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Tuesday 6 September 2011

CPRK Secretariat Denounces S. Korean Authorities′ Jeju Naval Base Construction

Pyongyang, September 6 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) issued information bulletin No. 980 Tuesday as regards the actions of people of various circles including inhabitants on Jeju Island against the Jeju naval base construction getting fierce in south Korea these days.

The information bulletin says:

The Jeju naval base construction is a heinous criminal move of the puppet group to destroy a peaceful fishing village on Jeju Island and build a large naval port to turn the island into a new outpost and a logistic base targeted against the DPRK and its neighboring countries to meet the need of the U.S. aggression.

The islanders, civic and public organizations of various circles and opposition parties are strongly demanding a stop to the base construction, denouncing the naval base as "an outpost to invade the north" and "powder magazine threatening peace in Northeast Asia".

The puppet group, instead of paying heed to this demand, is brutally suppressing the inhabitants in their just actions by massively hurling police forces and repressive equipment into the crackdown.

They went the lengths of taking such fascist action as arresting and detaining them after branding them as "pro-north and leftist forces".

In consequence, the same tragedy as what happened during the April 3 uprising more than six decades ago is taking place in Kangjong Village, Jeju Island where the naval base is now under construction. At that time a large number of people were cruelly killed by the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces, the puppet troops and right-wing gangsters.

This is a monstrous fascist action to chill the desire of the south Korean people for peace and reunification and a wanton violation of the islanders' right to existence and human rights.

The construction of the Juju naval base would make it possible for various type means for a war of aggression including U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier flotilla and nuclear submarines to frequent there and this would put the Korean Peninsula and its vicinity into a whirlwind of constant war threat.

The above-said naval base construction is touching off towering indignation among all Koreans as it is a revelation of a sinister scenario to provoke a nuclear war on the peninsula by stepping up the preparations for a war of aggression against the north.

The puppet warmongers are working hard to offer even a village on the island on the southernmost tip of Korea, feeling not content with hosts of bases of U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in various parts of south Korea at a time when public at home and abroad is becoming increasingly assertive for the improvement of the inter-Korean relations and peace. They are no more than a group of traitors utterly indifferent to reunification, peace and people's livelihood.

The naval base construction can never be allowed as it disturbs the stability of the regional situation including the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.

The south Korean authorities should properly heed to the warning of the angry people and public opinion at home and abroad and halt the naval base construction at once.

If the puppet group persists in the naval base construction quite contrary to the aspiration and desire of the fellow countrymen, they will face stronger protest and denunciation at home and abroad.

The islanders and other people of various circles in south Korea should further intensify the actions against the puppet warmongers' naval base construction, a threat to peace, stability and the right to existence with the same spirit and will as displayed during the April 3 uprising. -0-

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