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Thursday 22 November 2012

Let Us Build Workers’ World
Let Us Build Workers’ World

On November 11, there took place in Seoul under the sponsorship of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions an anti-regime struggle on the occasion of the 42nd death anniversary of Jon Tae-il who suicided by fire in protest against the misrule of the Park Chung –hee military fascist dictatorship.
Participating there were some 30,000 workers under the above-said confederation, members and assemblymen of opposition parties, various figures and organizations.
Holding placards reading “Repeal lay-offs, stop the destruction of trade unions and guarantee workers’ right to participate in politics”, the workers demonstrated their will to fight to the last against the anti-people politics of the regime chanting such slogans as “Jon Tae-il is still alive here!” and “Repeal the irregular jobs!”.
Then the participants held a rally at the plaza of Seoul Railway Station.
Speakers there deplored the reality saying that though many years have lapsed since Jon suicided by fire in protest against the anti-people labor policy, there is no improvement in the workers’ status.
Workers are waging the fierce struggles in various parts of south Korea for their right to existence demanding the restoration of the dismissed and the repeal of irregular jobs, they noted and stressed that all these struggles cannot triumph unless Lee Myung-bak and the “Saenuri Party” are ousted.
They asserted that now is high time that all people should turn out in the struggle to make a radical change of the society by concerted efforts.
Then a resolution was read out there to stress that they would build through struggles a society where basic labor rights are guaranteed and the workers become its masters.
It also demanded the authorities stop the moves to destroy trade unions, repeal the irregular jobs and lay-offs and guarantee political rights of the workers.
That day, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions clarified that it would continue the anti-regime struggle including holding a candlelit rally for the guarantee of the workers’ franchise at Seoul Plaza on November 17 and a large-scale people's rally on December 8.

Friday 16 November 2012

Women in South Korea Envy the North Korean Women - Voice of Korea

S. Korean Workers′ Just Struggle Supported

Pyongyang, November 16 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) Thursday made public the following statement:
Recently workers of south Korea are staging fierce mass actions against the unpopular rule of the conservative regime.
The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a meeting with tens of thousands of workers attending in Seoul on November 11 to declare that it would stage actions for employment, settlement of part-time job and guarantee of basic labor rights and have their demands met by punishing the present regime in the "presidential" election.
They ardently called for turning the upcoming "presidential" election into a theatre of courageous actions for rights of workers to existence and great social reforms and a battle to drive out the "yusin" dictatorship. They expressed their firm will to wage dynamic large-scale anti-regime actions with the election at hand.
On November 9, part-time workers of over 3 440 schools across south Korea staged a general strike in 16 areas. They vowed to escalate the struggle amid popular support and solidarity unless their demands are met.
The strong mass actions of workers now mounting in different parts of south Korea are an eruption of the pent-up grudge and anger at the unpopular rule and labor policy of the conservative group including traitor Lee Myung Bak and a demonstration of the will to make a clean sweep of the group of traitors and bring about new independent and democratic politics and society where genuine life is guaranteed.
During the past five years of the Lee Myung Bak regime the economy and people's living in south Korea went bankrupt and workers and other people there are subject to unbearable misfortunes and sufferings.
Even according to information made public by the puppet regime, during Lee's office job chances further dwindled as compared with those in the period of the former regime and the number of the unemployed and semi-unemployed reached an all time high in south Korea's history.
The number of the poor who are unable to earn even the lowest living cost increased more than 300 000 every year, reaching at least 9 million at present. The income gap between the rich and the poor is about 18 times that of 2007.
Half of all the families in south Korea do not have their own houses. They live either in rented rooms or in dugouts, underground rooms and caves.
However, the ruling conservatives shun such sufferings of the people and perpetrate scandals for accumulation of wealth and personal glory and are keen to gratify their despicable political ambitions. They even unhesitatingly commit such horrible atrocities as turning down the demands of workers and other people for their rights to existence and cruelly killing them as evidenced by their killing of evacuees of Ryongsan and mass lay-off at Ssangyong Motorcar Co.
That is why south Korean people from all walks of life describe the five years of Lee Myung Bak's office as "five years of misrule" and "era of darkness" as it drove the economy and people's living to collapse and distress and they are ready to punish the group of traitors.
Now the "Saenuri Party" sharing the same lot with Lee Myung Bak more dead than alive, forsaken by the people, is desperately working to mislead the people's attention in a bid to prolong its remaining days and stay in power, ridiculously talking about "people's living", "economic democracy" and "revamp" with the "presidential" election at hand.
But, no one will be taken in its rhetoric.
It is the firm resolution and will of the south Korean people including workers to punish the Lee group of evil and the "Saenuri Party" in the election and overthrow the unjust society where 99 percent of people must serve just one percent of the population.
All the workers of south Korea should bear mind that they can never escape misfortune and disaster as long as such wicked gang of traitors as the Lee group and the "Saenuri Party" are allowed to go reckless. They should become standard-bearers and vanguard in the actions against Lee Myung Bak and the "Saenuri Party" and severely punish the conservative group.
The GFTUK Central Committee sends full support and solidarity to the south Korean workers in their just and brave actions to win back independent rights of human beings and build a genuine new society. -0-

Friday 26 October 2012

PICKET OF SOUTH KOREAN EMBASSYPICKET OF SOUTH KOREAN EMBASSY THURSDAY 1ST OF NOVEMBER 2012 PICKET OF SOUTH KOREAN EMBASSY THURSDAY 1ST OF NOVEMBER 2012 FREE MR RO SU HUI ! TIME 4-30PM PLACE SOUTH KOREAN EMBASSY 60 BUCKINGHAM GATE LONDON SW1 NEAREST TUBE VICTORIA Mr Ro was arrested and detained by the south Korean fascist puppets under the so-called "National Security Law" of south Korea. The NSL punishes south Korean people for visiting north Korea or sympathising with it in anyway. The NSL is fascist and a throwback to a by-gone era. The NSL is very much reminiscent of Nazi Germany , 1950s McCarthyite America and Apartheid south Africa. The NSL is also a block to inter-Korean relations, reconciliation and and reunification. Mr Ro has committed no crime whatsoever. He simply visited one part of his own country which has been artificially divided by outside forces (chiefly US imperialism). We ask why is the south Korean regime so afraid of its people visiting the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ?. Our demands are simple and straightforward - the unconditional release of Mr Ro Su Hui and the dropping of any charges against him.


                                          Mr Ro was arrested and detained by the south Korean fascist puppets under the so-called "National Security Law" of south Korea. The NSL punishes south Korean people for visiting north Korea or sympathising with it in anyway. The NSL is  fascist and a throwback to a by-gone era. The NSL is very much reminiscent of Nazi Germany , 1950s McCarthyite America and Apartheid south Africa. The NSL is also  a block to inter-Korean relations, reconciliation and  and reunification.
                     Mr Ro has committed no crime whatsoever. He simply visited one part of his own country which has been artificially divided by outside forces (chiefly US imperialism).  We ask why is the south Korean regime so afraid of its people visiting the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ?.

Our demands are simple and straightforward - the unconditional release of Mr Ro Su Hui and the dropping of any charges against him.           

Sunday 23 September 2012


We are founding this international committee for the release of Mr Ro Su Hui because we are deeply shocked by unjust and repressive treatment meted out to him by south Korean authorities . Mr Ro Su Hui vice-chairman of the south side headquarters of the Pan-National Alliance for Korea's Reunification was arrested, on the 5th of July, as he stepped into south Korea after visiting the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
                              Mr Ro was arrested and detained by the south Korean fascist puppets under the so-called "National Security Law" of south Korea. The NSL punishes south Korean people for visiting north Korea or sympathising with it in anyway. The NSL is  fascist and a throwback to a by-gone era. The NSL is very much reminiscent of Nazi Germany , 1950s McCarthyite America and Apartheid south Korea. The NSL is also  a block to inter-Korean relations, reconciliation and  and reunification.
                     Mr Ro has committed no crime whatsoever. He simply visited one part of his own country which has been artificially divided by outside forces (chiefly US imperialism).  We ask why is the south Korean regime so afraid of its people visiting the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ?.

Our demands are simple and straightforward - the unconditional release of Mr Ro Su Hui and the dropping of any charges against him.

Our committee will do what it can to raise the international profile of this horrendous  case and exposes the real human rights abuses on the Korean peninsula.

International Committee for the Release of Mr Ro Su Hui

Honorary President Alejandro Cao De Benos President Korean Friendship Association
secretary general  Dermot Hudson President ASSPUK,chairman JISGE Official Delegate KFA for UK
Chairman Andy Brooks general secretary New Communist Party of Britain, chairman Co-Ordinating Committee of Friends of Korea
1st Vice chair Martin Lotscher Swiss Korea Committee

Tuesday 24 July 2012

General Strikes Unabated in S. Korea

Pyongyang, July 24 (KCNA) -- Most of trade unions of south Korea reportedly are on general strikes in succession.
The trade union of the metal workers kicked off a general strike on July 20 in the wake of its general strike of more than 130 000 union members demanding ban on the night work and repeal of part-time job system on July 13.
Earlier, the construction trade union and the Freight Workers' Solidarity under the south Korean transport workers' union went on the similar strikes.
The railway, airport, harbor and transport trade unions also refused to accept the authorities' demand for proxy transport in support of more than 300 000 unionists of the Solidarity which declared the general strike on an indefinite strike.
The financial union also manifested its will to launch a general strike.
All the participants in the strikes are crying out for a boost in pay, application of the 8-hour work system, repeal of part-time job system and the withdrawal of the layoff measures.
Such massive protests are an eruption of the wrath and grudge against the south Korean conservative ruling forces who exploit and oppress the working people while imposing the unemployment and poverty upon them by enforcing the unpopular economic policy.
According to data available, 2 114 workers were reported to have lost their lives and over 93 290 wounded in south Korea last year, due to labor accidents.
The part-timers in south Korea are constantly subject to discrimination no matter how hard they work and they are living fearful of the unemployment. This clearly shows the reactionary nature of the labor policy trumpeted by the south Korean puppet regime.
What is more serious is that the Lee Myung Bak group of traitors concluded without hesitation the "Free Trade Agreement" with the U.S. in the end, leaving the south Korean economy to the mercy of foreign forces, a sycophantic act of treachery of making the people's living harder.
It is quite natural to see the general strikes against the traitorous regime's unpopular rule.
The "Saenuri Party" is repeating what traitor Lee committed by deceiving the people and committing treacherous actions.
The south Korean people are unanimous in saying that the "economic democracy" and "people's happiness" trumpeted by the party of traitors are little different from the deceptive commitment made by the Lee group to "recover economy" that resulted in the bankruptcy of the economy, the deterioration of the people's livelihood, the social inequality and widened gap between the rich and the poor. -0-

Monday 11 June 2012

S. Korean Organizations Denounce Enterpriser Side

Pyongyang, June 11 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and organizations including the metal trade unions under it released a joint statement on June 5 denouncing the enterpriser side for pushing women workers to death.
The statement said that a woman worker of the Sam Sung Electronics company died of serious disease on June 2.
The company clarified that at least 50 women workers recently lost their lives due to industrial disasters, it noted.
The statement chided the enterpriser side for covering up bad working environment and not taking any measure talking about "business secret" despite the investigation result by a professional organ that cancer-causing substance created in the work process has huge adverse impact on human body.
It insisted that the business side should apologize to the victims and their bereaved families and clarify the state of the workers suffering from illness.
Blaming the incident on the "government" which shunned the miserable situation, the statement urged the authorities to take thorough measures to prevent the recurrence of such disasters. -0-

Saturday 26 May 2012

Let Us Block Restoration of “Yushin” Dictatorship

Let Us Block Restoration of “Yushin” Dictatorship

The Park Chung-hee military clique grabbed power through a military coup d'etat on May 16, 1961 at the instigation of the US imperialists.
After the seizure of power Park declared anti-communism as the “state policy” and reduced the whole of south Korea into a killing hell and prison without bars through the fascistization of society.
The “Yushin” dictatorship which turned south Korea to a terrible land with the monstrous fascist rule eventually faced a miserable end by the people's stern punishment.
Though more than 30 years have lapsed since then the remnants of the “Yushin” dictatorship are still rampant.
They are advertising so-called “achievements” of the “Yushin government” and running amuck to realize their ambition for power, ignominiously putting up Park Geun-hye, daughter of Park Chung-hee.
The farce to praise the “Yushin” dictator is blatantly staged; the “Park Chung-hee commemoration library” was opened in Seoul, TV series on him are aired, and lots of seminars on him are held lately.
Lurking behind it is a sinister trick of the “Saenuri Party” to enlist the conservative forces so as to regain power through stirring up nostalgia for Park Chung-hee.
The “Saenuri Party” gentries bossed by Park Geun-hye now brand the progressives in south Korea as “pro-north leftists” and “north-following forces” connected with the DPRK, cry out against their ruling, and leave no means untried to win the people's favor on the other hand.
They impute all their crimes to Lee Myung-bak, a living corpse, and trumpet so-called “shake-up” and “change”.
That the “Yushin” remnants bossed by Park Geun-hye unreservedly raise their heads and make desperate effort to seize power sparks off serious concern and bitter anger among various circles in south Korea.
The people from different social standings maintain that the restoration of the “Yushin dictatorship” will only result in returning the history back to the medieval dark era, and stress they should frustrate Park Geun-hye’s ambition for power without fail.
Even the presidential candidates from the ruling “Saenuri Party” strongly denounce the party as a dictatorial system controlled by her, and take the offensive against her saying that if she takes power the people would tremble for fear reminding the “Yushin” dictatorship.
And those opposed to her in the party comment that she is a cold-hearted princess who distances herself from others, difficult to have communications with, and say that she, accustomed to the aristocratic living as a daughter of president since her early years, cannot solve the problem of the people's living.
The execrable history of treason to the nation should not be repeated any longer.
The south Korean people should thoroughly block the ambition for power of Park Geun-hye, the same as traitor Lee Myung-bak who is frenzied in fascist dictatorship and confrontation with fellow countrymen.

Sunday 1 April 2012

S. Korean Workers Declare Actions for Wage Increase

Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) held a meeting for declaring actions for wage increase in Seoul on March 28.

Speakers at the meeting said that workers had no option but to turn out in actions again as they cannot maintain their existence no matter how hard they work.

The south Korean "government" lends deaf ear to the demand of the workers for wage increase, while pouring tens of billions of won into the "nuclear security summit", they said, adding that this can be solved only through actions.

The participants expressed the will to surely punish the "government" authorities for enforcing an unpopular policy, chanting the slogan "Let us change society through a general strike of the KCTU!" -0-

Saturday 24 March 2012

S. Korean Workers Stage Protest

Pyongyang, March 24 (KCNA) -- Those forcibly discharged by the south Korean puppet group and part time workers have been on a sit-down action under the motto "99 percent plaza of hope for a society free from lay-off and part-time jobs" in Seoul since March 10.

Its participants held a press conference near Chongwadae on March 21 at which they denounced the puppet authorities for their moves to enforce man-killing part time jobs and lay-off against workers.

At the press conference, they deplored it is very difficult for the above-said people to live every day.

They urged the authorities to abrogate the law on part-time jobs and lay-off which forces people to wander about streets.

The serious problem of lay-off and part-time jobs was caused by the present regime, they said, urging Lee to own responsibility for this situation and settle it without delay.

Then, they staged an action in demand of an interview with traitor Lee.

Monday 12 March 2012

Public Is Best Judge(rumoured death of Lee Myung Bak)

Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- A rumor that south Korea's Lee Myung Bak was dead had swept throughout the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Saturday.

In this regard, Tokko Hyon Song, living in Phyongchon District, Pyongyang, told KCNA:

"I will feel relieved if Lee Myung Bak dies as the rumor says. The article carried by the daily Rodong Sinmun Sunday is indicative of public sentiments. I believe that resentment toward the Lee group of traitors has turned to be the rumor.

As there is a saying 'the public is the best judge', the Lee group, heinous traitors to the nation, will find no a shelter in this land and sky."

Jong In Bok, living in Phyongsong City, South Phyongan Province, said:

"Even if Lee Myung Bak, little different to a beast, died, it is needless to pin hope on the south Korean regime. But, the rumor represents the surging indignation against the Lee group.

The public has already sentenced a death penalty to Lee. Now, death only awaits him."

Sunday 11 March 2012

S. Korea Bogged by Household Debt Crisis

Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Household debt has now reached an all-time high of nearly one trillion U.S. dollars in south Korea.

The debt that had annually increased over 5 percent from 2000 now totals 929 billion U.S. dollars beyond the internationally set danger line.

Debt for each household amounts to more than 1.7 times its yearly average income, topping the world list.

40 percent of household debt was what the families loaned from the banks with their houses as collateral.

As the householders' income shrank and the house prices decreased more than 15 percent as against the past period under the influence of the economic downturn, the banks are now finding it unable to get back even the principal, to say nothing of interests.

This is an inevitable product of the unpopular economic policy of Lee Myung Bak who pushed the economy into bankruptcy and the people's lives into destitution. It is the unanimous public opinion that the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections will serve as a harbinger heralding the puppet group's ruin. -0-

Sunday 4 March 2012

Rages at S. Korean Regime Run High among Workers of DPRK

Rages at S. Korean Regime Run High among Workers of DPRK

Pyongyang, March 4 (KCNA) -- Upon hearing the news of the hideous provocation committed again by south Korea's Lee Myung Bak regime against the dignity of the DPRK supreme leadership, all workers at the Chollima Steel Complex in the DPRK hardly repress their surging indignation.

Ju Kyong Chol, a workshop head, told KCNA:

"The Lee Myung Bak group of traitors made another hideous provocation at a time when the Korean Peninsula is under the touch-and-go situation due to the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle military exercises jointly kicked off by the south Korean military and the U.S. forces.

The group's arch crime, committed when the DPRK was seized with grief over the demise of leader Kim Jong Il, is still arousing anger from among the fellow countrymen.

We can no longer endure such provocations."

Ra U Gil, a member of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards, said:

"Now that our own-style sacred war was declared against the group of traitors, we will turn out in the war with a hammer in one hand and a rifle in the other to wipe out the enemy.

Those who hurt the dignity of the supreme leadershi

Sunday 5 February 2012

Repeal of Plan for Privatizing Railway Called for in S. Korea

Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- The railway trade union under the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a meeting in Seoul on Saturday, demanding the authorities to give up their plan for privatizing the railway.

The speakers said that the privatization would grant privileges to the big businesses and reduce tens of thousands of railway workers to part-time workers, threatening their existence.

They urged the authorities to drop their plan for privatizing the railway. -0-

Friday 3 February 2012

S. Korean Workers Declare General Strike

Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a meeting in Seoul on Jan. 31 at which it declared a general strike to oust the Lee Myung Bak group of traitors pursuing an unpopular rule.

The speakers said that this year is a landmark year for putting an end to the authorities' traitorous rule for the rich who account for just one percent of the population, calling for bringing down the fascist dictatorship through the workers' struggle.

They underscored the need to bring earlier a society where the basic right to labor and political freedom are guaranteed to the workers.

They declared they would get all the evil laws on labor of the authorities repealed through a dynamic struggle and foil their moves to stamp out the democratic trade unions, no matter what trial they may face. They called upon the workers across south Korea and progressive forces to unite and solidarize with one another to win the general election slated to take place in April. -0-

Sunday 22 January 2012

Lee Myung Bak Termed Chieftain of Massacre of Ryongsan Evacuees Three Yrs Ago

Pyongyang, January 22 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Preparatory Committee for Memorial Service for the Ryongsan Tragedy condemned the puppet group of traitors for the massacre of Ryongsan evacuees. The Committee consists of more than 100 civic and public organizations.
They held a rally in the plaza of the Seoul Station on Jan. 19.
The speakers said though three years have passed since the tragedy, probe into the killing has not been made and the evacuees who fought for their rights to existence are still kept behind bars.
The present "government" forcibly evacuated residents without any measure, pursuant to its reckless devolopment policy, speakers charged, deploring it will bring the second and third Ryongsan Tragedy.
They strongly demanded the immediate release of the unjustly detained evacuees and the enactment of the "law on banning forcible evacuation" to prevent the Ryongsan tragedy from repeating itself.
Paek Ki Wan, chief of the Institute for Unification Studies, made a memorial address.
It is Lee Myung Bak who masterminded the massacre of Ryongsan evacuees, Paek said.
He called on people from different social strata to turn the memorial movement into a campaign for putting Lee Myung Bak behind bars this year. -0

S. Korea′s Repression of Trade Unions Flayed

S. Korea′s Repression of Trade Unions Flayed
Pyongyang, January 22 (KCNA) -- Organizations of various social standings of south Korea denounced the puppet authorities for fanning up the atmosphere of repression.
They held a press conference in Seoul on Jan. 20.
They included the Teachers Trade Unions, the Solidarity for Progress, the Confederation of Trade Unions.
In a press release they condemned the corrupt and incompetent present regime for kicking up the racket of suppressing the Teachers Trade Unions in the run up to the parliamentary election.
The authorities have charged the legitimate activities of teachers for the peace and the country's reunification as violation of the "National Security Law" and searched the houses of members of the Teachers Trade Unions, they said.
Since taking office the present regime has kicked up suppressive campaign whenever elections were ahead.
The fascist suppression through political coloring offensive will never browbeat the people, they stressed.
They called for staging dynamic actions to foil the conservative ruling forces' moves to suppress the trade unions. -0-

Friday 6 January 2012

S. Korean Trade Unionists Vow to Turn out to Judge Regime

Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- Members of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) held a rally in Moran Park in south Yangju City, Kyonggi Province on January 3, declaring the launch of actions for judging traitorous regime.

Attending it were members of the general affairs bureau and sub-trade unions and regional headquarters under KCTU.

People's livelihood deteriorated under the Lee Myung Bak regime, the speakers deplored.

People's anger at the present regime has grown for the past four years, they said, vowing to deal a blow at the regime through intensified actions.

KCTU will take the lead to win general strike this year and judge unpopular regime, they vowed.