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Friday 14 May 2010

UK KFA Picket of South Korean Puppet Embassy

This month will see the the 30th anniversary of the brutal putting down of the uprising of the citizens of the city of Kwangju in south Korea.The citizens of Kwangju rose up against martial law which had been imposed by the south Korean puppet dicatatorship of Chun Do Hwan,Chun having come to power after a military coup and the assasination of the preceding south
Korean fascist dictator Park Chung Hee.After the citizens of Kwangju rose the south Korean regime sent paratroops and special forces to the city with the permission of the US(also US warships and troops were put on standby).Over 2,000 people were slaughtered and thousands injured.

To mark this grim anniversary and to remind people of the fascist nature of the south Korean regime UK KFA will be holding a picket of the South Korean embassy on May
PLACE-South Korean Embassy 60 Buckingham Gate Victoria London SW1
TIME 12-30 -4-3OPM
contact or for further details

Kwangju Uprising Unfinished

In May of 1980, 30 years ago, a citizen’s uprising took place in Gwangju against the Chun Doo-hwan military fascist rule.

The uprisers assaulted the puppet police stations and arsenals of the local defense force to take a lot of weapons.

They formed the “civilian force”, “special caution unit” and “shock troop” and undauntedly fought in defiance of the frenzied armed attack of the “martial law troops”, and controlled Gwangju City for 10 days.

Much astounded by the uprisers’ struggle the US imperialists and the Chun clique mobilized more than 70,000 troops drunken with hallucinogen and tremendous equipment including tanks, guns, aircrafts to the suppression of the uprisers, prattling that “it is alright to kill even 70% of the Gwangju citizens”.

The blood-thirsty man-killers committed the shuddering massacre by indiscriminately stabbing, hanging, burying alive, burning to death the workers, peasants, youth and students, religionists, women and the old who cried for freedom and desired for democracy, and trampling them down by tanks and armored vehicles.

As a result, more than 5,000 innocent people were killed and over 14,000 were injured in Gwangju and the city of resistance was reduced to a “city of death” and “blood bath”.

Though it was frustrated by the atrocious armed suppression of the US imperialists and the military fascist clique the Gwangju Uprising was an anti-US anti-fascist patriotic mass struggle which dealt a telling blow to the US colonial rule.

It was a heroic event that demonstrated the indomitable fighting will of the south Korean people and a historical watershed which brought about a turnaround for anti-US independence.

However, the desire of the uprisers has not yet been realized though 30 years have passed since then.

The US imperialists and its puppets, the murderous group who turned the whole of Kwangju to a sea of blood, are still reigning supreme and the fascist evil laws and repressive bodies like the “National Security Law” and the “National Intelligence Service” randomly violate the people's democracy and human rights.

The tyranny and arbitrariness of the US, chieftain of aggression, plunder and massacre, get further increased day after day and the present conservative group licks the jackboots of the US while viciously suppressing the people.

The reality calls on the south Korean people to the struggle for anti-US independence, anti-fascist democracy and national reunification.

The Kwangju uprising is not yet finished.

The south Korean people will continue their vigorous struggle to bring about a new democratic country without foreign forces and fascist dictatorship, and the reunified country by inheriting the spirit of the Gwangju uprisers.

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