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Sunday 14 November 2010

Guarantee of Right to Existence Demanded in S. Korea

Guarantee of Right to Existence Demanded in S. Korea

Pyongyang, November 14 (KCNA) -- The "people's action for coping with the international meeting" grouping more than 80 civic and public organizations including the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a rally marking the day of people's joint action demanding the guarantee of the right to existence in Seoul on Nov. 11 with at least 10 000 workers and farmers and people from all other walks of life participating.
A declaration adopted at the rally said that the economic crisis now sweeping the world convinces people of the failure of neo-liberal "globalisation."
Nevertheless, the authorities have imposed misfortune and sufferings upon the people, shoving off the responsibility to them, charged the declaration.
It accused the authorities of pushing ahead with the projects for the improvement of four large rivers and persisting in their moves to conclude the humiliating FTA with the U.S. despite the opposition of the absolute majority of the people, thereby wantonly violating the people's life.
The declaration strongly demanded the authorities stop pursuing unpopular policies and take substantial measures to guarantee the right to existence.
At the end of the rally the participants staged a demonstration.
That day the puppet authorities mobilized at least 3 000 police force of 27 companies to block the rally and the demonstration. -0

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