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Wednesday 2 December 2020

Tuesday 1 December 2020

From Naenara .kp Progressive Force and Hardcore of Society



From Naenara .kp

Progressive Force and Hardcore  of Society

The 75th founding anniversary of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) falls on November 30.

In every period and at every stage of the developing revolution, the GFTUK, as a reliable assistant and champion of the Workers’ Party of Korea, has rendered active services to implementing the cause of socialism by rousing the broad sections of the working class.

The working class, who constitute the progressive and hardcore force of society, have been strengthened and developed into the heroic working class of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. They are now playing a leading, pioneering role in developing the self-reliant defence industry and building a powerful socialist country.

They have created numerous assets conducive to developing the national economy and promoting the people’s wellbeing and, in the course of this, they are growing up to be labour innovators, Heroes and deputies to the people’s assemblies at all levels.

They are involved in the study-while-you-work system, such as distance learning courses, to prepare themselves as intelligent workers and scientific and technical personnel. They are also creating a new culture of the working class by positively conducting mass-based sporting, cultural and artistic activities.

The GFTUK organizes and briskly conducts socialist emulation drive, mass technical innovation drive, do-good-deeds movement and other mass movements to speed up the construction of major projects of the country and thus encourages the working class and other trade union members to devote all their enthusiasm and wisdom to promoting socialist construction.

The GFTUK has worked as a vice president of the World Federation of Trade Unions since 1994. Under the slogan “Workers of the whole world advocating independence, unite!” it is further strengthening solidarity with the WFTU in the struggle to achieve global peace and prosperity and champion the genuine rights and interests of working people across the world.

Monday 30 November 2020

75th Anniversary of GFTUK


Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- The General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) greets its 75th founding anniversary.

The GFTUK had made a proud history of its development under the guidance of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il.

The President founded the GFTUK as a mass political organization of the working class on November 30, Juche 34 (1945). And he had guided the working class to discharge its responsibility and duty as a vanguard detachment in the revolution, clearly showing the road ahead of the organization in each period and at each stage of the developing revolution.

Under his guidance, the Korean workers took the van in building a new democratic Korea through the general ideological mobilization movement for nation building and the emulation drive for increased production just after the liberation of the country from Japan's colonial rule and grew up to be heroes of the times and performers of epoch-making miracles in the annals of the revolution including the periods of the Fatherland Liberation War and the postwar great Chollima upswing.

The Chairman set forth the struggle target to be hit by the GFTUK in contributing to the accomplishment of the cause of modeling the whole society on Kimilsungism. Thanks to his energetic guidance, the GFTUK could develop into the ranks of revolutionary fighters loyal to the cause of the Party and creditably perform its mission and duty by vigorously conducting the socialist emulation and other mass movements. During the arduous march, the forced march in the 1990s, it remarkably enhanced its politico-ideological might and inspired all the workers in the country to the socialist economic construction.

The ideas and feats of the President and the Chairman on building the GFTUK are now carried forward by Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.

The Supreme Leader made public such famous works as "The Duty of the Working Class of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il for the Times and the Tasks Facing Trade Union Organizations" to clearly show the road for GFTUK to follow in keeping with the requirements of the new era of the Juche revolution.

He gave the Korean workers intensely loyal to the idea and guidance of the great leaders the title of heroic Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il working class and has led them to creditably discharge their mission and duty on behalf of the country and the revolution as the vanguard of the Juche revolution and the eldest son of the country. -0-

Monday 17 February 2020

Sunday 16 February 2020