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Saturday 12 April 2014

Workers are not Slaves

Workers are not Slaves

Ever intensifying day after day in south Korea is the people's struggle protesting against the anti-people policy of the south Korean regime which reduced south Korea to a living hell.
On March 29, the solidarity of freight workers held an emergent general meeting of its unionists in which it bitterly denounced the reactionary labor policy of the regime and the companies.
Some 5,000 members of the solidarity of freight workers and the trade unions of railways and metal industry workers took part in it.
Headquarters chief Lee Bong-ju of the solidarity of freight workers declared in the meeting that they turn out in the struggle not to live any longer as toiling slaves.
Participants there demanded their labor rights and vital rights such as realizing the basic rights of labor and legalizing standard rates.
Meanwhile, the national trade union of the railways held a meeting to vow a general strike and all-out struggle with 4,000-odd unionists attended that day.
The employers get hell-bent on repression only, turning down the trade union’s demand for strike, the participants charged and urged the stop to forceful transfer of railways trade unionists and the sincere negotiations of the company. Some 100 unionists tonsured condemning the repression of their trade union by the regime and the company.


The participants marched along the streets holding slogans reading “We oppose the privatization of the railways”, “Halt to the forceful transfer!” and “Discontinue repression of trade union!”, etc.
Such being a hard fact, chief executive Park Geun-hye neglected the ever-mounting public wrath and grievance at her regime for destroying the economy and the people's living. But she made a detestable and nauseating misdemeanor abroad jabbering about the north’s “economic crisis” and “poverty”, and touting a “nutrition aid to pregnant women and babies”.
The south Korean regime had better discard the ingrained concept of confrontation against the fellow countrymen and worry about its wretched reality in which suicide cases occur one after another and mass protest and demo struggles take place everyday, before caring for others.

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