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Friday 3 February 2012

S. Korean Workers Declare General Strike

Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a meeting in Seoul on Jan. 31 at which it declared a general strike to oust the Lee Myung Bak group of traitors pursuing an unpopular rule.

The speakers said that this year is a landmark year for putting an end to the authorities' traitorous rule for the rich who account for just one percent of the population, calling for bringing down the fascist dictatorship through the workers' struggle.

They underscored the need to bring earlier a society where the basic right to labor and political freedom are guaranteed to the workers.

They declared they would get all the evil laws on labor of the authorities repealed through a dynamic struggle and foil their moves to stamp out the democratic trade unions, no matter what trial they may face. They called upon the workers across south Korea and progressive forces to unite and solidarize with one another to win the general election slated to take place in April. -0-

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