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Friday 8 December 2017

S. Korean Authorities' Anti-Reunification Act Will Face Curse and Censure: GFTUK Spokesman

Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- The Confederation of Trade Unions and the Federation of Trade Unions of south Korea were going to send a message to the General Federation of Trade Inions of Korea (GFTUK) in congratulation of its 72nd founding anniversary, but it was not realized due to the anti-reunification act of the puppet authorities.

The puppet Unification Ministry threatened the Confederation and the Federation to delete expressions like "national meeting for peace and reunification of the country and the improvement of the north-south relations", charging that "national meeting" means "a political event".

A spokesman for the GFTUK in a statement Thursday denounced this as an unpardonable challenge to the desire and wish of the workers of south Korea and all other Koreans for national reconciliation, unity, peace and reunification and a traitorous act aimed to sever the fraternal ties between the fellow countrymen.

The puppet authorities even found fault with the title of the national meeting and hindered the dispatch of the congratulatory message. This can not but be considered as an attempt to make the north-south relations the monopoly of the authorities and to stand against the nation's movement for reunification, the statement said, and went on:

The situation clearly proves that nothing has changed from the days of fascist dictatorship by the group of conservative traitors even though there has been a regime change in south Korea, and the new regime has nothing different from the preceding regimes in using despicable and crafty methods as it trumpets about "exchanges" outwardly but hampers the solidarity activities of organizations of people of various social standings in the north and the south behind the scene.

Greater crime will cause more miserable end.

The puppet authorities keen on despicable submission toward outsiders and confrontation with the fellow countrymen can never evade curse and censure by the whole nation determined to open up the heyday of nationwide reunification movement. -0

Monday 20 November 2017

Workers’ Protest Action

The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions sponsored the 2017 Rally of Workers in Seoul on Nov. 12 demanding the authorities ensure the rights of workers and eradicate the evils of the south Korean society.
More than 50 000 workers gathered at the plaza of the Seoul City Office.
Speakers at the rally stressed that it is high time to launch campaign to eliminate evil practice in the labor field and ensure the rights of the workers.
Speakers at the rally urged the regime to combat evils, reform the society, withdraw THAAD, bring peace to the Korean Peninsula and release the prisoners of conscience including the chairman of the Confederation.
The acting chairman of the Confederation blamed that six months have passed since the new government appeared, however, nothing has changed as required by the candlelight demonstrators for eradicating 70-odd year deep-rooted evils and building a new society.
If the authorities do not amend labor law for ensuring the rights of labor, the policy for “respecting labor” touted by the authorities is just a showy trinket, he warned.
All conscientious prisoners and workers including the chairman of the KCTU should be released from prison.
The chairman of the Korean Teachers and Education Workers’ Union declared that the union would launch a general strike on Nov. 24, saying that slogan of respecting labor has not yet been realized.
The chairman of the Metal Workers Trade Union said not only the workers under the union but also all workers in the world would launch solidarity actions if the regime fails to grant an amnesty for the chairman of the Confederation.
At the end of the rally they picketed in various parts of the city.
Meanwhile, the vice chairman and workers of the construction trade union went on actions on the tower of advertisement near the National Assembly in demand of amendment of labor law on the evening of Nov. 11 and secretary of the metal trade union launched action on 75 meter-high chimney on the morning of Nov. 12 to demand dissolution of conglomerate and abolish the retrogressive labor law.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

4th Enlarged Plenary Meeting of 7th C.C., GFTUK

Pyongyang, November 7 (KCNA) -- The 4th enlarged plenary meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) took place here on Tuesday.
Present there were members and alternate members of the C.C., GFTUK and officials of the federation.
The meeting discussed how to carry out the tasks set forth by respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un at the Second Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.
Ju Yong Gil, chairman of the C.C., GFTUK, made a report at the meeting and then followed speeches.
The reporter and speakers stressed that all the trade union officials and members should make a new leap forward in the drive for implementing the decisions made at the Seventh Congress of the WPK and thus successfully put into practice the grandiose plan and resolve of the Party.
They underlined the need to take the work for establishing the strict monolithic leadership system of the Party as a principal task of the federation and firmly consolidate the single-minded unity of the revolutionary ranks. -0-

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Workers Will Deal Sledge-Hammer Blow at War Maniacs: C.C., GFTUK

Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) in a statement Tuesday said the historic statement made by respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un to deal a stern sledge-hammer blow at the U.S. imperialist aggressors is a declaration of Juche Korea which clearly represented the strong spirit and retaliatory will of all the people including the workers.

The U.S. war maniacs like Trump made the open declaration of war, much upset and seized by extreme frustration in the face of the dazzling achievements made by the DPRK in its efforts to reach the final destination in rounding off the state nuclear force, but the declaration is nothing but a last ditch effort of those facing the ruin, the statement said, and went on:

For the sake of independent life of the workers all over the world, such unpopular society like the U.S. which is getting corpulent at the cost of blood shed by the billions of peoples has to disappear from the earth and such popular country as the DPRK has to prosper for eternity.

The workers of the DPRK are full of enthusiasm to supply more Korean-style strategic weapons and ultra-modern war hardware to fronts at a faster speed which are waiting for the order for the final showdown with the U.S. and the order for the grand advance for Korea's reunification so that Trump and his group might not bluff any more.

We will wage increased production drive, creation drive and general charge drive through the great surge of self-reliance to settle accounts with the U.S. imperialists, and demonstrate the stamina of the Korean working class once again to the war maniacs hell bent on anti-DPRK sanctions and pressure.

We, the Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il working class, will turn out in the do-or-die battle with the U.S. in hearty response to the call of the respected Supreme Leader and force with the dignity and honor of Juche Korea the old deranged man to pay a dear price and bring about the final victory without fail. -0-

Thursday 6 July 2017

GFTUK Supports S. Korean Workers' Just Struggle

Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea released a statement on Thursday as regards the general strike getting stronger recently among south Korean workers urging the regime to ensure the right to labor and eliminate conservative evils.

The struggle, launched late in June, has spilled over into the strikes of workers in various sectors, the statement said, and went on:

On June 30, more than 60 000 workers affiliated to the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions gathered in Seoul and held a rally for launching a general strike. People from all walks of life including teachers demanding the legitimization of the teachers union, youth and students and peasants are proactively joining the struggle.

They are expressing their fixed will to carry on their struggle until the part-time jobs are replaced with full-time jobs, minimum wages are hiked and the unpopular labor policy is retracted, strongly urging the regime to do so.

The on-going general strike of south Korean workers is a just struggle to bring about a new world of workers by eliminating all evils left by the Park Geun Hye regime of traitors which mercilessly trampled down the elementary right to labor and right to existence of workers by persisting in misrule during its tenure.

The Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea extends full support and strong solidarity to the south Korean workers in their all-out struggle for getting rid of all evils against people and gaining their basic rights to labor and existence.

The south Korean public resolutely punished the conservative group of traitors but such evils as inveterate sycophancy toward the U.S., idea of confrontation with the compatriots in the north and fascist dictatorship are still harassing the development of the south Korean society.

The situation clearly shows that guarantee of the right to labor doesn't come by itself despite the regime change in south Korea but the genuine rights to existence of its workers can be ensured only when independence and democracy are realized throughout its society.

To completely liquidate the unpopular evils of the former conservative regime is the unanimous demand of the candlelight demonstrators in south Korea and the workers should do their bit by steering the advance of the era and history. -0-

Thursday 11 May 2017

Build a society for workers!

Build a society for workers!
On May 1, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a meeting in Seoul and other areas of south Korea on the occasion of the May Day, international holiday of the working people in the world.
About 20 000 workers took part in the meeting in Seoul. At the meeting they said that THAAD have been deployed illegally and no presidential candidates uttered a word of suspension or withdrawal of the THAAD as the US is forcing south Korea to pay US dollars as the cost for the THAAD deployment.
The KCTU would enter a general strike on June 30 with broad segments of people right after the end of the presidential election, they noted.
They strongly demanded wage hike, abolishment of part-time jobs, guarantee for right of labor union, incarceration of business tycoons, dissolution of conglomerate, investigation into sunken ferry Sewol and withdrawal of THAAD deployment.
After the end of the meeting, they marched toward the Gwanghwamun Plaza.
The Solidarity for Progress issued a statement on the same day.
With unflinching candlelight action in the face of exploitation and suppression, the candlelight of working people ousted Park Geun–hye from presidency, the statement said. It pointed out that it provided a springboard for liquidation of abuse of power and graft and building of a new society.
However, the wretched plight of workers remains unchanged and the workers across south Korea are carrying on action in demand of the right to live, it noted.

The workers’ struggle would go on and the Solidarity for Progress will stand in the van, it declared.