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Tuesday 20 November 2018

Total withdrawal of part-time job!

Total withdrawal of part-time job!

On Nov. 10, a rally of workers took place under the sponsorship of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions in Seoul. 
About 60 000 workers from across south Korea took part in the rally to renew their victory in the general strike.
Retrogressive labor policy by family-controlled conglomerates and business groups, defunct labor commitment and stationary old legacies: expectation of the government is changing into disappointment and despair, the KCTU deplored.  
It would transform the south Korean society in the spirit of the candlelight resistance and it is a sound succession to spirit of Chun Tae-il in 1970, it noted.
Prior to the rally, eleven trade unions including the Metal Workers Trade Union and the Mart Trade Unions held meetings outside the Cheongwadae and Seoul.   
At the rally the KCTU declared a joint action against 1.1 million part-timers from Nov. 12 to 16 and planned to open mass rally on Dec. 1 in Seoul.  

Friday 24 August 2018

Anniversary of Anti-Japanese Trade Union Marked

Pyongyang, August 24 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung formed the Anti-Japanese Trade Union in Jilin on Aug. 25, Juche 17 (1928).

The organization was the first revolutionary mass one of the Korean working class whose guiding principle was the Juche idea and which educated broad segments of workers and vigorously aroused them to the struggle to implement the Juche-based revolutionary line.

The President founded the trade union, a unified mass organization of the working class, after the liberation of the country on the basis of the precious tradition of the construction of mass organization created in the flames of the anti-Japanese revolution and thus united the working class as a force.

With his rare ideological and theoretical wisdom and energetic leadership leader Kim Jong Il defended the idea and leadership exploits of the President for the construction of mass organization and brought about a great heyday of the construction of trade union and its activities.

The respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un has led the trade union, which developed under the guidance of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, to take the lead in the great advance to invariably preserve the revolutionary nature and bring earlier the final victory of revolution.

Kim Jong Un awarded a precious title of heroic Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il working class to the Korean working class.

A meeting to mark the 90th anniversary of the formation of the Anti-Japanese Trade Union took place at the Central Hall of Workers Friday. -0-

Monday 18 June 2018

Joint Statement of Trade Unions in North and South of Korea

Pyongyang, June 18 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea and south Korea's Federation of Trade Unions and Confederation of Trade Unions issued a joint statement on June 15, the 18th anniversary of the historic June 15 joint declaration.

The statement said that the June 15 joint declaration, which all Koreans including the workers in the north and the south had firmly defended and implemented, was led to the Panmunjom declaration at last and the emotion of June 15 developed into the joy and passion of April 27 and then set the entire nation agog with excitement of May 26.

Expressing full support for the two inter-Korean summits in Panmunjom and the adoption of the April 27 declaration again, the organizations of workers in the north and the south are filled with enthusiasm and will to take the lead in making a new history, a new era of peace and reunification, it added.

Noting that all Koreans are now faced with the historic task of the nation to end the history of division and subordination, which has lasted for over 70 years, and realize the independent reunification, the statement said:

Workers in the north and the south will discharge in the van the duty facing the nation at the historic turning point that our nation brought by its own efforts, overcoming the hill of ordeal and crisis.

It is the most primary task for co-existence and co-prosperity of the nation to put an end to the history of mistrust and confrontation and establish a durable peace-keeping regime on this land.

A total end should be put to the state of war which stopped on July 27, 1953. Moreover, a peace accord should be concluded to completely terminate the war crisis and realize lasting peace.

At the historic turning point made in 73 years of division, the workers in the north and the south will do their best to settle the historic task facing our nation.

All the workers in the north and the south will take the lead in getting the armistice agreement abrogated and realizing a peace accord.

Today the idea of By Our Nation Itself, clarified in the June 15 joint declaration, was developed into the principle of national independence in the Panmunjom declaration.

The party most responsible for peace and reunification is just our nation.

The workers in the north and the south will conduct all their activities strictly in the spirit of By Our Nation Itself and the principle of national independence and stand in the van of struggle to decisively reject domination and interference of outsiders obstructive to peace and reunification.

They will resolutely struggle against any attempt to impair the Panmunjom declaration and do their best for the unceasing implementation of the declaration.

The statement expressed the firm resolve of all the workers in the north and the south to dynamically usher in a new era of peace and independent reunification. -0-

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Enlarged Plenary Meeting of C.C., GFTUK

Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- The 6th enlarged plenary meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) took place here on Wednesday.

Present there were members and alternate members of the C.C., GFTUK and officials of the federation.

The meeting discussed how to carry out the tasks set forth by the respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un at the Third Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

A report was made at the meeting before speeches.

The reporter and speakers said that trade union organizations at all levels should conduct the political and ideological education in an offensive way to make all the union members deeply grasp the spirit and tasks of the Third Plenary Meeting of the Seventh WPK Central Committee and the essence and validity of the Party's new strategic line and inspiringly arouse them to their implementation.

They also mentioned the problems arising in conducting various mass movements to implement the Party's economic policies to the letter.

They expressed the will to fully display the revolutionary spirit of the heroic Korean working class in the struggle to implement the decisions of the April 2018 Plenary Meeting of the WPK Central Committee. -0-