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Friday 8 December 2017

S. Korean Authorities' Anti-Reunification Act Will Face Curse and Censure: GFTUK Spokesman

Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- The Confederation of Trade Unions and the Federation of Trade Unions of south Korea were going to send a message to the General Federation of Trade Inions of Korea (GFTUK) in congratulation of its 72nd founding anniversary, but it was not realized due to the anti-reunification act of the puppet authorities.

The puppet Unification Ministry threatened the Confederation and the Federation to delete expressions like "national meeting for peace and reunification of the country and the improvement of the north-south relations", charging that "national meeting" means "a political event".

A spokesman for the GFTUK in a statement Thursday denounced this as an unpardonable challenge to the desire and wish of the workers of south Korea and all other Koreans for national reconciliation, unity, peace and reunification and a traitorous act aimed to sever the fraternal ties between the fellow countrymen.

The puppet authorities even found fault with the title of the national meeting and hindered the dispatch of the congratulatory message. This can not but be considered as an attempt to make the north-south relations the monopoly of the authorities and to stand against the nation's movement for reunification, the statement said, and went on:

The situation clearly proves that nothing has changed from the days of fascist dictatorship by the group of conservative traitors even though there has been a regime change in south Korea, and the new regime has nothing different from the preceding regimes in using despicable and crafty methods as it trumpets about "exchanges" outwardly but hampers the solidarity activities of organizations of people of various social standings in the north and the south behind the scene.

Greater crime will cause more miserable end.

The puppet authorities keen on despicable submission toward outsiders and confrontation with the fellow countrymen can never evade curse and censure by the whole nation determined to open up the heyday of nationwide reunification movement. -0