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Friday 19 December 2014

ASSPUK , JISGE and UK KFA slam "dissolution " of the Unified Progressive Party in south Korea

  London 19th of December Juche 103(2014)  
      The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK, the Juche Idea Study Group  of England  and the International Committee for the Release of Mr Ro Su Hui issued the following joint statement condenming the 'dissolution ' of the Unified Progressive Party of south Korea by the fascist regime of Park Geun Hye !
                               We have recently learnt that the Unified Progressive Party of south Korea , a legal party with elected representatives has been dissolved by the decision of the "Constitutional court " of south Korea
                          We, the ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA , condemn the south Korean puppet fascist regime for its attempts to  effectively ban the Unified Progressive Party by its dissolution  through a  so -called constitutional court .  This follows on from  numerous repressive measures such as the arrest and jailing of the Rev Han Sang Ryol and Mr Ro So Hui, the arrest of national assembly member Lee Seok Ki on false charges  and a generalised fascist crackdown on pro reunification and progressive activists as well as gangster style fascist terrorism against Ms Hwang Son and Prof Sin Un Mi .
The puppet fascist Park Geun Hye is following in the footsteps of her father the  fascist dictator Park Chung Hee , a dictator so terrible that he was shot by the head of his own secret police . Park Chung Hee slaughtered thousands and jailed communists and south Korean revolutionaries.
 South Korea is one of the few countries in the world where communist parties are completely illegal under the "National Security Law " and indeed all pro reunification , pro DPRK and leftist activities are illegal under the NSL.  The recent moves of the south Korean puppet regime are pushing south Korea further down the road to extreme fascism . South Korea is becoming one big fascist prison house where progressive thought is punished by law .
South Korea is a society where the richer get ever richer and the poor get ever poorer. It is ruled by a corrupt elite whose first allegiance is to the United States . South Korea is occupied by US troops . The US robs the south Korean people of nearly $1 billion a year in "upkeep expenses" . Thus it is only normal that people should seek out and embrace progressive ideas and fight for independence and reunification but this being forcibly suppressed by the south Korean puppet regime in a desperate bid to maintain their own rule and keep south Korea as a US neo-colony.
                                                       The south Korean fascist puppets are enforcing an extreme  fascist rule without parallel in the world and turning south Korea into a tundra of human rights, a dark shadowy land whereas fascism prevails and everything progressive is trampled down.
                                    The repression of the UPP must be stopped at once  and fascist terrorism
must be stopped !

All solidarity with the brave pro reunification progressives of south Korea !


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