final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution at any cost, they noted, adding:
    All members of the study group should deeply grasp the greatness of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu and the history of the Songun revolution and thoroughly arm themselves with the revolutionary tradition of Paektu, eternal bedrock of the Korean revolution.
    At the end of the meeting, they went round the monument and visited the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Hyesan. -0-

Seventh Congress of GFTUK to Be Convened

  Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- The Seventh Congress of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) is to be held here late in October, Juche 105 (2016).
    It will review the 35-year-long course in which the GFTUK has been strengthened into the mass political organization remaining loyal to the Workers' Party of Korea since the Sixth Congress of the GFTUK and discuss the tasks for its organizations to discharge their mission and role as the organizations for ideological education in the general offensive and charge for implementing the decision made at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea. -0-

Saturday 16 July 2016

No Deployment of THAAD!

On July 8, the U.S. and the south Korean belligerent group decided to deploy THAAD in south Korea, despite the unanimous opposition and rejection of the south Korean people and many other countries.
They mislead the public opinion by saying their decision is an inevitable option as north Korean rockets and its test-fire pose a serious threat to south Korea and the Asia-Pacific region.
The THAAD deployment is a direct product of the sinister ambition of the U.S. to dominate the world by holding its military hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region and the south Korean puppet group's vicious moves to escalate the confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north in a bid to invade the north, backed by its master.
The deployment is aimed at establishing an Asia-version NATO with the U.S.-south Korean alliance as an axis to contain great powers and take military supremacy in Northeast Asia.
There are strong protests against the U.S. and south Korean authorities’ decision of deployment of THAAD throughout south Korea.
On July 9, there took place a large-scale rally with the participation of more than 3,000 people under the sponsorship of the Chilgok measure committee against the deployment of THAAD composed of various circles of people.
The people in the county would not offer even one pyeong (one pyeong equals 3.3 square meters) for the deployment of the THAAD, they stressed.
The civic organizations noted that the decision of THAAD deployment was released one-sidedly without public consensus as it is an issue vital to security of the people. They urged the U.S. and south Korean authorities to withdraw the decision at once as the decision would heighten military tension on the Korean Peninsula.
The opposition parties including the People’s Party and the Justice Party said that the decision of deployment of THAAD should be cancelled and reexamine it as it would touch off arms race in the Northeast Asia and constitute a threat to peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula.
The introduction of THAAD to south Korea shows the Park Geun-hye regime is a group of an unparalleled traitor.

Struggle is the only way out for workers

South Korean workers’ actions against the authorities’ anti-workers policy is brisk.
20, 000 construction workers under the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions launched a general strike in front of the Seoul Station on July 6.
Saying that they are forced to work for long hours with a low wage, they denounced the authorities’ unpopular policy inviting these awkward situations.
They marched along the street holding placards written “No suppression of the construction trade unions”.
The unionists assembled in front of the Seoul City Office to hold a large-scale rally.
Deploring that backbreaking work only brings overdue wages or industrial disaster, they said that they have struggled in demand of guarantee of working hours and wage raise for over a decade.
Far from lending an ear to the workers, the Park Geun-hye regime put a brake on the motion of livelihood in the 19th “National Assembly” by presenting the retrogressive revision of labor reform.
They advanced 18 demands of the trade union on the law related to the construction work.
The demands are designed to keep elementary rights of the workers and maintain low life, they noted and stressed that the Park clique should accept it to settle them.
The south Korean workers’ action will be fiercer as long as the conservative ruling quarters batten a tiny conglomerates by granting all privilege to them whereas inflict suffering and poverty upon the workers.