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Tuesday 25 May 2010

CPRK Declares Resolute Actions against S. Korea

CPRK Declares Resolute Actions against S. Korea

Pyongyang, May 25 (KCNA) -- A spokesman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea Tuesday issued the following statement:

Traitor Lee Myung Bak of south Korea on Monday made public a "statement to the people" over the case of the sinking of a warship of its puppet army, in which he viciously slandered the DPRK again. He formally announced a ban on the passage of DPRK's ships through waters of the south side, "stop to trade and exchange between the south and the north", the exercise of "the right to self-defense" and the reference of the case to the UNSC, daring vociferate about "responsibility" and "apology".

Then the chiefs of the puppet ministries of defense, foreign affairs and trade and unification called a joint press conference at which they ballyhooed about follow-up measures.

This is little short of formally declaring that they would not rule out a war by standing in confrontation with the DPRK to the last.

It is traitor Lee Myung Bak and his puppet conservative group that should be responsible for the said case, apologize for it and face a punishment as it is a tragic product of their despicable sycophantic and treacherous moves and reckless actions for escalating confrontation with fellow countrymen.

As far as the "results of investigation" announced by the puppet group are concerned, their conspiratorial nature is brought into bolder relief as the days go by to be ridiculed by the world, as they are peppered with contradictions and doubts.

Now that traitor Lee Myung Bak is taking the lead in shifting the blame for the case on to the DPRK and formally challenging it with reckless provocations despite the above-said hard reality, the DPRK is compelled to opt for taking resolute punitive measures as it had already declared internally and externally.

The DPRK had already solemnly declared that it would regard the puppet group's anti-DPRK smear campaign over the sinking of the warship as a declaration of a war against the DPRK and mete out a merciless and strong punishment if the group dare defile its dignity.

The Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea, accordingly, formally declares that from now on it will put into force the resolute measures to totally freeze the inter-Korean relations, totally abrogate the agreement on non-aggression between the north and the south and completely halt the inter-Korean cooperation.

In this connection, the following measures will be taken at the first phase:

1. All relations with the puppet authorities will be severed.

2. There will be neither dialogue nor contact between the authorities during Lee Myung Bak's tenure of office.

3. The work of the Panmunjom Red Cross liaison representatives will be completely suspended.

4. All communication links between the north and the south will be cut off.

5. The Consultative Office for North-South Economic Cooperation in the Kaesong Industrial Zone will be frozen and dismantled and all the personnel concerned of the south side will be expelled without delay.

6. We will start all-out counterattack against the puppet group's "psychological warfare against the north."

7. The passage of south Korean ships and airliners through the territorial waters and air of our side will be totally banned.

8. All the issues arising in the inter-Korean relations will be handled under a wartime law.

There is no need to show any mercy or patience for such confrontation maniacs, sycophants and traitors and wicked warmongers as the Lee Myung Bak group.

The Lee group's call for "resolute measure" is as a foolish and ridiculous suicidal act as jumping into fire with faggots on its back.

The group is making a last-ditch effort in league with outsiders but will get nothing but its self-destruction.

The army and the people of the DPRK and all other Koreans will never pardon the group of traitors as it is finally bringing the dark clouds of war to hang over the Korean Peninsula, wantonly violating the historic June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration and bringing the inter-Korean relations to a total collapse.


Thursday 20 May 2010

Spokesman for DPRK National Defence Commission Issues Statement

Spokesman for DPRK National Defence Commission Issues Statement

Pyongyang, May 20 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK National Defence Commission issued a statement today as regards the sinking of warship "Cheonan" of the south Korean puppet navy.

The statement reads:

We had already warned the south Korean group of traitors not to make reckless remarks concerning the sinking of warship "Cheonan" of the puppet navy.

Nevertheless, the group of traitors had far-fetchedly tried to link the case with us without offering any material evidence. It finally announced the results of the joint investigation based on a sheer fabrication, which assert that the warship was sunken by our torpedo attack, in a bid to mislead the public opinion inside and outside Korea.

It is, at the same time, crying out for "punishment" and "retaliation" internally and foolishly seeking to prod the international community into applying additional "sanctions" against the DPRK.

What matters is that traitor Lee Myung Bak is taking the lead in such anti-DPRK smear campaign, even daring slander the headquarters of our revolution.

Meanwhile, Kim Thae Yong and other gangsters of the south Korean puppet military accustomed to flattery and blind obedience echo Lee Myung Bak's outbursts. This smear campaign is fanned up by Ryu Myung Hwan and other ultra-rightist conservatives of south Korea.

This is also joined by the U.S. and Japanese aggressors who are making desperate efforts to keep their hostile policy towards the DPRK on its orbit.

We would like to question them so busy linking the above-said case with the DPRK why they don't link with it the death of a puppet army soldier, crashes of fighter plane and gunship of the puppet navy and air force and the sinking of a civilian fishing boat that occurred one after another almost simultaneously.

It is the age of science and technology.

As a swollen balloon is bound to break, any lie is bound to be brought to light no matter how hard one may try to make it sound plausible.

What is evident is that the sinking of warship "Cheonan" can never be construed otherwise than a "conspiratorial farce" and "charade" orchestrated by the group of traitors in a deliberate and brigandish manner to achieve certain political and military aims because only 46 soldiers met miserable deaths while officers survived the case.

This being a hard reality, they are pointing a dirty accusing finger at us like a thief crying "Stop the thief!"

It is a trite method of the successive south Korean puppet regimes to fake up a shocking case and use it for floating a story about "north wind" whenever they find themselves in a crisis.

These days they are using for this plot even "deserters from the north" who had found their ways to a dumping ground and human scum.

The National Defence Commission of the DPRK responsible for the defence of the country and the security of the nation clarifies the principled stand of our army and people in view of the grave situation where the sinister plot of the group of traitors may lead to reckless actions against us.

1. As the group of traitors declared that the sinking of the warship

"Cheonan" is linked with us, the NDC of the DPRK will dispatch

an inspection group to the spot of south Korea to verify material

evidence concerning the linkage.

The group of traitors should produce before the dignified

inspection group of the DPRK material evidence proving that the

sinking of the warship is linked with us.

We remind the group of traitors in advance that there should be

not a shred of doubt about the material evidence to be produced

before the inspection group.

2. Our army and people will promptly react to any "punishment" and "retaliation" and to any "sanctions" infringing upon our state interests with various forms of tough measures including an all-out war.

The all-out war to be undertaken by us will be a sacred war involving the whole nation, all the people and the whole state for completely eliminating the strongholds of the group of traitors who orchestrated "the conspiratorial farce" and "charade" and their followers and building instead a reunified power in which the whole nation emerges powerful and prosperous.

The tough countermeasures to be taken by us will prove to be practical actions of justice for dealing unpredictable sledge-hammer blows at the group of traitors who blocks national reconciliation and unity and stirs up an atmosphere of confrontation in the south Korean society.

3. Now that the group of traitors declared what it called "decisive actions", we will brand any small incident that occurs in the territorial waters, air and land where our sovereignty is exercised including the West Sea of Korea as a provocation of confrontation maniacs and react to it with unlimited retaliatory blow, merciless strong physical blow.

It is our invariable iron will to react to "retaliation" with more powerful retaliation and to "punishment" with indiscriminate punishment of our style.

Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we sternly warn the U.S. and Japanese authorities and riff-raffs, their poor lackeys, to act with discretion.

The world will clearly see what dear price the group of traitors will have to pay for the clumsy "conspiratorial farce" and "charade" concocted to stifle compatriots.

Friday 14 May 2010

UK KFA Picket of South Korean Puppet Embassy

This month will see the the 30th anniversary of the brutal putting down of the uprising of the citizens of the city of Kwangju in south Korea.The citizens of Kwangju rose up against martial law which had been imposed by the south Korean puppet dicatatorship of Chun Do Hwan,Chun having come to power after a military coup and the assasination of the preceding south
Korean fascist dictator Park Chung Hee.After the citizens of Kwangju rose the south Korean regime sent paratroops and special forces to the city with the permission of the US(also US warships and troops were put on standby).Over 2,000 people were slaughtered and thousands injured.

To mark this grim anniversary and to remind people of the fascist nature of the south Korean regime UK KFA will be holding a picket of the South Korean embassy on May
PLACE-South Korean Embassy 60 Buckingham Gate Victoria London SW1
TIME 12-30 -4-3OPM
contact or for further details

Kwangju Uprising Unfinished

In May of 1980, 30 years ago, a citizen’s uprising took place in Gwangju against the Chun Doo-hwan military fascist rule.

The uprisers assaulted the puppet police stations and arsenals of the local defense force to take a lot of weapons.

They formed the “civilian force”, “special caution unit” and “shock troop” and undauntedly fought in defiance of the frenzied armed attack of the “martial law troops”, and controlled Gwangju City for 10 days.

Much astounded by the uprisers’ struggle the US imperialists and the Chun clique mobilized more than 70,000 troops drunken with hallucinogen and tremendous equipment including tanks, guns, aircrafts to the suppression of the uprisers, prattling that “it is alright to kill even 70% of the Gwangju citizens”.

The blood-thirsty man-killers committed the shuddering massacre by indiscriminately stabbing, hanging, burying alive, burning to death the workers, peasants, youth and students, religionists, women and the old who cried for freedom and desired for democracy, and trampling them down by tanks and armored vehicles.

As a result, more than 5,000 innocent people were killed and over 14,000 were injured in Gwangju and the city of resistance was reduced to a “city of death” and “blood bath”.

Though it was frustrated by the atrocious armed suppression of the US imperialists and the military fascist clique the Gwangju Uprising was an anti-US anti-fascist patriotic mass struggle which dealt a telling blow to the US colonial rule.

It was a heroic event that demonstrated the indomitable fighting will of the south Korean people and a historical watershed which brought about a turnaround for anti-US independence.

However, the desire of the uprisers has not yet been realized though 30 years have passed since then.

The US imperialists and its puppets, the murderous group who turned the whole of Kwangju to a sea of blood, are still reigning supreme and the fascist evil laws and repressive bodies like the “National Security Law” and the “National Intelligence Service” randomly violate the people's democracy and human rights.

The tyranny and arbitrariness of the US, chieftain of aggression, plunder and massacre, get further increased day after day and the present conservative group licks the jackboots of the US while viciously suppressing the people.

The reality calls on the south Korean people to the struggle for anti-US independence, anti-fascist democracy and national reunification.

The Kwangju uprising is not yet finished.

The south Korean people will continue their vigorous struggle to bring about a new democratic country without foreign forces and fascist dictatorship, and the reunified country by inheriting the spirit of the Gwangju uprisers.

Thursday 13 May 2010

South Korean People Suffer From Poverty and Agony

South Korean People Suffer From Poverty and Agony

Though the south Korean government tries tooth and claw to win over the people's mindset crying for the “grassroots-friendly policy”, it is no more than a deception and the people's livelihood is getting worse.

The figures and facts bellow graphically show the reality of their wretched livelihood.

- Destitute Bracket

Even according to the data released officially by the puppet regime the destitute bracket in south Korea numbers 5.85 million as of September 2009.

Taking into consideration the fact that 200,000~300,000 independent businessmen who eke out relying on small stores and stands go bankrupt recently every month, the destitute bracket is continually increasing.

- The Jobless

As of October 2009 the officially unemployed number 799,000 (8.6% increase compared to that of October 2008), according the official data of the puppet regime.

However, the actual jobless amount to 2.94 million if adding those who gave up the job-seeking.

If 3.78 million workers who are temporarily employed or barely living alive, the jobless number over 6.72 million.

Owing to the economic crisis the unemployment rate of the young people, in particular, are increased by 7.6% (6.6% in 2008) and one of ten women employees lost the job.

Besides, as many as 8 million part-timers and 5.74 million independent businessmen are overcome by fear of dismissal and bankruptcy that would befall to them at any time.

- Household Income and Debt

As of late October 2009, the average monthly income of households decreased by 3.3% as against that of 2008, recording the highest decrease since 2003.

Meantime, their average monthly debt increased 1.4 times their income or 4 times more than that of the 1998 foreign currency crisis.

- Consumer Prices

The rate of common price hike between January and September of 2009 was 2.8% on the average but the foodstuffs prices which directly affect the people's living rose by 4~10% at the same period.

- Tax and Other Burdens

The tax per capita in 2009 amounted to 4.34 million Won on the average and is expected to increase by 4.4% this year.

In addition, the individual burdens including pension and insurance dues from their income amount 5.599 million Won in 2009 and would increase by 6.4% this year.

- Education

A family in south Korea should pay 232 million Won of money for bringing up a child from the cradle to university graduation, and this figure is 16.8% more than that of 2003.

It takes some 157,000 US$ from the cradle to middle school graduation, and over 54,000 US$ for 4-year university graduation (13,500 US$ annually).

- Health Care

With the new influenza raging throughout south Korea last year, the price of cold medicine rose by 16.9%, vitamin complex by 16.4% and outpatient medical treatment by 7.2%, imposing a heavy burden on the people.

As a result, 1,500 persons were infected with the new influenza on the daily average in mid October 2009, but the number went up to over 10,000 in November and 117 persons died till late November last year, so many people were seized with terrible fear.

- Housing

Families without their own house are as many as 7 million in south Korea and 10% of them, not affording to pay the rented house, lead an inhuman life in shanties, vinyl houses and dugouts.

In regards to housing price, an 80m2-space flat of the “nest dwelling” which is offered recently by the conservative regime by reducing the price by half as compared with that of the surrounding areas is 280 million Won, so the “lifetime desire for my own house” is still faraway dream.

- Social Evils

For 5 years since 2004 the 5 major crimes such as murder, robbery, rape, larceny, and violence increased by 90,000 cases; rape and robbery increased by 30%, violence by 6.3% and murder 2.3%.

In particular, 135,000 juvenile criminals (less than 20 years old) were apprehended in 2008, and crimes by the young people drastically increased and their method got further atrocious.

Meanwhile, the suicide rate caused by difficulty of job-seeking, hardships of living and various diseases increases by 13% every year. 12,858 persons committed suicide in 2008, or two times as many as that of 2001.

More recently an American newspaper reported that at present suicide in south Korea numbers 26 among every 100,000 population and this rate is 2.5 times more than that of the US and bigger than that of Japan.

The elder suicides (more than 61 years old) increased 5 times more than that of 1989 and the portion of the elder among all the suicides increased 3 times, too.

These facts go to plainly show that the present conservative group is a corrupt and incompetent group which only pursues anti-popular and pro-conglomerate policy disregarding the people's right to existence.