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Monday 13 December 2010

South Korean Society, Rotten and Corrupted

South Korean Society, Rotten and Corrupted

- Owing to the unreliable economic policy of the Lee Myung-bak group of traitors the south Korean economy faces a catastrophic crisis and the people's living goes to ruin.

This year alone such financial crisis and business bankruptcy as skyrocketing debts of the big business groups and individuals, nothing to say of the financial deficit of the government, get more severe. In last May, 9 big business groups were designated as the restructuring targets and 49 more in June.

16 big construction groups and some 2600 subcontract enterprises which are in dire financial difficulty are on the verge of bankruptcy. So the financial institutions which invested most of the loans in real estate markets fell into utter confusion.

Many enterprises declared bankruptcy and a great number of the unemployed people are wandering about the streets. The number of the young unemployed increased to 1,243,000 in August this year from 905,000 of last year.

As the result of the suspension of the inter-Korean cooperation due to the confrontation moves of the treacherous clan of south Korea nearly 300,000 jobs were lost and a damage to the tune of 5,972 billion won occurred so that the people's livelihood is considerably threatened.

Last year the poor households numbered 3,058,000 and over 7 million people were deprived of elementary right to existence and eke out a bare existence living in makeshift houses, shanties or rent houses.

- Ever-growing Violent Crimes

The number of crimes such as killing, robbery, rape, larceny, violence in south Korea was more than 590,080 in 2009, increasing 45,560 more than that of 2008 (8.4% increase).

The crime of murder was 1,370, increasing 24% more than that of 2008, and the robbery 32%, larceny 15% more than that of 2008. Major economic crimes such as fraud and usurpation also increased 10% more than that in 2008.

The criminals the police dealt with in 2009 reached to 2,333,710 persons.

- Suicide Prevalent in Society

12,858 people committed suicide in 2008 but in 2009 the number increased to 14,579, 1,721 more than that of the previous year.

Suicide among the schoolchildren in primary, middle and high schools, in particular, is increasing at a record high. In 2009 it increased by 50% in comparison with the previous year.

Though the south Korean conservative ruling group is clamoring about a “package of 5-year measures to prevent suicide” in a bid to reduce suicides at any cost, the suicide pathology will further mount as malignant tumor in south Korea due to its anti-people policy.

Today the south Korean people denounce the ruling group of traitors that destroyed the national economy, inter-Korean relations and the people's living, vociferating “the people's livelihood can never be improved under the current regime”, “we must judge the regime for a new society to live in happily” and “let us bring about the people's world at an early date through the vigorous struggle to judge the traitorous regime”.

Friday 19 November 2010

We Oppose the G20 Summit a Festival of the Haves

We Oppose the G 20 Summit Meeting,

a Festival of the Haves!

"Day of the People's International Joint Action"

(At Seoul Station, November 11)

South Korean and international Representatives

of the "People's Action" in a Demo

Denouncing the G 20 Summit Meeting

Wire Entanglements around the Meeting's Venue

Fascist Police Represses the Peaceful

March of the People

A Rat ("G" means a rat in vernacular)

Ridicules the Summit

"We Oppose the G 20 Summit which Makes

the People Pay for the Economic Crisis"

Tuesday 16 November 2010

report of smash g20 picket at SK embassy


On Friday 12 November, people from various leftist groups and organizations turned up at the south Korean embassy in London to stand in solidarity with south Korean workers, G20 protestors, prisoners and all anti-G20 activists from across the globe who took part in the G20-protests in Seoul, south Korea on 11-12 November and condemn the Lee Myung Bak fascist style puppet regime of south Korea for it brutal onslaught on south Korean workers and their rights.

Protestors handed out anti-G20 fliers to the passing public highlighting the issues.

However from the very start of the protest, south Korean officials of the embassy took a hostile stance towards the protest being held outside the front door of their embassy. Their armed security personnel immediately came out of the embassy and stood at the front of the entrance looking very uneasy and brandishing firearms in full view of the people lawfully protesting. Thus it appears they are so very worried about protestors handing out a few fliers, they now feel the urgent need to brandish firearms about the place to try and intimidate protestors and keep them away from the puppet embassy.

The British diplomatic police (also armed), as usual, were called in and were soon lording it over the protestors and throwing their weight about in less than 10 minutes, by ordering people to move to the other side of the road to their `designated' protest area (10 metres away). The recent Millbank Tower Tory HQ riots are still fresh in the minds of the UK police force. Hence their fear of a possible repeat of those events at the south Korean embassy had enough people turned up. The police told us that the south Korean puppet officials had said that they were feeling very intimidated and harassed by our presence outside the embassy. That was the UK cops' pretext to get us all arrested if we didn't move. Is that also the reason why the south Korean embassy security felt the need to brandish firearms at the protestors? That they felt intimidated by people handing out fliers outside their front door? No, it is because they want to frighten us from protesting in larger numbers outside their puppet embassy in future. They think they can use the same vicious underhanded gangster-style tricks that they use against their own people of south Korean against protestors in Britain. A far cry when one considers how the south Korean puppet authorities use their tried and tested method of tear gas and brutal crackdowns and repressions against south Korean labour activists, civic organisations, or anyone who dare utter a word of sympathy in relation to North Korea. One south Korean member of the organisation `Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Declaration' was inflicted with a 2 year prison term on November 8, on the charge of violating the draconian National Security Law of south Korea. He was sentenced for two years behind bars, charged with possession of `enemy-benefiting' music CD-s praising the North of Korea (DPRK).

We initially refused to move and remained standing right outside the entrance of the embassy on the pavement (public highway) until the very last minute, when we were almost certain we were all going to get arrested under Section 14 (5) of the Public Order Act. At that point, we decided we would shift slowly over to the other side of the road and begin condemning the south Korean regime via a large megaphone so that the embassy staff could hear us loud and clear. Better to be there and piss off the south Koreans for a few hours, rather then give them the full satisfaction of having us removed completely from the embassy area in the back of a police van to the delight of those inside the puppet embassy.

One courageous protestor decided to remain defiant and risking arrest and receiving a Level 3 fine of maximum of 1000 pounds as punishment, refused to obey police orders and continued to stand right outside the embassy and continue handing out anti-G20 fliers. He was being harassed by the cops as usual and threatened with arrest if he did not move to the other side of the road to join the rest of us. But he remained defiant

The protestors condemned the UK cops for their own behavior in general, as well as the government agencies of south Korea for conducting crackdowns on undocumented migrants, during which migrants are brutally arrested, illegally imprisoned and then deported. The authorities of south Korea were also condemned for the detention and expulsion of several Philipino G20 activists. South Korean Police had been carrying out illegal and racist stop and search procedures just before the G20 Summit on whoever they think looked `suspicious' or had `dark skin'. The government at the same time is continuing to carry out devastating attacks on south Korean workers, activists, labour unions and civic organisations

The demo called for the release of all south Korean prisoners, jailed under the draconian National Security Law. They condemned the south Korean embassy staff in London for brandishing firearms at the protestors who had the lawful right to be there outside the embassy, and demanded the dissolution of the brutal NIS (south Korean Secret Police) of south Korea. The G20 was condemned by the protestors as a bunch of crooks, by accusing them of attempting to make the world `safe' for neo-liberal capitalism by forcing emerging economies to shoulder part of the burden of the crisis, promoting trade and investment liberalization dressed up in `new robes', negotiating weak financial reforms that largely allow financial speculation to on unchecked and reviving the ailing IMF and other IFI-s, and this agenda being pursued despite the fact that neo-liberal capitalism is clearly a failed model, which only increases poverty and inequality around the globe.

Whilst this was going on, the courageous and defiant protestor handing out fliers and refusing to move to the "designated" protest area on the other side of the road and under threat of arrest or even worse (had south Korean security staff at the embassy opened fire on the protestor), was indeed arrested under section 14(5) of the Public Order Act (causing harassment, alarm or distress) ….i.e. and in this case, also for disobeying a legal order made by a senior police officer. He was driven off in the back of a cop car under the loud megaphone chants of "NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE, - FUCK THE POLICE!

At the police station, the police initially told the arrestee that he could be held until Monday 15 Nov if they could not have got him into court on Saturday 13 Nov. At midnight on Friday 12, luckily, he was released after been cautioned. Whilst being held for nearly 10 hours, he was also quizzed by the cops in an interview room, and asked about what happened outside the embassy and who the organizers of the event were in the interests of information gathering.

"NO COMMENT" was the response given to all questions by the brave and trusted comrade.

Well done to everyone who turned up on the day!





And finally,

We say,



Sunday 14 November 2010

Guarantee of Right to Existence Demanded in S. Korea

Guarantee of Right to Existence Demanded in S. Korea

Pyongyang, November 14 (KCNA) -- The "people's action for coping with the international meeting" grouping more than 80 civic and public organizations including the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a rally marking the day of people's joint action demanding the guarantee of the right to existence in Seoul on Nov. 11 with at least 10 000 workers and farmers and people from all other walks of life participating.
A declaration adopted at the rally said that the economic crisis now sweeping the world convinces people of the failure of neo-liberal "globalisation."
Nevertheless, the authorities have imposed misfortune and sufferings upon the people, shoving off the responsibility to them, charged the declaration.
It accused the authorities of pushing ahead with the projects for the improvement of four large rivers and persisting in their moves to conclude the humiliating FTA with the U.S. despite the opposition of the absolute majority of the people, thereby wantonly violating the people's life.
The declaration strongly demanded the authorities stop pursuing unpopular policies and take substantial measures to guarantee the right to existence.
At the end of the rally the participants staged a demonstration.
That day the puppet authorities mobilized at least 3 000 police force of 27 companies to block the rally and the demonstration. -0

Thursday 4 November 2010

South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions statement

CALL FOR ACTION - The G20 Summit is NO EXCUSE for Repression!KCTU

The G20 Summit is NO EXCUSE for Repression!

October 1st, International Day of Action against the pre-Summit attack on Democratic and Human Rights in South Korea

Dear Friends and Allies,

You have already received an email urging you to join protests against the G20 Summit, which will be held in Seoul, South Korea from November 11 to 12. As you know, the G20, originally formed to respond to the global financial crisis, is attempting to set itself up as the authority responsible for directing the world economy and defining world governance. While completely excluding most nations from decision-making, the G20 is attempting to make the world ‘safe’ for neoliberal capitalism by forcing emerging economies to shoulder part of the burden of the crisis, promoting trade and investment liberalization dressed up 'in new robes', negotiating weak financial reforms that largely allow financial speculation to go on unchecked, and reviving the ailing IMF and other IFIs. This agenda is being pursued despite the fact that neoliberal capitalism is clearly a failed model, which only increases poverty and inequality around the globe.

As if this was not enough, the Lee Myeong-bak administration is using the upcoming Summit as an excuse to strengthen repression of common people and social movements in South Korea. To fight this attack we need your support, even before November.

On October 1st tell the South Korean government and the world that the G20 Summit is NO EXCUSE for Repression by participating in the International Day of Action against the pre-Summit attack on Democratic and Human Rights in South Korea.


The government is carrying out its attack on democratic and human rights on many fronts.

Claiming they are “establishing public order to support the successful opening of the G20 Summit,” the Immigration Service and other government agencies have been conducting a massive crackdown on undocumented migrants, during which migrants are brutally arrested, imprisoned and then deported. Proclaiming to be “preemptively responding to foreigner crime,” the Seoul Metropolitan Police Department has been carrying out blatantly illegal and racist stop and search procedures, questioning anyone they think looks ‘suspicious’, which generally means anyone who looks foreign and dark-skinned.

The government has also formed a “special road maintenance crew” to “clean up the streets” before the G20 by cracking down on street vendors. The police have been patrolling areas where homeless people usually spend time, such as subway stations and neighborhoods where service organizations and temporary boarding houses are located. These measures are brutally destroying the livelihoods and wiping out the resting places of South Korea’s poor.

At the same time, the government has been carrying out a devastating attack against South Korean workers and labour unions, even going so far as to ignore commitments made at previous G20 meetings. At the 3rd G20 Summit held in Pittsburgh in September 2009, national leaders agreed that, "the current challenges [posed by the crisis] do not provide an excuse to disregard or weaken internationally recognized labour standards.” Despite this fact, the government has repeatedly defied ILO Committee of Freedom Association recommendations by repressing unionization by teachers and public employees, applying the Article 314(Obstruction of Business) of Penal Code to prosecute union officers, and attempting to control union activities through implementation of the ‘time-off’ system, which drastically limits the number of union staff that can paid on company salaries. The government is also violating the G20’s stated principle of putting the creation of ‘decent jobs’ at the center of economic recovery by pursuing labour flexiblisation policies including the weaken of restrictions on mass lay-offs and expansion of the industries in which agency workers can be legally employed.

To top all of this off, in May the ruling conservative Grand National Party forced the passage of a “Special Law on the Safe Escort of the G20 Summit,” which legalizes tools for the repression of the rights to freedom of expression and assembly. This law, which goes into effect on October 1, allows the government to mobilize the army “if necessary” to maintain public order. It also established ‘Safe Escort Zones’ around the G20 meeting site, the hotels where representatives will stay, the routes they will travel to the Summit, and other G20 related areas. Public officials are authorized to stop people from entering these zones and to carry out indiscriminate stop and search procedures within them. What is more, they are not required to publically announce which areas during what times are designated ‘Safe Escort Zones’. This law is clearly meant to squash all forms of criticism and protest against the G20.

On October 1st tell the South Korean government that the G20 is NO Excuse for Repression!

If we do not resist these measures, repression in South Korea will only grow stronger. This will have a devastating effect on the lives of common people and the people’s movement’s ability to fight for more equitable alternatives to the G20’s neoliberal agenda. We need your support and solidarity now more than ever.

This is way we have proclaimed October 1st, the very day the “Special Law on the Safe Escort of the G20 Summit” goes into effect, an International Day of Action against the pre-Summit attack on Democratic and Human Rights in South Korea.

We are asking allies around the world to organize solidarity actions on this day and deliver the following demands to the South Korean government.

The G20 Summit is NO excuse! Stop the crackdown on migrants, street vendors and homeless people!
Honour international labour standards and ILO recommendations! Stop labour repression and labour flexibilisation policies!
Repeal the “Special Law on the Safe Escort of the G20 Summit” and end repression of the rights to freedom of expression and assembly!

Solidarity actions may take the following forms:

Rallies or other actions in front of South Korean consulates and embassies
Meetings with consulate and embassy representatives to deliver protest statements
Press conferences
Rallies or other actions in public areas
Any creative action you wish to organize

Attached is a sample protest statement, which can be used in meetings with embassy and consulate representatives and/or as the basis for press statements.

Please let us know about actions you have planned and send reports of completed actions.

News about solidarity actions, as well as any questions or requests for additional materials may be sent to:

Endorsed by

Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU)

National Association of Professors for Democratic Society (NAPDS)

Citizen’s Movement for Environmental Justice

Korean Federation of Medical Groups for Health Rights

Korean Women's Association United (KWAU)

Global Call to Action against Poverty Korea (GCAP-Korea)

Korean Peasants’ League (KPL)

Civil Society Network for Financial regulation and taxation on speculative capital

Civil Society Organisation Network in Korea

People’s Solidarity for Social Progress (PSSP)

People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD)

Korea Alliance of Progressive Movements

National Students March

Korean Women Peasant Association

Joint Committee with Migrants in Korea (JCMK)

All Together

Green Korea United

Korean Urban Poor Association

Alternative Forum of University Students

National Democratic Association of Street Vendors

Citizen’s Coalition for Economic Justice

Institute for Global Political Economy

Imagine Institute

Corea Institute for New Society

New Community Institute

Institute for New World

SpecWatch Korea

Korean Clerical and Financial Workers Association

NANUMMUNHWA_ Global Peace Activities

Korean People's Solidarity against Poverty

Energy Climate Policy Institute for Just Transition (ECPI)

Action for Energy Justice

Migrant Workers Rights Watch, Korea

Solidarity for Street Vendors and Informal Workers

Korea Progressive Academy Council

Progressive Strategy Council

Center for Energy Politics (CEP)

Korea Federation for Environment Movement (KFEM) / FOE Korea

The Committee for a Socialist Workers' party (CSWP)

Democratic Labor Party-Korea (DLP-Korea)

New Progressive Party-Korea (NPP-Korea)

Socialist Party-Korea (SP-Korea)

Transparency International_Korea

People not Profit

Workers Institute of Social Science, South Korea

Korea Labor&Social Network on Energy

Korea NGO's Energy Network

Revolutionary Workers' Front

Students' Alliance against G20

Monday 18 October 2010

Unpopular Rule in S. Korea Protested

Unpopular Rule in S. Korea Protested

Pyongyang, October 18 (KCNA) -- The Confederation of Trade Unions and the Construction Trade Unions of south Korea made public a joint statement on October 15 to denounce the unpopular rule enforced by the south Korean puppet group.

The statement referred to the fact that a constructor in his 40s set himself on fire to death in protest against the entrepreneur side which failed to pay wages in arrears in Sunchang County of North Jolla Province on October 13. It deplored the present reality in which workers are forced to meet grievous deaths.

It went on:

The "government" is apt to talk about "pro-common people" policy and "fair society". But, in fact, it has pressed for such policies for fattening big enterprises as the improvement project of four large rivers.

The authorities should punish those responsible for the suicide and ensure workers the rights to labor and existence at an early date.

If not, they would face strong anti-"government" struggle of workers across south Korea, the statement warned.

Will to Struggle for Equality and Freedom Reiterated

Will to Struggle for Equality and Freedom Reiterated

Pyongyang, October 17 (KCNA) -- The Committee for Event Marking 40th Death Anniversary of Youth Chon Tae Il of south Korea held a meeting in Seoul on Oct. 12 and expressed its will to fight for genuine life.

At the meeting speakers recalled that four decades ago Chon Tae Il set himself on fire, crying for the right to workers. His suicide flared up the struggle to build a world in which people lead a life worthy of human being, they said.

They called on the people to pool efforts to realize his desire.

A declaration read out at the meeting underscored the need to overcome present trials and difficulties in the same spirit of resistance as displayed by Chon.

The declaration called on the people from all walks of life to wage a dynamic struggle to stamp out all social evils and build a genuine world in which equality and freedom are fully ensured

Thursday 14 October 2010


65th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers Party of Korea!


Plus a presentation on the current policies of the DPRK and Workers Party
of Korea.

nearest Tube Russell Square

Light refreshments available.

Organised by the Juche Idea Study Group of England and Korean Friendship UK

Sponsored by Second Wave Publications and the New Worke

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Reunification Movement Advances Dyanmically

Reunification Movement Advances Dynamically

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Korea the south Korean people actively waged the struggle to terminate the colonial rule of the US imperialists and reunify the country.

Some 2000 members of pro-reunification movement organizations, citizens and youth and students held the August 15 cultural function for reunification under the subject “Let us shout for peace” in Seoul on August 15.

Speakers there held that the desire for peace and reunification is fervently mounting among the people of all walks of life on the occasion of August 15.

They bitterly denounced the Lee Myung-bak regime for having driven the inter-Korean relations to a collapse and demanded it opt for implementing the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration.

Then a performance was followed. Put on the stage were a drama showing the practical activities of the reunification vanguards of students who condemned the war moves of the warmongers to invade the north and fought in demand of the probe into the truth about the warship “Cheonan” case while touring across south Korea from early August, songs and dances calling for achieving the reunification by the Korean nation itself, exalting the reunification mood.

On the same day a workers’ rally for peace and reunification was held at Seoul Station Plaza. Present there were members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, its affiliated unions, the reunification vanguards of workers and the Democratic Labor Party.

Speakers there denounced the Lee Myung-bak regime for having dampened the reunification atmosphere ever-growing after the publication of the June 15 joint declaration, faked up a warship sinking case and got wild in anti-north war drills in collusion with outside forces.

Holding that the struggle slogan for the workers is “Anti-Lee Myung-bak!”, they called for withdrawing the US troops from south Korea and realizing peaceful reunification by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation.

The participants chanted slogans such as “Conduct a total reexamination, a parliamentary inspection on the Cheonan case!”, “Let us realize peace on the Korean Peninsula and accomplish the country’s reunification!”, “Let us reunify the country by the concerted efforts of our nation!” and “Let us reunify the country by the workers’ efforts!”.

Meanwhile, the August 15 rally for probing into the truth behind the “Cheonan” case and realizing peace of the Korean Peninsula” was held at Seoul Station Plaza on August 15 with the participation of 5000-odd members of 30 political parties and organizations including the Solidarity for Progress, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the Democratic Labor Party.

Speakers there called for an immediate stop of the large-scale joint military drills staged by the US and the current regime under the pretext of the warship sinking case, opting for dialogue and negotiations for peace on the Korean Peninsula, and on all the people for a dynamic struggle, mindful that the reunification is the only way out.

Then they performed a ceremony of hoisting a large reunification flag at the Seoul Station Plaza.

They chanted slogans such as “Stop the war drills and resume dialogue!” and “Let us reunify the country by implementing the joint declarations

Friday 23 July 2010

NDC States to Counter US-S. Korea War Exercises with Nuclear Deterrence

NDC States to Counter US-S. Korea War Exercises with Nuclear Deterrence

Pyongyang, July 24 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces finally went into reckless actions against the DPRK after having frantically pushed ahead with the moves to stifle the DPRK under the pretext of the "Cheonan" case.

A spokesman for the DPRK National Defence Commission issued a statement on Saturday clarifying the principled stand of the army and people of the DPRK in this regard.

It said: The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces are planning to stage joint naval exercises in the East Sea of Korea from July 25 to 28, the "Ulji Freedom Guardian" joint exercises and joint anti-submarine exercises in the West Sea of Korea from August 16 to 26 and different ceaseless joint naval exercises from late in August to early in September and other drills. All these war maneuvers are nothing but outright provocations aimed to stifle the DPRK by force of arms to all intents and purposes.

If the publication of the results of investigation into the "Cheonan" case which was faked up by the U.S. imperialists at instigation of their puppet forces was the first reckless military provocation to the DPRK, the joint naval maneuvers they are to stage even with nuclear strike means involved under the pretext of the above-said case amount to an unpardonable second military provocation to the DPRK, the statement noted, and continued:

The chief architect of the warship case seems to send a "message as deterrence" to somebody while staging offensive exercises under the pretext of the forged case after falsifying its truth. This is as reckless an act as waking up a sleeping tiger.

The DPRK National Defence Commission re-clarifies the following principled stand as regards this abnormal situation where the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces are threatening this land with a nuclear war under the pretext of the "Cheonan" case:

The army and people of the DPRK will legitimately counter with their powerful nuclear deterrence the largest-ever nuclear war exercises to be staged by the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces.

The more desperately the U.S. imperialists brandish their nukes and the more zealously their lackeys follow them, the more rapidly the DPRK's nuclear deterrence will be bolstered up along the orbit of self-defence and the more remote the prospect for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula will be become.

The army and people of the DPRK will start a retaliatory sacred war of their own style based on nuclear deterrent any time necessary in order to counter the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces deliberately pushing the situation to the brink of a war.

Now that the U.S. imperialists are persisting in their direct military provocations in gross violation of the spirit of the September 19 joint statement in which they promised not to attack or invade the DPRK with either nuclear or conventional weapons, it is a natural option of the army and people of the DPRK to take corresponding all-out retaliatory measures.

The army and people of the DPRK will take all steps to the last to thoroughly probe the truth behind the case under the situation where the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces persistently and deliberately link the DPRK with the "Cheonan" case.

It is a legitimate and sovereign right to protect the honor and dignity of the DPRK for them to probe the truth about the despicable "fabrication" and "charade."

The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces will keenly realize what high price they will have to pay for their reckless military provocation rendering the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the worst phase under the pretext of the "Cheonan" case.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's Work Observed

Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's Work Observed

Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Monday dedicates a signed article to the 20th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's work "Let Us Bring the Advantages of Socialism in Our Country into Full Play".

The work, published on May 24, Juche 79 (1990), clarifies the essence of Korean-style socialism based on the Juche idea and its fundamental characteristics and tasks and ways for giving full play to the advantages of socialism in our country in all fields.

It serves as a noble ideological and moral pabulum as it imbues the army and people of the DPRK with the pride and self-esteem of living and making a revolution in the most advantageous socialist country and instilling into them stronger faith in sure victory of Juche-based socialism, their life and soul, the article notes, and goes on:

The ideas and theories clarified in the work serve not only as an ideological banner helping augment the politico-ideological might of Korean-style socialism in every way but as a militant banner making it possible to bring about a great leap forward in building a socialist economic power and as basic guidelines for all the people to lead a genuine life as creators and enjoyers of socialist culture.

The servicepersons and people of the DPRK keenly realized in the days of stern trials that the Party's ideas and line are, indeed, a great banner for defending and glorifying Korean-style socialism and there are neither insurmountable difficulties nor unconquerable fortress in the world when they are firmly armed with the Party's Juche idea, the Songun idea.

The day of victory in socialism is drawing nearer thanks to their ardent desire to build a thriving nation of Juche on this land as early as possible by actively putting the national economy on a Juche-oriented, modern and scientific basis as taught by the President.

It is the reality of the DPRK that the Party and state's popular policies for giving priority to everything which serves the masses of the people are invariably enforced and all the people are working hard to build a better life, single-mindedly united and optimistic about future.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

CPRK Declares Resolute Actions against S. Korea

CPRK Declares Resolute Actions against S. Korea

Pyongyang, May 25 (KCNA) -- A spokesman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea Tuesday issued the following statement:

Traitor Lee Myung Bak of south Korea on Monday made public a "statement to the people" over the case of the sinking of a warship of its puppet army, in which he viciously slandered the DPRK again. He formally announced a ban on the passage of DPRK's ships through waters of the south side, "stop to trade and exchange between the south and the north", the exercise of "the right to self-defense" and the reference of the case to the UNSC, daring vociferate about "responsibility" and "apology".

Then the chiefs of the puppet ministries of defense, foreign affairs and trade and unification called a joint press conference at which they ballyhooed about follow-up measures.

This is little short of formally declaring that they would not rule out a war by standing in confrontation with the DPRK to the last.

It is traitor Lee Myung Bak and his puppet conservative group that should be responsible for the said case, apologize for it and face a punishment as it is a tragic product of their despicable sycophantic and treacherous moves and reckless actions for escalating confrontation with fellow countrymen.

As far as the "results of investigation" announced by the puppet group are concerned, their conspiratorial nature is brought into bolder relief as the days go by to be ridiculed by the world, as they are peppered with contradictions and doubts.

Now that traitor Lee Myung Bak is taking the lead in shifting the blame for the case on to the DPRK and formally challenging it with reckless provocations despite the above-said hard reality, the DPRK is compelled to opt for taking resolute punitive measures as it had already declared internally and externally.

The DPRK had already solemnly declared that it would regard the puppet group's anti-DPRK smear campaign over the sinking of the warship as a declaration of a war against the DPRK and mete out a merciless and strong punishment if the group dare defile its dignity.

The Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea, accordingly, formally declares that from now on it will put into force the resolute measures to totally freeze the inter-Korean relations, totally abrogate the agreement on non-aggression between the north and the south and completely halt the inter-Korean cooperation.

In this connection, the following measures will be taken at the first phase:

1. All relations with the puppet authorities will be severed.

2. There will be neither dialogue nor contact between the authorities during Lee Myung Bak's tenure of office.

3. The work of the Panmunjom Red Cross liaison representatives will be completely suspended.

4. All communication links between the north and the south will be cut off.

5. The Consultative Office for North-South Economic Cooperation in the Kaesong Industrial Zone will be frozen and dismantled and all the personnel concerned of the south side will be expelled without delay.

6. We will start all-out counterattack against the puppet group's "psychological warfare against the north."

7. The passage of south Korean ships and airliners through the territorial waters and air of our side will be totally banned.

8. All the issues arising in the inter-Korean relations will be handled under a wartime law.

There is no need to show any mercy or patience for such confrontation maniacs, sycophants and traitors and wicked warmongers as the Lee Myung Bak group.

The Lee group's call for "resolute measure" is as a foolish and ridiculous suicidal act as jumping into fire with faggots on its back.

The group is making a last-ditch effort in league with outsiders but will get nothing but its self-destruction.

The army and the people of the DPRK and all other Koreans will never pardon the group of traitors as it is finally bringing the dark clouds of war to hang over the Korean Peninsula, wantonly violating the historic June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration and bringing the inter-Korean relations to a total collapse.


Thursday 20 May 2010

Spokesman for DPRK National Defence Commission Issues Statement

Spokesman for DPRK National Defence Commission Issues Statement

Pyongyang, May 20 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK National Defence Commission issued a statement today as regards the sinking of warship "Cheonan" of the south Korean puppet navy.

The statement reads:

We had already warned the south Korean group of traitors not to make reckless remarks concerning the sinking of warship "Cheonan" of the puppet navy.

Nevertheless, the group of traitors had far-fetchedly tried to link the case with us without offering any material evidence. It finally announced the results of the joint investigation based on a sheer fabrication, which assert that the warship was sunken by our torpedo attack, in a bid to mislead the public opinion inside and outside Korea.

It is, at the same time, crying out for "punishment" and "retaliation" internally and foolishly seeking to prod the international community into applying additional "sanctions" against the DPRK.

What matters is that traitor Lee Myung Bak is taking the lead in such anti-DPRK smear campaign, even daring slander the headquarters of our revolution.

Meanwhile, Kim Thae Yong and other gangsters of the south Korean puppet military accustomed to flattery and blind obedience echo Lee Myung Bak's outbursts. This smear campaign is fanned up by Ryu Myung Hwan and other ultra-rightist conservatives of south Korea.

This is also joined by the U.S. and Japanese aggressors who are making desperate efforts to keep their hostile policy towards the DPRK on its orbit.

We would like to question them so busy linking the above-said case with the DPRK why they don't link with it the death of a puppet army soldier, crashes of fighter plane and gunship of the puppet navy and air force and the sinking of a civilian fishing boat that occurred one after another almost simultaneously.

It is the age of science and technology.

As a swollen balloon is bound to break, any lie is bound to be brought to light no matter how hard one may try to make it sound plausible.

What is evident is that the sinking of warship "Cheonan" can never be construed otherwise than a "conspiratorial farce" and "charade" orchestrated by the group of traitors in a deliberate and brigandish manner to achieve certain political and military aims because only 46 soldiers met miserable deaths while officers survived the case.

This being a hard reality, they are pointing a dirty accusing finger at us like a thief crying "Stop the thief!"

It is a trite method of the successive south Korean puppet regimes to fake up a shocking case and use it for floating a story about "north wind" whenever they find themselves in a crisis.

These days they are using for this plot even "deserters from the north" who had found their ways to a dumping ground and human scum.

The National Defence Commission of the DPRK responsible for the defence of the country and the security of the nation clarifies the principled stand of our army and people in view of the grave situation where the sinister plot of the group of traitors may lead to reckless actions against us.

1. As the group of traitors declared that the sinking of the warship

"Cheonan" is linked with us, the NDC of the DPRK will dispatch

an inspection group to the spot of south Korea to verify material

evidence concerning the linkage.

The group of traitors should produce before the dignified

inspection group of the DPRK material evidence proving that the

sinking of the warship is linked with us.

We remind the group of traitors in advance that there should be

not a shred of doubt about the material evidence to be produced

before the inspection group.

2. Our army and people will promptly react to any "punishment" and "retaliation" and to any "sanctions" infringing upon our state interests with various forms of tough measures including an all-out war.

The all-out war to be undertaken by us will be a sacred war involving the whole nation, all the people and the whole state for completely eliminating the strongholds of the group of traitors who orchestrated "the conspiratorial farce" and "charade" and their followers and building instead a reunified power in which the whole nation emerges powerful and prosperous.

The tough countermeasures to be taken by us will prove to be practical actions of justice for dealing unpredictable sledge-hammer blows at the group of traitors who blocks national reconciliation and unity and stirs up an atmosphere of confrontation in the south Korean society.

3. Now that the group of traitors declared what it called "decisive actions", we will brand any small incident that occurs in the territorial waters, air and land where our sovereignty is exercised including the West Sea of Korea as a provocation of confrontation maniacs and react to it with unlimited retaliatory blow, merciless strong physical blow.

It is our invariable iron will to react to "retaliation" with more powerful retaliation and to "punishment" with indiscriminate punishment of our style.

Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we sternly warn the U.S. and Japanese authorities and riff-raffs, their poor lackeys, to act with discretion.

The world will clearly see what dear price the group of traitors will have to pay for the clumsy "conspiratorial farce" and "charade" concocted to stifle compatriots.

Friday 14 May 2010

UK KFA Picket of South Korean Puppet Embassy

This month will see the the 30th anniversary of the brutal putting down of the uprising of the citizens of the city of Kwangju in south Korea.The citizens of Kwangju rose up against martial law which had been imposed by the south Korean puppet dicatatorship of Chun Do Hwan,Chun having come to power after a military coup and the assasination of the preceding south
Korean fascist dictator Park Chung Hee.After the citizens of Kwangju rose the south Korean regime sent paratroops and special forces to the city with the permission of the US(also US warships and troops were put on standby).Over 2,000 people were slaughtered and thousands injured.

To mark this grim anniversary and to remind people of the fascist nature of the south Korean regime UK KFA will be holding a picket of the South Korean embassy on May
PLACE-South Korean Embassy 60 Buckingham Gate Victoria London SW1
TIME 12-30 -4-3OPM
contact or for further details

Kwangju Uprising Unfinished

In May of 1980, 30 years ago, a citizen’s uprising took place in Gwangju against the Chun Doo-hwan military fascist rule.

The uprisers assaulted the puppet police stations and arsenals of the local defense force to take a lot of weapons.

They formed the “civilian force”, “special caution unit” and “shock troop” and undauntedly fought in defiance of the frenzied armed attack of the “martial law troops”, and controlled Gwangju City for 10 days.

Much astounded by the uprisers’ struggle the US imperialists and the Chun clique mobilized more than 70,000 troops drunken with hallucinogen and tremendous equipment including tanks, guns, aircrafts to the suppression of the uprisers, prattling that “it is alright to kill even 70% of the Gwangju citizens”.

The blood-thirsty man-killers committed the shuddering massacre by indiscriminately stabbing, hanging, burying alive, burning to death the workers, peasants, youth and students, religionists, women and the old who cried for freedom and desired for democracy, and trampling them down by tanks and armored vehicles.

As a result, more than 5,000 innocent people were killed and over 14,000 were injured in Gwangju and the city of resistance was reduced to a “city of death” and “blood bath”.

Though it was frustrated by the atrocious armed suppression of the US imperialists and the military fascist clique the Gwangju Uprising was an anti-US anti-fascist patriotic mass struggle which dealt a telling blow to the US colonial rule.

It was a heroic event that demonstrated the indomitable fighting will of the south Korean people and a historical watershed which brought about a turnaround for anti-US independence.

However, the desire of the uprisers has not yet been realized though 30 years have passed since then.

The US imperialists and its puppets, the murderous group who turned the whole of Kwangju to a sea of blood, are still reigning supreme and the fascist evil laws and repressive bodies like the “National Security Law” and the “National Intelligence Service” randomly violate the people's democracy and human rights.

The tyranny and arbitrariness of the US, chieftain of aggression, plunder and massacre, get further increased day after day and the present conservative group licks the jackboots of the US while viciously suppressing the people.

The reality calls on the south Korean people to the struggle for anti-US independence, anti-fascist democracy and national reunification.

The Kwangju uprising is not yet finished.

The south Korean people will continue their vigorous struggle to bring about a new democratic country without foreign forces and fascist dictatorship, and the reunified country by inheriting the spirit of the Gwangju uprisers.

Thursday 13 May 2010

South Korean People Suffer From Poverty and Agony

South Korean People Suffer From Poverty and Agony

Though the south Korean government tries tooth and claw to win over the people's mindset crying for the “grassroots-friendly policy”, it is no more than a deception and the people's livelihood is getting worse.

The figures and facts bellow graphically show the reality of their wretched livelihood.

- Destitute Bracket

Even according to the data released officially by the puppet regime the destitute bracket in south Korea numbers 5.85 million as of September 2009.

Taking into consideration the fact that 200,000~300,000 independent businessmen who eke out relying on small stores and stands go bankrupt recently every month, the destitute bracket is continually increasing.

- The Jobless

As of October 2009 the officially unemployed number 799,000 (8.6% increase compared to that of October 2008), according the official data of the puppet regime.

However, the actual jobless amount to 2.94 million if adding those who gave up the job-seeking.

If 3.78 million workers who are temporarily employed or barely living alive, the jobless number over 6.72 million.

Owing to the economic crisis the unemployment rate of the young people, in particular, are increased by 7.6% (6.6% in 2008) and one of ten women employees lost the job.

Besides, as many as 8 million part-timers and 5.74 million independent businessmen are overcome by fear of dismissal and bankruptcy that would befall to them at any time.

- Household Income and Debt

As of late October 2009, the average monthly income of households decreased by 3.3% as against that of 2008, recording the highest decrease since 2003.

Meantime, their average monthly debt increased 1.4 times their income or 4 times more than that of the 1998 foreign currency crisis.

- Consumer Prices

The rate of common price hike between January and September of 2009 was 2.8% on the average but the foodstuffs prices which directly affect the people's living rose by 4~10% at the same period.

- Tax and Other Burdens

The tax per capita in 2009 amounted to 4.34 million Won on the average and is expected to increase by 4.4% this year.

In addition, the individual burdens including pension and insurance dues from their income amount 5.599 million Won in 2009 and would increase by 6.4% this year.

- Education

A family in south Korea should pay 232 million Won of money for bringing up a child from the cradle to university graduation, and this figure is 16.8% more than that of 2003.

It takes some 157,000 US$ from the cradle to middle school graduation, and over 54,000 US$ for 4-year university graduation (13,500 US$ annually).

- Health Care

With the new influenza raging throughout south Korea last year, the price of cold medicine rose by 16.9%, vitamin complex by 16.4% and outpatient medical treatment by 7.2%, imposing a heavy burden on the people.

As a result, 1,500 persons were infected with the new influenza on the daily average in mid October 2009, but the number went up to over 10,000 in November and 117 persons died till late November last year, so many people were seized with terrible fear.

- Housing

Families without their own house are as many as 7 million in south Korea and 10% of them, not affording to pay the rented house, lead an inhuman life in shanties, vinyl houses and dugouts.

In regards to housing price, an 80m2-space flat of the “nest dwelling” which is offered recently by the conservative regime by reducing the price by half as compared with that of the surrounding areas is 280 million Won, so the “lifetime desire for my own house” is still faraway dream.

- Social Evils

For 5 years since 2004 the 5 major crimes such as murder, robbery, rape, larceny, and violence increased by 90,000 cases; rape and robbery increased by 30%, violence by 6.3% and murder 2.3%.

In particular, 135,000 juvenile criminals (less than 20 years old) were apprehended in 2008, and crimes by the young people drastically increased and their method got further atrocious.

Meanwhile, the suicide rate caused by difficulty of job-seeking, hardships of living and various diseases increases by 13% every year. 12,858 persons committed suicide in 2008, or two times as many as that of 2001.

More recently an American newspaper reported that at present suicide in south Korea numbers 26 among every 100,000 population and this rate is 2.5 times more than that of the US and bigger than that of Japan.

The elder suicides (more than 61 years old) increased 5 times more than that of 1989 and the portion of the elder among all the suicides increased 3 times, too.

These facts go to plainly show that the present conservative group is a corrupt and incompetent group which only pursues anti-popular and pro-conglomerate policy disregarding the people's right to existence.

Thursday 29 April 2010

White Paper Released on S. Korean Human Rights Abuses

White Paper Released on S. Korean Human Rights Abuses

Pyongyang, April 29 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute released a white paper Thursday indicting the fascist clique for having reduced south Korea to the land with the worst human rights record through sycophancy and treachery, fascist dictatorship and confrontation with fellow countrymen.

The white paper said:

It is the most hideous human rights abuses committed by the fascist clique that it forced south Koreans to fall victim to outsiders' domination and war policies and wantonly violated their human rights.

The U.S. imperialist aggression forces' more than six decade-long presence in south Korea is the crime-woven history with aggression, war, massacre, plunder and human rights abuses.

The results of "the inspection of state administration" submitted to the puppet National Assembly disclosed that the U.S. imperialist aggression troops in south Korea committed hundreds of crimes of all forms on an annual average and such high-profile crimes as murder, robbery, rape and blow accounted for 60 percent of them.

The U.S. imperialist aggression forces occupy vast areas extending more than 73.2 million phyong in over 100 regions of south Korea at present. If the areas around their bases are polluted, they move to other areas, grabbing a large area of land and turning it barren.

The puppet group of traitors imported American beef seriously harming the health and life security of south Koreans and touching off outcries among them. This is the hideous human rights abuse of special mention.

The group introduced to south Korea more than 1,000 U.S. nukes enough to destroy the Korean nation dozens or hundreds of times. It, however, has persistently taken issue with the DPRK's nuclear deterrent, while zealously shielding and conniving at the U.S. nukes which may inflict a nuclear holocaust upon the fellow countrymen.

It is also staging together with the U.S. the dangerous nuclear war exercises against the fellow countrymen in a bid to force Koreans to fall victim to a nuclear war to be launched by its master.

It is, at the same time, hurling young and middle-aged Koreans to the shambles of wars of aggression being waged by the U.S. in different parts of the world, forcing them to meet grievous deaths.

It is another hideous human rights abuse committed by the puppet group that it revived fascist dictatorship and turned south Korea into a tundra of human rights where democracy is cruelly violated.

Talking about "the lost decade", the group trampled down even sprouts of democracy won in the days of the preceding regime and drastically reinforced repressive machines and comprehensively revived all kinds of fascist laws and systems.

There occurred unprecedented tragic incidents last year in which the two former "presidents" met unnatural deaths due to the fascist authorities' despicable politically-motivated harassment and retaliation. This clearly indicates what a deplorable phase the human rights performance has reached in south Korea.

The number of the political parties and organizations that were labeled "illegal organizations" by the authorities since the conservative group's seizure of power reached more than 1 840.

Politically-motivated investigation and surveillances are openly carried out and crackdown upon media is throwing people into consternation.

The south Koreans' freedom of assembly, demonstration and association are ruthlessly violated and torture, violence and inhuman insults are rampant.

The cases of human rights abuses committed by prosecution and police and in prisons, etc. numbered more than 3,490 out of over 5,000 cases reported to the puppet Human Rights Committee in 2008, accounting for nearly 70 percent of all reported cases.

After its seizure of power the puppet group adopted anti-reunification and confrontation with fellow countrymen as a policy toward the DPRK and totally violated the north-south joint declarations reflecting the unanimous wishes of all Koreans. It has stepped up the moves for a nuclear war against the DPRK and kicked up smear human rights campaigns, pushing the north-south relations to a catastrophe. This only brought into bolder relief its true colors as a heinous human rights abuser.

It is busy whipping together all types of human scum and riff-raffs in a bid to escalate confrontation with the DPRK and false propaganda against it.

The group is getting frantic with the operations to lure and kidnap compatriots.

Any activities for relations with the north and for reunification are labeled "enemy-benefiting ones" and suppressed and dialogue, contacts and cooperation between people of all strata and NGOs of the north and the south have been blocked since the puppet group came to power.

The puppet conservative group will never be allowed to go scot-free for committing such human rights abuses as turning south Korea into the worst tundra of human rights but will certainly face a stern punishment by the nation.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

S. Korean Puppet Authorities' Moves to Suppress Labor Movement Flailed

S. Korean Puppet Authorities' Moves to Suppress Labor Movement Flailed

Pyongyang, December 31 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a press conference in Seoul on Dec. 28 at which it denounced the puppet authorities for their moves to suppress the labor movement, according to the south Korean KBS.

The organization charged at the press conference that the authorities' moves to pass a "draft amendment to the law on trade unions" which calls for disallowing the payment of wages to the full- time trade union leaders, etc. are aimed at suppressing the workers' rights and holding in check the trade union activities, demanding the authorities immediately stop such action.

The organization warned that if the authorities enforce such anti-workers law defying their protest, it will call a general strike at once.