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Sunday 1 May 2011

May Day in DPRK

Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- A national meeting on the 121st May Day took place at the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex in Anju, South Phyongan Province Sunday.

Present there were Choe Yong Rim, Yang Hyong Sop, officials of party and power bodies and working people's organizations, officials concerned, men of meritorious service, labor innovators and working people in the province.

Choe Yong Rim, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea and premier of the Cabinet, in his report said that the working people of the DPRK greeting May Day are extending militant greetings and firm solidarity to the working people the world over dynamically struggling under the uplifted banner of justice, peace and independence against imperialism.

He said that President Kim Il Sung founded the immortal Juche idea, put forward the working people including workers, farmers and intellectuals as the masters of their destiny and led the revolution and construction to a shining victory by enlisting their inexhaustible strength.

The cause of the President who put forward the working people as the masters of the country and revolution and led the revolution and construction to victory by dint of their creative ingenuity and concerted efforts is being successfully carried forward and developed by leader Kim Jong Il, he noted.

Kim Jong Il has closely rallied the workers and other broad masses around the WPK with his politics of love and trust and benevolent politics and led to victory the popular masses' cause of independence, the socialist cause with the might of single-minded unity, he said.

He pointed out that the working people have glorified the exciting annals of the Korean revolution with shining victories and feats under the wise leadership of the party and the leader.

He stressed the need to cherish the faith of Juche and strong national self-esteem, maintain the revolutionary principle, the class principle, resolutely shatter the vicious ideological and cultural poisoning of the imperialists and further strengthen the political and ideological might of the Korean revolution.

He also called for pushing forward the production drive and bringing about a decisive turn in improving the standard of people's living and building a thriving nation.

He extended positive support to the just struggle of the south Korean working people for independence against the U.S. and for democratization of society and national reunification in name of all the working people.

The reporter said that the working people of the DPRK will fully discharge their historic mission in defending world peace and security and pushing ahead with the human cause of independence. They should further strengthen solidarity with the working people all over the world aspiring after independence under under the uplifted banner of independence, peace and friendship, the reporter added

Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Working people of the DPRK significantly marked May Day.

Industrial establishments, cooperative farms, parks and recreation grounds in Pyongyang and local areas were crowded with holiday-makers.

Those in Pyongyang played sports and amusement games and presented dances and art performances at picturesque recreation grounds of Rungra Islet, Moran Hill, Mt. Taesong and other places.

Working people in Chongjin, Hamhung, Hyesan, Kanggye, Sariwon and other places spent a joyful holiday.

The workers of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex and the Ryongsong Machine Complex played amusement games confident of greater leap forward.

Art performances were given and football, volleyball, basketball, tug-of-war and Korean wrestling were played at the February 8 Vinalon Complex, the Musan Mining Complex, the Kaechon Area Coal Mining Complex, the Rakwon Machine Complex, the Susongchon Combined Foodstuff Factory, the Kaesong Aeguk Garment Factory, the Kanggye Koryo Medicine Factory and other places.

Singing and laughter of the working people could be heard in Taehongdan, Phyongwon, Ryongchon, Jaeryong and Hamju counties

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