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Monday 30 May 2011

DPRK Will Not Deal with Lee Myung Bak: Spokesman for NDC of DPRK

It is our stand to let them wait for "contingency" as long as they please according to their "waiting strategy," sticking to their "theory of principle" on the basis of their own judgment till they face their self-destruction.

2. The DPRK will launch a nationwide offensive to put an end to the moves of the Lee group to escalate the confrontation with the DPRK.

The all-out offensive of the army and people of the DPRK is a merciless one.

The trend of the times will prove that hot waves for genuine democracy will rage in the base of the group.

The army and people of the DPRK for the present will take practical actions to cope with the confrontation racket of the group.

As the group put a check bar on reconciliation and cooperation, denying dialogue and contacts, the Korean People's Army will cut off the north-south military communication in the area along the east coast which has been maintained to provide a military guarantee for the north-south passage and close the communication liaison office in Mt. Kumgang area as the first step.

As already warned by the DPRK, it will take a physical action without any notice any time against any target to cope with the anti-DPRK psychological warfare persistently perpetrated by the group with a foolish aim. -0-

Sunday 29 May 2011

Fascist Suppression of Workers Slammed in S. Korea

Pyongyang, May 29 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance for Korea's Reunification in a commentary on May 24 denounced the Lee Myung Bak dictatorial regime for its violent crackdown on workers.

That day the authorities set in motion 2 500 policemen to arrest at least 500 workers of an enterprise who were staging a sit-in in protest against the unreasonable closure of workshop by the management side, the commentary noted.

The authorities' suppression is aimed to stamp out the rights of the workers and obliterate the labour movement, it said,warning that the "government's" repression will invite bigger resistance of the workers. -0-

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- 31 years have passed since all-people resistance was waged in Kwangju of south Korea against the U.S. imperialists' colonial domination and the military dictatorial forces' fascist rule.

The desire for independence, democracy and reunification mounted high among the south Koreans entering the 1980s. Much upset by it, the south Korean military fascist forces proclaimed the "emergency martial law" across south Korea, mercilessly arrested and executed core members of student movement organizations, progressive professors and democratic figures of various strata. They also banned all the political activities and enforced pre-check of publications.

Enraged by this, youth and students and citizens of Kwangju took to the street on May 18, 1980, chanting the slogans "Repeal emergency martial law!" and "Abolish the Yusin system!"

The uprising turned into the massive resistance in a moment with workers, farmers, officers, religionists and other people in Kwangju and its surrounding areas involved. It developed into the armed resistance from May 21.

The resistance forces pushed the "martial forces" into the suburbs, turned Kwangju City into "liberated area" and organized the self-defensive armed ranks to carry on brave and organized struggle.

With this as a momentum the stronger spirit of anti-"government" struggle flared up in the different parts of south Korea and 17 cities and counties joined the uprising in South Jolla Province alone.

The resistance forces failed to attain their goal owing to the puppet forces who committed brutal suppression armed with lethal means at the instigation of the U.S. imperialists. The Kwangju Popular Uprising, however, set off the fierce storm of anti-U.S. independence and the anti-fascist democratic movement in south Korea.

The uprising which was brilliantly recorded in the anti-U.S., the anti-fascist and democratic movement calls upon all the south Koreans of various strata to the struggle to judge the present regime which turned the south Korean society into the theater of the fascist suppression and an area with poor human rights record under the active patronage of the U.S. -0-

S. Korean Businessman Accused of Driving Worker to Death

Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- There occurred in south Korea such tragedy that Jo Myong Su, a member of the Phohang Branch of the Construction Workers' Union, died on May 3 while working at a Phaju construction business.

He was hired by this construction business in March after wondering about in search of a job. He was forced to work for more than 17 hours a day under the poor working conditions.

Enraged at this slave labor imposed upon him by the business, workers affiliated to the Construction Workers Federation of south Korea held a press conference in Seoul on May 13.

Speakers at the press conference deplored the miserable plight of the workers subject to death at the construction sites.

They demanded the business side own responsibility for this and make an apology and pay compensation to the bereaved families.

They declared that construction workers across south Korea would stage actions to force the businesses to pay for the blood shed by those who met grievous deaths.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Fascist Dictatorial Rule of South Korean Authorities Accused

Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- Since the appearance of the present conservative regime the south Korean society has been reduced to a hell on earth where all rights of human beings have been stamped out and the fascist dictatorship are running roughshod.

Rodong Sinmun observes this in a by-lined article Saturday.

It goes on:

Due to the military occupation of south Korea by the United States and its domination over it the independent rights of people have been recklessly violated in all fields of social life including politics, economy and culture.

The group of traitors has used the ill-famed "Security Law" as a means for staying in power and retrogressively revised it instead of abolishing it in a bid to justify its dictatorial rule.

The ruling forces have revived all the repressive machinery of the past military dictatorship and the Chongwadae is now watching and collecting the tendency of even the "national assemblymen" and political parties.

Moreover, the south Korean authorities are carrying out the operation of seducing and abducting fellow countrymen with the mobilization of fascist plot-breeding organs including the Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Unification and the Defense Security Command as well as human traffic organizations.

The south Korean rulers are not in a position to talk about the sacred human rights as they are pursuing only unpopular rule and the policy of confrontation with fellow countrymen while failing to ensure the working people the elementary right to existence, the article concludes. -

Saturday 14 May 2011

Rodong Sinmun Brands Bourgeois Ideology and Culture as Dangerous Virus

Rodong Sinmun Brands Bourgeois Ideology and Culture as Dangerous Virus

Pyongyang, May 13 (KCNA) -- Bourgeois ideology and way of life are dangerous virus making people mental cripples. Rodong Sinmun Friday says this in a bylined article.

It goes on:

Today the imperialists are infiltrating the reactionary ideology and culture into other countries, saying what can not be solved even with nuclear weapons can be easily done by the spread of ideology and culture.

What they seek through their active ideological and cultural poisoning is to degenerate the people's idea, disintegrate those countries from within and put them under their domination and control.

Running through the bourgeois ideology and culture are such inhumane elements as deception, fraud, extreme liberalism, class, national and racial discrimination, misanthropy, personal luxury, corruption and degeneration, dollar-almighty idea and war instigation.

The bourgeois ideology and culture make people betes noires and mental cripples who idle time away with debauchery, dishonesty and corruption.

The bourgeoisies are desperately trying to stamp out the national culture of other countries through ideological and cultural poisoning. The aim sought by them through this is to obliterate the national characters of those countries and make them blindly follow and serve them.

One should never allow any practice of spreading bourgeois ideology, culture and lifestyle which divest man of his soul and body and cause social chaos.

Monday 9 May 2011

Call of Gwangju

Call of Gwangju

The Gwangju People's Uprising erupted on May 18 1980 in Gwangju was a righteous anti-US, anti-fascist uprising against the fascist rule of the US imperialists and the south Korean military junta and for national sovereignty, democracy of the south Korean society and the countrys reunification.

It was a mass armed uprising resolutely fighting against the merciless military suppression of the dictatorial regime.

The patriotic youth, students and citizens of Gwangju armed themselves by taking weapons away from the martial law army and launched a bloody revolt and at last they drove the martial law troops out of the city turning Gwangju to a completely liberated zone.

The flames of the uprising with a million people of different circles participated in total spread rapidly to the wide areas of South and North Jeolla Provinces.

The Gwangju Uprising dealt a telling blow to the decades-long military fascist dictatorship in south Korea and rocked the colonial rule of the US to its foundation.

Extremely frightened by the uprising the US imperialists gave the military fascists of south Korea the orders to kill.

Memorial service held at

the Mangweol-dong Cemetery, Gwangju (2009)

Thus, more than 5,000 people were killed and over 14,000 were injured in a few days and the whole city was stained with blood and wails and cry of resentment burst out here and there.

The truth of the atrocities of Gwangju, a tragic massacre unprecedented in history, can neither be covered up nor be forgotten in the memory of the south Korean people no matter how much water may flow under the bridge.

Though many years have passed, the desire of the uprisers has not yet been realized and the uprising has not ended.

Commemoration event on the 30th anniversary

of the Gwangju People's Uprising (2010)

Even today Gwangju still calls.

All the national misfortune and pains the south Korean people are undergoing till today are originated from the US occupation of south Korea.

It is none other than the US imperialists that perpetrated the bloody massacre in Gwangju 31 years ago.

The south Korean people from all walks of life will further intensify the anti-US struggle for independence to drive the US aggression troops out south Korea.

They will also struggle in firm unity to mete out a fatal blow to the present authorities, a villainous group of traitors to the nation, inheriting the spirit of the Gwangju uprisers who heroically fought undaunted by injustice and dictatorship, without fear of death.

Monday 2 May 2011

UK KFA Publish "Peoples Korea Today"

The UK Korean Friendship Association has produced another edition of its online downloadable journal "People's Korea Today" .This is not free ofcharge the fee goes to cover production costs etc but a small profit goesto UK KFA.
This latest edition includes an expose of the US imperialist "Homefront" anti DPRK computer game as well articles on Che and the DPRK as well as a
cultural feature.

You can purchase your copy here

Sunday 1 May 2011

May Day in DPRK

Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- A national meeting on the 121st May Day took place at the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex in Anju, South Phyongan Province Sunday.

Present there were Choe Yong Rim, Yang Hyong Sop, officials of party and power bodies and working people's organizations, officials concerned, men of meritorious service, labor innovators and working people in the province.

Choe Yong Rim, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea and premier of the Cabinet, in his report said that the working people of the DPRK greeting May Day are extending militant greetings and firm solidarity to the working people the world over dynamically struggling under the uplifted banner of justice, peace and independence against imperialism.

He said that President Kim Il Sung founded the immortal Juche idea, put forward the working people including workers, farmers and intellectuals as the masters of their destiny and led the revolution and construction to a shining victory by enlisting their inexhaustible strength.

The cause of the President who put forward the working people as the masters of the country and revolution and led the revolution and construction to victory by dint of their creative ingenuity and concerted efforts is being successfully carried forward and developed by leader Kim Jong Il, he noted.

Kim Jong Il has closely rallied the workers and other broad masses around the WPK with his politics of love and trust and benevolent politics and led to victory the popular masses' cause of independence, the socialist cause with the might of single-minded unity, he said.

He pointed out that the working people have glorified the exciting annals of the Korean revolution with shining victories and feats under the wise leadership of the party and the leader.

He stressed the need to cherish the faith of Juche and strong national self-esteem, maintain the revolutionary principle, the class principle, resolutely shatter the vicious ideological and cultural poisoning of the imperialists and further strengthen the political and ideological might of the Korean revolution.

He also called for pushing forward the production drive and bringing about a decisive turn in improving the standard of people's living and building a thriving nation.

He extended positive support to the just struggle of the south Korean working people for independence against the U.S. and for democratization of society and national reunification in name of all the working people.

The reporter said that the working people of the DPRK will fully discharge their historic mission in defending world peace and security and pushing ahead with the human cause of independence. They should further strengthen solidarity with the working people all over the world aspiring after independence under under the uplifted banner of independence, peace and friendship, the reporter added

Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Working people of the DPRK significantly marked May Day.

Industrial establishments, cooperative farms, parks and recreation grounds in Pyongyang and local areas were crowded with holiday-makers.

Those in Pyongyang played sports and amusement games and presented dances and art performances at picturesque recreation grounds of Rungra Islet, Moran Hill, Mt. Taesong and other places.

Working people in Chongjin, Hamhung, Hyesan, Kanggye, Sariwon and other places spent a joyful holiday.

The workers of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex and the Ryongsong Machine Complex played amusement games confident of greater leap forward.

Art performances were given and football, volleyball, basketball, tug-of-war and Korean wrestling were played at the February 8 Vinalon Complex, the Musan Mining Complex, the Kaechon Area Coal Mining Complex, the Rakwon Machine Complex, the Susongchon Combined Foodstuff Factory, the Kaesong Aeguk Garment Factory, the Kanggye Koryo Medicine Factory and other places.

Singing and laughter of the working people could be heard in Taehongdan, Phyongwon, Ryongchon, Jaeryong and Hamju counties