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Thursday 2 May 2019

Officials and Members of GFTUK Hold Seminar

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- There took place a seminar of officials and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) at the Central Hall of Workers on Thursday to mark the 35th anniversary of publication of Chairman Kim Jong Il's work "On Further Improving the Work of the Trade Unions".

Present there were officials concerned and officials of the trade unions, workers and trade union members.

Presented at the seminar were papers explaining and proving the validity and vitality of the idea and theory contained in the letter sent by Kim Jong Il to the participants in the national training course for trade union officials on May 3, Juche 73 (1984).

The speakers said the idea and theory set forth in his work serve as valuable guidelines to be invariably held fast to by the GFTUK in carrying out the revolutionary cause of Juche, the cause of socialism.

The idea that the trade union organizations should dynamically conduct the three revolutions serves as the fundamental guarantee to firmly train workers and trade union members to be genuine Kimilsungists-Kimjongilists and vigorously accelerate socialist construction by giving the fullest play to their mental power, they noted.

They said that the trade union organizations can firmly unite workers and trade union members around the Party and fully enlist them in the revolutionary struggle and construction only when they increase their militant function and role as required by modeling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

They underscored the need to fully demonstrate the valiant spirit of the heroic working class of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in the present all-people death-defying drive for bringing about a great upsurge in socialist construction under the guidance of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, holding aloft the banner of self-reliance. -0-

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Papers Call for Demonstrating Mettle of Heroic Workers of Juche Korea

Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Leading newspapers of the DPRK Wednesday dedicate editorials to the May Day, the international holiday of the workers in the world.
The DPRK's heroic struggle characterized by great victory and epochal changes and the strong spirit of today's socialist Korea advancing with pride toward a bright future in the face of all tempests of history are associated with the patriotic devotion made by the Korean workers, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:
The workers of Juche Korea are ardent patriots strong in ideology and faith and fighters of self-reliance who invariably take the path of independence and socialism, always following the Party in the ordinary and stormy days.
Self-reliance is just the traditional fighting spirit of the workers and an ever-victorious treasured sword for building a powerful socialist nation.
The events of great significance in the history of the nation and the eye-opening successes in all sectors of socialist construction like economy and culture witnessed in the course of foiling the moves of the hostile forces to stamp out the DPRK's rights to sovereignty, existence and development clearly proved how strong the Korean workers' spirit of self-reliance and self-development is.
Self-reliance is just the mettle and working manner peculiar to the workers of Juche Korea.
Unshakable is the will of the workers to strenuously advance along the road of the Juche revolution under the guidance of the Party, holding higher the banner of independence, though they have to take a long and thorny path of revolution.
Minju Joson calls on all workers to demonstrate to the whole world the revolutionary mettle of the workers of Juche Korea by dynamically stepping up the on-going general onward march of self-reliance for developing the DPRK into a powerful socialist country, united single-mindedly around Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un. -0-

Workers in North and South Call for Implementing North-South Declarations

Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the south Korean Federation of Trade Unions, organizations of workers in the north and the south, released a joint statement on Wednesday, the 129th May Day.
The statement noted that the workers in the north and the south declare their firm will to take the lead in the path toward peace, prosperity and independent reunification on the 129th May Day, the international holiday of the workers of the world.
Expressing solidarity with the devoted efforts of all the fellow countrymen for independence and peaceful reunification and declaring their will to always stand together in the van of the struggle for implementing the Panmunjom Declaration and the September Pyongyang Joint Declaration by dint of the firm solidarity the workers in the north and the south which have unanimously kept for 20 years, the statement said as follows:
We will pave a broad avenue toward implementation of the historic Panmunjom Declaration and the September Pyongyang Joint Declaration by getting united under the banner of By Our Nation Itself.
All the workers in the north and the south will courageously turn out in the struggle for ending the present stalemate and making a new engine for implementing the declarations.
In order to keep the north-south relations from going back to the ones in the era of tension and confrontation in any case, the workers in the north and the south will do their best in taking the lead in creating the environment and conditions for implementing the declarations.
We will get united under the banner of By Our Nation Itself that definitely prioritizes the understanding and demands of the nation and become an engine for ushering in a new era of peace, prosperity and independent reunification.
We will resolutely fight against all attempts to nullify the historic Panmunjom Declaration and the September Pyongyang Joint Declaration.
We, workers, should take the lead in putting an end to the pain resulting from national division and ushering in a new era of peace, prosperity and independent reunification.
We will never tolerate any act of inciting conflict and confrontation and violating the interests of the nation but resolutely fight against it.
For the present, we should declare the period between April 27 and September 19 as a "period of the struggle for implementing the north-south declarations" and create conditions and environment for thoroughly implementing the historic declarations.
We will further harden the solidarity between the workers in the north and the south and pioneer a new-level workers' movement for national reunification.
We will further develop the workers' movement for reunification, following the path indicated by the historic Panmunjom Declaration and the September Pyongyang Joint Declaration.
We will make tangible contributions to expanding the nation-wide movement for reunification by making ceaseless efforts for the political, mass-based and organizational development of the reunification movement. -0-