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Sunday 23 February 2014

Korean People's Just Cause Supported by WFTU

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the Presidential Council of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) extended full support to the Korean people's just cause. It was held in Rome, Italy on February 14 and 15.
    Adopted at the meeting was an appeal signed by delegates of trade unions of 18 countries and international and regional trade unions.
    The appeal addressed to the trade unions of all countries in the world in support of Korea's reunification and peace said:
    The nearly 70 year-long history of territorial division is inflicting untold disasters and sufferings upon all Koreans in the north and the south.
    Such tragic and disgraceful history of the Korean nation is entirely attributable to foreign forces.
    The U.S. and south Korean authorities are blustering that they will soon stage Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military drills for aggression which they have done every year under the pretext of "annual" and "defensive" ones.
    On January 16 the National Defence Commission (NDC) of the DPRK sent a crucial proposal to the south Korean authorities to pave the wide avenue of improving the north-south relations.
    This proposal reflects the desire and demand of the whole Korean nation in the north, the south and abroad aspiring after the independent reunification, peace and prosperity of the country.
    We strongly demand the U.S. and the south Korean authorities immediately stop their war drills seriously threatening peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in Asia and the rest of the world, expressing deep concerns about the projected dangerous joint military drills.
    Recognizing that the crucial proposal of the NDC of the DPRK serves as the first step for ensuring peace and security on the Korean peninsula, we fully support it and urge the south Korean authorities to respond to it as soon as possible.
    We ardently appeal the world working class and trade unions loving justice and peace to extend full support and solidarity to the Korean people and other working people in their just struggle for achieving reunification, peace and prosperity of the country.
    A letter to supreme leader Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting. -0-

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