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Friday 18 November 2011

Ever-growing Struggle against FTA

Ever-growing Struggle against FTA

On November 3 some 5,000 people from different social standings including workers, farmers, youth and students held in Seoul a rally for checking the conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement with the US.

The participants noted that the damages due to the FTA conclusion cannot be estimated and asserted that they should check by all means the FTA conclusion which sells off the people's right to existence to foreign forces, lock, stock and barrel.

After the rally the participants launched a demo.

The demonstrators marched toward the “National Assembly” building chanting such slogans as “Let us smash the GNP hell-bent on ratifying the FTA in the NA!” and “We oppose the FTA!”.

They undauntedly fought in face of the fascist policemen who ran amuck in suppressing them firing water cannons.

Candlelit rallies against the FTA conclusion take place almost everyday throughout south Korea.

On November 4 candlelit rallies to denounce the GPN’s moves to forcefully railroad the motion calling for FTA ratification were held in Seoul and Busan with the members of civic organizations, popular masses including workers, farmers, youth and students, housewives and opposition personages attended.

On November 5 and 6 candlelit rallies were held in Seoul under the sponsorship of the “All-people Movement Headquarters to Check the Conclusion of South Korea-US FTA”.

The FTA conclusion will make south Korea a complete colony of the US, the participants condemned and called for waging the struggle to the last by the concerted efforts of all people in order to foil the ratification of the ruinous FTA.

Let Us Defend Right to Existence with Struggle

On November 13, there took place the 2011 national workers’ rally for checking the south Korea-US FTA and inheriting martyr Jon Tae-il at the plaza before the Seoul City Office.

Participated there were some 20,000 workers affiliated to the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and figures from opposition parties, the National Federation of Peasants Associations, the National Teachers’ Union, the National Problems Institute and other civic organizations.

Now in the society the conglomerates get the biggest benefits in history whereas the workers are going more miserable and the people's living is further deteriorated due to the authorities’ moves to conclude the FTA with the US amidst the people's right to existence getting totally trampled down, the participants denounced.

The representative of the Democratic Labor Party and the chairman of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions said that now is the high time to frustrate the FTA conclusion which enforces the people's sacrifice and to wage the dynamic struggle to overthrow the government and the Grand National Party. They asserted that the workers will launch the struggle to dissolve the GNP and dethrone the government in solidarity with all like-minded forces if the moves to conclude the humiliating FTA persist.

Meanwhile, an all-people candlelit rally against the FTA was held at the same plaza that day under the sponsorship of the All-People's Movement Headquarters to Check South Korea-US FTA with tens of thousands people of all walks of life including the workers from across south Korea and opposition assemblymen.

As long as the current government which stakes its fate on the pro-US sycophancy is in power, the people's right to existence can never be secured.

Only with the undaunted struggle they can realize the democratic rights and true living.


Friday 28 October 2011

Warning to Ruin of Capitalism

Warning to Ruin of Capitalism

The struggle against capitalism begun at the Wall Street, Manhattan of the US on September 17 is sweeping over the world.

In south Korea, too, on October 15 as the US protesters set as an “international action day” and called for positive response, fierce struggles took place in different parts of Seoul against poverty, economic inequality and social polarization.

Members of over 400 civic organizations including the Financial Consumers’ Association, the Joint Conference for Restoring the Right of the Financial Consumers, the Center for Supervising Invested Capital and the People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, and workers held a rally in Yoido, home to financial capital. They condemned the privileged rich, less than 1% of the population, which exploit 99% of absolute majority of the people.

The participants noted that there are many students who commit suicide for the registration fee, old people who lost the money they saved in their lifetime due to the crimes of the financial organs and workers who lost their jobs due to the speculative capitalists, and criticized the “government” which should supervise and control the capitalists’ deeds but shields them.

That day in front of the US embassy, members of civic organizations urged US president Obama’ apology and the revision of south Korea-US “Status of Forces Agreement” in regard to the atrocious crimes perpetrated by the US occupation troops in recent days.

On the same day, some 500 people including members of civic organizations and labor circles and students held a rally in front of Deoksu Palace demanding the checking of south Korea-US FTA and the settlement of the registration fee issue and unemployment crisis of young people.

Participants in rallies and demos taken place in different parts of Seoul that day called for struggle in united efforts against the exploitation of greedy capital and staged protest actions chanting such slogans as “Occupy Seoul!”, “We condemn the avarice of financial capital and the social polarization!” and “Money kills people”.

Capitalism based on swindle, lies, hypocrisy, vanity, mammonism, the law of the jungle, individualism and liberty is the root cause of all the misfortune and sufferings and is doomed to ruin for its structural contradiction and social ills.

The society which reflects the human aspirations for independent living and development is the socialist society where the popular masses are master of everything and everything serves them.

Cheongwadae, Foothold of Irregularities and Corruption

Cheongwadae, Foothold of Irregularities and Corruption

With the scandalous cases of irregularities and corruption of the conservative ruling force being disclosed one after another in south Korea, the people's wrath gets higher.

Kim Du-ou, chief secretary for public information in Cheongwadae, was arrested on September 28 for receiving a huge amount of money and bribe from the Busan Savings Bank, former vice-ministers of the Knowledge and Economy Ministry and the Culture, Sports and Tourism Ministry became the target of denunciation from the public for getting graft from the businesses.

Besides, family members and relatives of the current chief executive are ridiculed and censured for their irregularities committed under his patronage.

To make the matter worse, the chief executive was implicated in a scandal when buying a mansion for his family after the retirement, sparking off the public shock.

It was disclosed days ago that under a secret contract between the presidential guard and the chief executive’s family and the owner of the building, the family bought expensive land cheaply by a price 1.3 times than the declared price, and the presidential guard bought cheap land expensively by a price 4 times than the declared price dissipating the state treasure.

In this regard, the political quarters and various circles in south Korea now termed this case as a scandal of misappropriating the state budget by the president, unprecedented in political history, and reprimand him saying “President Lee Myung-bak should shoulder the responsibility for the issue of the Naegok-dong private mansion, stained with all sorts of illegality and filthy expediency”.

The true colors of Cheongwadae, foothold of irregularities and corruption, were brought into a bolder relief after the chief executive’s scandal of buying an enormous lot of land for his private mansion was exposed to the public.

Sky-high is the south Korean people's wrath toward the chief executive and his clan who committed irregularities to satisfy their greed only while lots of people lose their jobs and suicide for snowballing debts and the children’s registration fee.

Stinking junk must be removed cleanly.

Only when the conservative group which persists in committing corruption and decadency, seeking their wealth and prosperity indifferent to the people's miserable living is uprooted as early as possible, is it possible to realize true justice and democracy and eradicate all social evils.

Monday 10 October 2011

S. Korean Authorities′ Fascist Action Flayed

Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea issued its information bulletin No. 982 on Sunday as regards the fact that the south Korean authorities recently imposed jail term on Hwang Kil Gyong.

Hwang, an inhabitant of south Korea, opened an Internet website called Cyber National Defense Command and posted on it articles and animation files praising President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and the DPRK and calling for reunification through alliance with the north.

For this reason he was detained in December last year on the charge of violation of the "National Security Law". At the fascist court trials he expressed his deep reverence for the peerlessly great persons and shouted "Long live the Great General Kim Jong Il!", causing a great sensation in the south Korean society.

Recalling this fact, the information bulletin said:

The south Korean authorities, however, imposed a heavy penalty on him who expressed what was in his mind by invoking the NSL. This is as foolish an act as to cover up the sunshine with palm and an unethical crime of violating faith and conscience.

Today south Korea has turned into the world's biggest grave yard of human rights, a dark society of fascism where the elementary democratic rights, gained by the people at the cost of their blood, were ruthlessly trampled down and no one can express one's will.

The south Korean puppet forces have viciously repressed those yearning after and lauding the dignity and system of the DPRK. This shows clearly once again that they are a group of most wicked separatists and traitors keen on confrontation, a group of those against humanity bereft of human reason.

The more desperately the south Korean ruling conservatives try to swim against the trend of the times and the people's mindset, the bitterer accusations and curses they will face by all the fellow countrymen. -0-

Unabated Resistance Flames

Unabated Resistance Flames

The mass candlelit demos of the south Korean students demanding the reduction of registration fee by half since late March now gains further momentum amid solidarity of different circles.

A people's rally for the reduction of registration fee by half took place at Cheonggye Plaza in Seoul on September 29 under the co-sponsorship of opposition parties and the People's Headquarters for Halved Registration Fee grouping some 700 students, civic and student parents’ organizations. At the rally attended by more than 3,000 students and citizens the participants stressed that the government should take measures to solve the registration fee issue which became insolvable any further.

The South Korean Federation of University Students in the 21st Century asserted in a statement released that day that the “government” should relieve all students who failed to register for not being able to afford the fee, denouncing the regime’s policy for reducing the registration fee as a deceitful one disregarding the people's demand for halved fee.

After the candlelit rally, the participants staged a demo chanting such slogans as “Implement the halved registration fee” and “Don’t kill the students any longer”.

Much perplexed by the fighting enthusiasm of the people the authorities mobilized 6,000-odd policemen of 78 companies to suppress them firing water cannons and arrested some 50 students.

However, the struggle continued to the next day.

On the same day such struggles for halved registration fee also took place all at once in ten-odd areas including Busan, Ulsan, Daegu, Chuncheon and Daejeon.

At present, the students who were out of university for not paying the fee accounted for 26.9% of all students and the students who owe debts are as many as 50.9%.

For the skyrocketing registration fee the students give up studying and undertake drudgery and, even worse, increasing number of students and their parents commit suicide.

So without terminating the anti-popular misrule of the south Korean authorities the registration fee issue cannot be settled.

South Korean students and people will smash the anti-popular policies of the south Korean government with the resistance flames.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Suppression of Workers Flayed in S. Korea

Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- Veterans of the civic and social organizations of south Korea in a press conference in Seoul on October 5 issued a declaration demanding the authorities stop the suppression of the workers in their struggle for the right to existence.

The declaration said:

Kim Jin Suk, dismissed worker of the Hanjin Heavy Industry, has been staging a sit-in for more than 270 days in a crane at the factory.

This is a proof for the present reality in which the workers' life is being pushed to the brink of a cliff.

People are supporting the workers' struggle, exclaiming the dismissal leads to death, but the "government" and the business side have failed to take any step, it deplored.

Instead, the "government", the ruling party and police are cracking down on the workers in their struggle for the right to existence, it said.

It is a unanimous desire of the workers to live in the world free from lay-off and part-time jobs, the declaration said, calling upon all the people to pool their efforts to achieve the labor right.

It urged the authorities to immediately stop the suppression of the workers. -0-

Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- The Confederation of Trade Unions of south Korea held a rally in Seoul on Friday in denunciation of the puppet authorities' crackdown on trade unions.

Speakers condemned the authorities for indiscriminate lay-off and suppression of trade unions.

All the people, pushed to the brink of a cliff in life, are carrying on the struggle against the "government" and capital, they said.

Only solidarity is a way out, they said, declaring that the workers would pool their efforts to continue the struggle to the last without yielding to the repression.

They called for frustrating the present regime's suppression and defending the trade unions. -0-

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Irregularities and Corruption Rampant among Confidants of Chief Executive of S. Kore

Pyongyang, September 27 (KCNA) -- More cases of irregularities and corruption among confidants of the chief executive of south Korea were reported, sparking off public uproar, according to CBS of south Korea on Sept. 24.

Several bureaucrats including the recently disclosed chief secretary for information of Chongwadae were involved in the case of Pusan Saving Bank, the largest scam, counting only those former and incumbent bureaucrats of Chongwadae.

One of them was dismissed.

It was also disclosed that the former vice-minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism got a bribe amounting to one billion won from a big business.

The present ruling forces have been thrown into mayhem by the ceaseless disclosure of scandals among ruling quarters. -0-

Sunday 11 September 2011

Struggle Continues to Win Final Victory

Struggle Continues to Win Final Victory

Further intensifying is the south Korean people’s struggle to gain democracy and the rights to existence against the government’s pro-conglomerate anti-people policy.

On August 27, over 30,000 unionists affiliated to the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the Federation of Korean Trade Unions held in Yoido, Seoul, a meeting of the two major labor bodies to vow a joint struggle in public sectors and a general strike of the workers in financial domain.

It was the first time that the two biggest trade unions in south Korea held a grand anti-government rally since the emergence of the current regime.

The participants asserted that they would continue the struggle to punish the regime from the upcoming October by-election of the Seoul mayor to the general and presidential elections slated for next year, and warned they would, for the time being, conduct a general strike in October.

The chairman of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions stressed that they would judge through the joint struggle of the two major labor bodies the regime which ascribes all the responsibility of the policy failures to the workers.

On August 27 and 28 there took place a rally of the 4th hope-buses for making a society without layoffs and temporary jobs in Seoul.

The first event of the hope-buses began on June 11 in solidarity with Kim Jin-suk, a Committee member of the Busan area headquarters of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions who commenced a sit-in on a 35 meter-high crane at the Yeongdo shipyard of Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction (August 31 is her 238th day), and the dismissed workers.

On August 27 some 5,000 people from different public circles, civic organizations and opposition parties held at Cheonggye Plaza a performance and seminar demanding the repeal of the layoff and part-time job system.

The participants drummed up their fighting spirit holding placard reading “We want a society without layoffs” and chanting slogans such as “Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction, abandon at once the layoffs and secure the safety of Kim Jin-suk striking on a high-altitude crane”.

On August 28 thousands of participants in the 4th hope-buses campaign got together on Mt. Inwang standing in front of the presidential office and the head office of Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction putting up placards reading “Punish Jo Nam-ho, chairman of Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction” and “Retract the layoffs”.

They appealed to more closely unite and not to stop the struggle till win the final victory for a new society without layoffs and part-time jobs and the people are the masters.

Appalled by the ever-growing people’s anti-government struggle, the security authorities mobilized some 9,000 policemen from 112 companies to suppress the workers firing water cannons. However, they could not daunt the elated enthusiasm and fighting spirit of the participants desiring for the rights of labor and existence, democracy and pea

Tuesday 6 September 2011

CPRK Secretariat Denounces S. Korean Authorities′ Jeju Naval Base Construction

Pyongyang, September 6 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) issued information bulletin No. 980 Tuesday as regards the actions of people of various circles including inhabitants on Jeju Island against the Jeju naval base construction getting fierce in south Korea these days.

The information bulletin says:

The Jeju naval base construction is a heinous criminal move of the puppet group to destroy a peaceful fishing village on Jeju Island and build a large naval port to turn the island into a new outpost and a logistic base targeted against the DPRK and its neighboring countries to meet the need of the U.S. aggression.

The islanders, civic and public organizations of various circles and opposition parties are strongly demanding a stop to the base construction, denouncing the naval base as "an outpost to invade the north" and "powder magazine threatening peace in Northeast Asia".

The puppet group, instead of paying heed to this demand, is brutally suppressing the inhabitants in their just actions by massively hurling police forces and repressive equipment into the crackdown.

They went the lengths of taking such fascist action as arresting and detaining them after branding them as "pro-north and leftist forces".

In consequence, the same tragedy as what happened during the April 3 uprising more than six decades ago is taking place in Kangjong Village, Jeju Island where the naval base is now under construction. At that time a large number of people were cruelly killed by the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces, the puppet troops and right-wing gangsters.

This is a monstrous fascist action to chill the desire of the south Korean people for peace and reunification and a wanton violation of the islanders' right to existence and human rights.

The construction of the Juju naval base would make it possible for various type means for a war of aggression including U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier flotilla and nuclear submarines to frequent there and this would put the Korean Peninsula and its vicinity into a whirlwind of constant war threat.

The above-said naval base construction is touching off towering indignation among all Koreans as it is a revelation of a sinister scenario to provoke a nuclear war on the peninsula by stepping up the preparations for a war of aggression against the north.

The puppet warmongers are working hard to offer even a village on the island on the southernmost tip of Korea, feeling not content with hosts of bases of U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in various parts of south Korea at a time when public at home and abroad is becoming increasingly assertive for the improvement of the inter-Korean relations and peace. They are no more than a group of traitors utterly indifferent to reunification, peace and people's livelihood.

The naval base construction can never be allowed as it disturbs the stability of the regional situation including the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.

The south Korean authorities should properly heed to the warning of the angry people and public opinion at home and abroad and halt the naval base construction at once.

If the puppet group persists in the naval base construction quite contrary to the aspiration and desire of the fellow countrymen, they will face stronger protest and denunciation at home and abroad.

The islanders and other people of various circles in south Korea should further intensify the actions against the puppet warmongers' naval base construction, a threat to peace, stability and the right to existence with the same spirit and will as displayed during the April 3 uprising. -0-

Thursday 28 July 2011

Struggles in south Korea

Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions demanded the withdrawal of lay-off and stop to the suppression of trade unions. The organization held a rally in the plaza of the Seoul City Office on July 23 with more than 3 000 unionists attending.

At the rally speakers denounced the Hanjin Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. and the Yusong Enterprise for setting in motion gangsters to crack down workers calling for their vital rights.

They cannot stop the actions till they gain the basic labor rights and political freedom, they said. They would further expand sit-in hunger strikes.

They demanded the authorities stop the unreasonable lay-off and moves to undermine the trade unions.

At the end of the rally they made a demonstration march. -0-

Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- The All-Islanders Measure Committee for Checking the Construction of Jeju Military Base in south Korea held a press conference outside the construction site of the Jeju naval base on July 25 denouncing the puppet authorities for their fascist suppression of the protestors against the construction of the base.

At the press conference speakers exposed that the director of the Police Agency appeared at the Sogwipho Police Station on Jeju Island and ordered the use of violence, branding the actions against the construction of the naval base as illegal.

According to his order the police occupied the Kangjong Village, creating a terror-ridden atmosphere, they charged.

This shows the authorities have no willingness to stop the construction of the base, they said.

They would not move even a step back in the actions against the construction of the Jeju naval base, they noted.

They demanded the authorities stop at once the crackdown on the actions against the construction of the base. -0-

Wednesday 27 July 2011

KCTU Confirms New Action Program

Pyongyang, July 27 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a meeting at its conference room on July 22 and confirmed its future action program.

It set the intensive action period from July 25 to August 13 and underlined the need to check the conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement with the U.S., get the south Korea-U.S. SOFA revised and stop the authorities' fascist suppression.

The organization would stage a big action with workers across south Korea with August 15 as a momentum, the action program said.

It would form a vanguard for regional reunification, an action group and a marchers group to stage anti-U.S. actions including the opposition to the construction of Jeju naval base and probe into the truth about the crimes related to the burial of defoliant, it stressed.

KCTU would have all the people turn out in the action to get part-time jobs abolished, foil the suppression of the labor movement, win the basic right to labor and punish the "Grand National Party", it added. -0-

Thursday 14 July 2011

S. Korean Police Hit for Firing Tear Liquid

Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Public Health and Medical Organizations and the Pusan and South Kyongsang Provincial Consultative Council of Doctors for Humanitarianism on July 10 denounced the police for firing tear liquid at the participants in the action demanding vital rights.

The organizations accused the police of firing tear liquid containing carcinogen material and toxic gas substance at the protestors against the unreasonable lay-off by the business side around the Young Do Shipbuilding Yard of the Hanjin Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.

This tear liquid is highly likely to contain the same substance as what was used to crack down on the strike of the Trade Union of the Ssangryong Motor Co. Ltd., in 2009, they charged, terming the use of such tear liquid against the demonstrators who included even aged people and children an inhuman action.

Meanwhile, a photo showing police throwing out tear liquid on the road after putting down the demonstration was posted on an Internet homepage that day, stunning the people. -0-

Tuesday 5 July 2011

S. Korean Authorities′ Anti-Worker Policy Flayed

Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Teachers Union in a commentary on July 1 denounced the authorities' anti-worker policy.

The commentary recalled that the Minimum Wage Committee on June 29 set forth a negotiating proposal for deciding the minimum wage for 2012 at the tacit agreement with the management side.

Even this proposal calls for infringing upon the elementary right to existence of the workers suffering destitution and pain due to low wage, it deplored, and continued:

The said committee, in the final analysis, has whiled away time not to help workers get higher pay but just to read the face of the management side.

Noting that the demands of the workers have not been reflected at all in the minimum wage level since the present regime appeared, the commentary said the committee and the management side can never shirk off the blame for having made a mockery of the workers.

It urged the committee to retract the above-said proposal at once and raise their wages. -0

Thursday 2 June 2011


Infuriated Mindset

The wrath and furor of different circles in south Korea against the anti-popular misrule of the Lee Myung-bak regime has reached the extreme now across south Korea.

Right after seizing the power Lee loudly advertised the so-called “grassroots-friendly policy” and the stabilization of jobs for workers.

However, it turned out to be nothing more than a lip service.

The “privatization of public businesses”, the malrevision of the “law on part-timers” and the “law on minimum wage”, the easing of restrictions and the tax reduction orchestrated by Lee were all against the people at the expense of the toiling people's sacrifice in favor of the conglomerates.

The traitor also fanned up the regional discord and mercilessly stamped out the people's right to existence through the deceptive commitments.

The typical are the nullification of the project to build a new airport in the southeastern part of south Korea, a farce of selecting a place for an international scientific business belt and moving the headquarters of south Korean land and housing corporation. Traitor Lee abandoned the project to build the airport last March under the pretext of lack of economic efficiency and efficacy, though he promised it for the Gyeongsang Province.

In this regard, local and civic organizations in South and North Gyeongsang Provinces and Busan which competed for the project rushed into anti-government struggle with sit-in demos, candlelit rallies and fasting.

Much bewildered by this the traitor retracted a decision of locating the land and housing corporation separately in Jeonju, North Jeolla Province and Jinju, South Gyeongsang Province, and enforced to locate it in Jinju.

In such a situation, the infuriated local bodies and citizens in Jeonju and other areas of North Jeolla Province protested against traitor Lee saying the government pushed ahead with locating the land and housing corporation solely in Jinju, South Gyeongsang Province, in a bid to appease the people in Busan, enraged by the abandonment of the project to build an airport.

As far as the issue of selecting a place for an international scientific business belt is concerned, though it was originally planned to be built in Daejeon, South Chungcheong Province, traitor Lee announced that the government would restart the work of selecting the place with the aim to win the next elections by the support of southern regions of south Korea. So South Gyeongsang and South Jeolla Provinces as well as South Chungcheong Province rushed into the competition for hosting the belt.

Nevertheless, traitor Lee, after the shameful defeat in the April 27 by-elections, announced that the belt is to be built in Daejeon, South Chungcheong Province as originally decided.

The Democratic Party and other opposition parties bitterly denounced the government for politicizing the project of building the international scientific business belt, and the local bodies in South and North Gyeongsang Provinces and South Jeolla Province vehemently criticized Lee Myung-bak calling for his resignation for the division of the public opinion and regional discord, saying they will never accept the government’s announcement.

Worse still, some of the ruling party censured Lee Myung-bak as an ace of regional division and a government widening the discord.

It is none other than the people who suffer in the long run by the fraudulent farce of traitor Lee, trademarked with a “pragmatic government”, who fumbles with “state project” by political expediencies far from any calculation of scientific feasibility or economic efficiency.

Different circles in south Korea jeer at Lee Myung-bak’s often-changing words and lies as “pathologic”.

He was also conferred a “sewing machine prize” after ranking the first in a poll for selecting candidates of “mouth to be stitched”. It’s really a tragicomedy.

Treachery of the people's sentiment begets a divine wrath.

The Lee Myung-bak group of traitors which has ruthlessly trampled down the people's right to existence and is now forsaken by the people can never escape a miserable end by the people's stern punishment

Monday 30 May 2011

DPRK Will Not Deal with Lee Myung Bak: Spokesman for NDC of DPRK

It is our stand to let them wait for "contingency" as long as they please according to their "waiting strategy," sticking to their "theory of principle" on the basis of their own judgment till they face their self-destruction.

2. The DPRK will launch a nationwide offensive to put an end to the moves of the Lee group to escalate the confrontation with the DPRK.

The all-out offensive of the army and people of the DPRK is a merciless one.

The trend of the times will prove that hot waves for genuine democracy will rage in the base of the group.

The army and people of the DPRK for the present will take practical actions to cope with the confrontation racket of the group.

As the group put a check bar on reconciliation and cooperation, denying dialogue and contacts, the Korean People's Army will cut off the north-south military communication in the area along the east coast which has been maintained to provide a military guarantee for the north-south passage and close the communication liaison office in Mt. Kumgang area as the first step.

As already warned by the DPRK, it will take a physical action without any notice any time against any target to cope with the anti-DPRK psychological warfare persistently perpetrated by the group with a foolish aim. -0-

Sunday 29 May 2011

Fascist Suppression of Workers Slammed in S. Korea

Pyongyang, May 29 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance for Korea's Reunification in a commentary on May 24 denounced the Lee Myung Bak dictatorial regime for its violent crackdown on workers.

That day the authorities set in motion 2 500 policemen to arrest at least 500 workers of an enterprise who were staging a sit-in in protest against the unreasonable closure of workshop by the management side, the commentary noted.

The authorities' suppression is aimed to stamp out the rights of the workers and obliterate the labour movement, it said,warning that the "government's" repression will invite bigger resistance of the workers. -0-

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- 31 years have passed since all-people resistance was waged in Kwangju of south Korea against the U.S. imperialists' colonial domination and the military dictatorial forces' fascist rule.

The desire for independence, democracy and reunification mounted high among the south Koreans entering the 1980s. Much upset by it, the south Korean military fascist forces proclaimed the "emergency martial law" across south Korea, mercilessly arrested and executed core members of student movement organizations, progressive professors and democratic figures of various strata. They also banned all the political activities and enforced pre-check of publications.

Enraged by this, youth and students and citizens of Kwangju took to the street on May 18, 1980, chanting the slogans "Repeal emergency martial law!" and "Abolish the Yusin system!"

The uprising turned into the massive resistance in a moment with workers, farmers, officers, religionists and other people in Kwangju and its surrounding areas involved. It developed into the armed resistance from May 21.

The resistance forces pushed the "martial forces" into the suburbs, turned Kwangju City into "liberated area" and organized the self-defensive armed ranks to carry on brave and organized struggle.

With this as a momentum the stronger spirit of anti-"government" struggle flared up in the different parts of south Korea and 17 cities and counties joined the uprising in South Jolla Province alone.

The resistance forces failed to attain their goal owing to the puppet forces who committed brutal suppression armed with lethal means at the instigation of the U.S. imperialists. The Kwangju Popular Uprising, however, set off the fierce storm of anti-U.S. independence and the anti-fascist democratic movement in south Korea.

The uprising which was brilliantly recorded in the anti-U.S., the anti-fascist and democratic movement calls upon all the south Koreans of various strata to the struggle to judge the present regime which turned the south Korean society into the theater of the fascist suppression and an area with poor human rights record under the active patronage of the U.S. -0-

S. Korean Businessman Accused of Driving Worker to Death

Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- There occurred in south Korea such tragedy that Jo Myong Su, a member of the Phohang Branch of the Construction Workers' Union, died on May 3 while working at a Phaju construction business.

He was hired by this construction business in March after wondering about in search of a job. He was forced to work for more than 17 hours a day under the poor working conditions.

Enraged at this slave labor imposed upon him by the business, workers affiliated to the Construction Workers Federation of south Korea held a press conference in Seoul on May 13.

Speakers at the press conference deplored the miserable plight of the workers subject to death at the construction sites.

They demanded the business side own responsibility for this and make an apology and pay compensation to the bereaved families.

They declared that construction workers across south Korea would stage actions to force the businesses to pay for the blood shed by those who met grievous deaths.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Fascist Dictatorial Rule of South Korean Authorities Accused

Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- Since the appearance of the present conservative regime the south Korean society has been reduced to a hell on earth where all rights of human beings have been stamped out and the fascist dictatorship are running roughshod.

Rodong Sinmun observes this in a by-lined article Saturday.

It goes on:

Due to the military occupation of south Korea by the United States and its domination over it the independent rights of people have been recklessly violated in all fields of social life including politics, economy and culture.

The group of traitors has used the ill-famed "Security Law" as a means for staying in power and retrogressively revised it instead of abolishing it in a bid to justify its dictatorial rule.

The ruling forces have revived all the repressive machinery of the past military dictatorship and the Chongwadae is now watching and collecting the tendency of even the "national assemblymen" and political parties.

Moreover, the south Korean authorities are carrying out the operation of seducing and abducting fellow countrymen with the mobilization of fascist plot-breeding organs including the Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Unification and the Defense Security Command as well as human traffic organizations.

The south Korean rulers are not in a position to talk about the sacred human rights as they are pursuing only unpopular rule and the policy of confrontation with fellow countrymen while failing to ensure the working people the elementary right to existence, the article concludes. -

Saturday 14 May 2011

Rodong Sinmun Brands Bourgeois Ideology and Culture as Dangerous Virus

Rodong Sinmun Brands Bourgeois Ideology and Culture as Dangerous Virus

Pyongyang, May 13 (KCNA) -- Bourgeois ideology and way of life are dangerous virus making people mental cripples. Rodong Sinmun Friday says this in a bylined article.

It goes on:

Today the imperialists are infiltrating the reactionary ideology and culture into other countries, saying what can not be solved even with nuclear weapons can be easily done by the spread of ideology and culture.

What they seek through their active ideological and cultural poisoning is to degenerate the people's idea, disintegrate those countries from within and put them under their domination and control.

Running through the bourgeois ideology and culture are such inhumane elements as deception, fraud, extreme liberalism, class, national and racial discrimination, misanthropy, personal luxury, corruption and degeneration, dollar-almighty idea and war instigation.

The bourgeois ideology and culture make people betes noires and mental cripples who idle time away with debauchery, dishonesty and corruption.

The bourgeoisies are desperately trying to stamp out the national culture of other countries through ideological and cultural poisoning. The aim sought by them through this is to obliterate the national characters of those countries and make them blindly follow and serve them.

One should never allow any practice of spreading bourgeois ideology, culture and lifestyle which divest man of his soul and body and cause social chaos.

Monday 9 May 2011

Call of Gwangju

Call of Gwangju

The Gwangju People's Uprising erupted on May 18 1980 in Gwangju was a righteous anti-US, anti-fascist uprising against the fascist rule of the US imperialists and the south Korean military junta and for national sovereignty, democracy of the south Korean society and the countrys reunification.

It was a mass armed uprising resolutely fighting against the merciless military suppression of the dictatorial regime.

The patriotic youth, students and citizens of Gwangju armed themselves by taking weapons away from the martial law army and launched a bloody revolt and at last they drove the martial law troops out of the city turning Gwangju to a completely liberated zone.

The flames of the uprising with a million people of different circles participated in total spread rapidly to the wide areas of South and North Jeolla Provinces.

The Gwangju Uprising dealt a telling blow to the decades-long military fascist dictatorship in south Korea and rocked the colonial rule of the US to its foundation.

Extremely frightened by the uprising the US imperialists gave the military fascists of south Korea the orders to kill.

Memorial service held at

the Mangweol-dong Cemetery, Gwangju (2009)

Thus, more than 5,000 people were killed and over 14,000 were injured in a few days and the whole city was stained with blood and wails and cry of resentment burst out here and there.

The truth of the atrocities of Gwangju, a tragic massacre unprecedented in history, can neither be covered up nor be forgotten in the memory of the south Korean people no matter how much water may flow under the bridge.

Though many years have passed, the desire of the uprisers has not yet been realized and the uprising has not ended.

Commemoration event on the 30th anniversary

of the Gwangju People's Uprising (2010)

Even today Gwangju still calls.

All the national misfortune and pains the south Korean people are undergoing till today are originated from the US occupation of south Korea.

It is none other than the US imperialists that perpetrated the bloody massacre in Gwangju 31 years ago.

The south Korean people from all walks of life will further intensify the anti-US struggle for independence to drive the US aggression troops out south Korea.

They will also struggle in firm unity to mete out a fatal blow to the present authorities, a villainous group of traitors to the nation, inheriting the spirit of the Gwangju uprisers who heroically fought undaunted by injustice and dictatorship, without fear of death.

Monday 2 May 2011

UK KFA Publish "Peoples Korea Today"

The UK Korean Friendship Association has produced another edition of its online downloadable journal "People's Korea Today" .This is not free ofcharge the fee goes to cover production costs etc but a small profit goesto UK KFA.
This latest edition includes an expose of the US imperialist "Homefront" anti DPRK computer game as well articles on Che and the DPRK as well as a
cultural feature.

You can purchase your copy here

Sunday 1 May 2011

May Day in DPRK

Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- A national meeting on the 121st May Day took place at the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex in Anju, South Phyongan Province Sunday.

Present there were Choe Yong Rim, Yang Hyong Sop, officials of party and power bodies and working people's organizations, officials concerned, men of meritorious service, labor innovators and working people in the province.

Choe Yong Rim, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea and premier of the Cabinet, in his report said that the working people of the DPRK greeting May Day are extending militant greetings and firm solidarity to the working people the world over dynamically struggling under the uplifted banner of justice, peace and independence against imperialism.

He said that President Kim Il Sung founded the immortal Juche idea, put forward the working people including workers, farmers and intellectuals as the masters of their destiny and led the revolution and construction to a shining victory by enlisting their inexhaustible strength.

The cause of the President who put forward the working people as the masters of the country and revolution and led the revolution and construction to victory by dint of their creative ingenuity and concerted efforts is being successfully carried forward and developed by leader Kim Jong Il, he noted.

Kim Jong Il has closely rallied the workers and other broad masses around the WPK with his politics of love and trust and benevolent politics and led to victory the popular masses' cause of independence, the socialist cause with the might of single-minded unity, he said.

He pointed out that the working people have glorified the exciting annals of the Korean revolution with shining victories and feats under the wise leadership of the party and the leader.

He stressed the need to cherish the faith of Juche and strong national self-esteem, maintain the revolutionary principle, the class principle, resolutely shatter the vicious ideological and cultural poisoning of the imperialists and further strengthen the political and ideological might of the Korean revolution.

He also called for pushing forward the production drive and bringing about a decisive turn in improving the standard of people's living and building a thriving nation.

He extended positive support to the just struggle of the south Korean working people for independence against the U.S. and for democratization of society and national reunification in name of all the working people.

The reporter said that the working people of the DPRK will fully discharge their historic mission in defending world peace and security and pushing ahead with the human cause of independence. They should further strengthen solidarity with the working people all over the world aspiring after independence under under the uplifted banner of independence, peace and friendship, the reporter added

Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Working people of the DPRK significantly marked May Day.

Industrial establishments, cooperative farms, parks and recreation grounds in Pyongyang and local areas were crowded with holiday-makers.

Those in Pyongyang played sports and amusement games and presented dances and art performances at picturesque recreation grounds of Rungra Islet, Moran Hill, Mt. Taesong and other places.

Working people in Chongjin, Hamhung, Hyesan, Kanggye, Sariwon and other places spent a joyful holiday.

The workers of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex and the Ryongsong Machine Complex played amusement games confident of greater leap forward.

Art performances were given and football, volleyball, basketball, tug-of-war and Korean wrestling were played at the February 8 Vinalon Complex, the Musan Mining Complex, the Kaechon Area Coal Mining Complex, the Rakwon Machine Complex, the Susongchon Combined Foodstuff Factory, the Kaesong Aeguk Garment Factory, the Kanggye Koryo Medicine Factory and other places.

Singing and laughter of the working people could be heard in Taehongdan, Phyongwon, Ryongchon, Jaeryong and Hamju counties

Saturday 9 April 2011

S. Korean Puppet Authorities′ Crimes Committed for Three Years of Office under Fire

S. Korean Puppet Authorities′ Crimes Committed for Three Years of Office under Fire

  Pyongyang, April 8 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea published an indictment Friday disclosing the crimes the south Korean authorities committed for three years of their office ill-famed for lies and deception and the disastrous consequences entailed by them.
 According to it, the south Korean economy has become more stagnant and the people′s living deteriorated to an extreme pitch while irregularities and corruption and social vices have become rampant. Due to the economic bankruptcy the puppet government is saddled with debt amounting to 1 448.6 billion U.S. dollars, that of enterprises is 1 155 billion U.S. dollars and that of the inhabitants households more than 700 billion U.S. dollars.
  There are at least 4.6 million unemployed people and more than 8.6 million under-employed people.
 Various kinds of taxes are on a steady increase. There are three million extremely poor households which eke out their living by a meal offered by charity bodies. The poor who make their living on a daily earning number ten million and the children who go without lunches number more than 1.2 million.
  More than 7 million households or 38 percent of all of them live in rented rooms. There are 680 000 households that live in small rooms like hencoop, shacks, dugouts and cave-like places, left without any proper shelters.
  1.25 million women find no other means but prostitution, unable to endure abject poverty.
  42 persons commit suicides on a daily average due to the unbearable economic difficulties and destitution, topping the world list of suicide rate.
  It has become clear that the most of 16 major economy policy commitments made by the puppet conservative group have no prospect of fulfillment.
 The "National Assembly", administration, prosecution and media have become a marionette serving the one-man dictatorship.
 Various repressive machines including the puppet National Intelligence Service have been dramatically reinforced while the political investigation has been revived and there reappeared the Paekgol Corps which earned an ill-fame in the days of the erstwhile military fascist dictatorial regime.
 The dissident groups have been purged en mass from the "government", public organs and different media organs. More than 10 000 public servants and over 19 000 personnel of public institutions have been expelled for the past three years.
  The organizations and trade unions which had been formed as legal organizations under the previous regimes have been labeled illegal ones and the religious organizations that incurred the authorities′ displeasure have become targets of suppression after being branded as heretical ones.
 Thousands of demonstrators were wounded due to suppression and arrested for the past three years.
 The just struggles of workers for the right to existence have also been brutally suppressed.
  The group has driven the inter-Korean relations into the worst catastrophe during the period.
 The moves of the group brought the contacts and exchanges to suspension though they had made good progress in an atmosphere of reconciliation and unity.
 The Red Cross humanitarian undertakings including the reunion of separated families and relatives have not been properly carried out due to the dishonest attitude of the group.
 It has brutally suppressed the reunification movement organizations, non-governmental organizations and personages that advocated reconciliation, unity and exchange and cooperation on charges of violation of the "National Security Law", a fascist law, after labeling them "pro-north" and "enemy-benefiting" organizations and persons and "spies."
 It has gone to extremes in its anti-DPRK confrontation rackets and moves for a war of aggression against the DPRK, blinded by its ambition to achieve "unification under liberal democracy" and take advantage of "contingency".
 What the seizure of power by the puppet group has brought the south Korean people is nothing but frustration, pain and sacrifices.
 The group is making last-ditch efforts to tone down the public anger now on the brink of explosion in a bid to tide over its serious ruling crisis.
 The more desperately the group pursues the fascist dictatorship and confrontation with fellow countrymen against the nation′s will, the earlier it will face its final destruction, warned the indictment. -0

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Poor Health Conditions in S. Korea, Product of Unpopular Rule

Poor Health Conditions in S. Korea, Product of Unpopular Rule

  Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- The Seoul National University Hospital, the Severance Hospital and other hospitals in south Korea were recently disclosed to have conducted clinical tests on patients without guarantee of their lives. The story stunned the people.
  Such illegal acts clearly indicate the poor health conditions of the south Korean society where money is everything.
  The poor are denied hospital treatment in south Korea with medical treatment fees steadily rising.
 A general medical check-up costs 100-400 U.S. dollars. Hospital charges a day in big hospitals of Seoul are estimated at 100-300 U.S. dollars on average.
  In 2009 when bird flu swept across south Korea hospitals demanded 200 000 won for one medical examination.
  After the emergence of the present "government" the number of infection cases at hospitals reached 300 000 a year and the ensuing yearly mortality rate 15 000.
  The poor suffer from all kinds of diseases as they can hardly get timely treatment.
  Such poor health conditions of south Korea are an inevitable product of the unpopular rule by the puppet authorities.
  All facts go to prove that the healthy life of the south Korean people is unthinkable as long as the present puppet authorities are allowed to stay in power. -0-

Thursday 17 March 2011

ASSPUK,JISGE and UK KFA slam "Homefront" anti DPRK propaganda


The UK Korean Friendship Association along with the Juche Idea Study Group of England and ASSPUK wish to issue a statement of protest against the US imperialists computer game "Homefront".This game paints the DPRK as the aggressors.Such propaganda is childish and absurd.The DPRK has never invaded any country,its troops are not in other countries but the US keeps its military,navy and airforce in south Korea,thousands of miles from the shores of the US.It is the US that since 1945 intervened in more than 150 countries and being involved in dozens of conflicts.The US has a massive network overseas military bases straddling the globe.
"Homefront" could be dismissed as simply a moneymaking ploy by the giant US capitalist electronics monopolies and as crude and banal propaganda,indeed it might actually increase interest in the DPRK,however it should be noted that as part of the marketing effort for the game anti DPRK rallies have been held in the US.Thus the "Homefront" game aims at inciting war pyschosis against the DPRK.It aims to make young people view the DPRK as an aggressive enemy threatening them and prepare them for the idea that they
might have to fight in conflict against the DPRK.

The game slanders the idea,system and policy of the DPRK.The DPRK's foreign policy is underpinned by the concepts of independence,peace and friendship.It has no intention to invade and conquer the US mainland.The DPRK weapons are for self defence.They are weapons of justice defending the independence of the DPRK and its dignified socialist system.
We call on people to reject the vile and false propaganda of "Homefront" ,we call on progressive and peace loving people to fight the lies about the DPRK.If you support the DPRK please join the UK KFA (email uk@korea-dpr,com)


Saturday 12 March 2011

South Korean puppet's sex scandal shame and disgrace

South Korean puppet's sex scandal shame and disgrace

News has broken of a massive "sex for visas" scandal involving the south Korean puppet diplomatic mission in Shanghai,China.Up to 7 south Korean diplomats are involved in this sordid scandal.Meanwhile another south Korean diplomat this time in Japan has has to resign over gross
Will they start a provocation against the DPRK to cover up the scandals

Wednesday 9 March 2011

South Korean power cuts

After a decade or two of deriding the DPRK's economy and exaggerating the difficultes faced by the DPRK during the arduous march period now the south Korean puppet regime has been hit by power cuts

SEOUL, March 8 (Reuters) - The bustling entertainment districts of one of the world's largest cities, Seoul, were pitched into darkness early on Tuesday as the government clamped down on energy use to cope with rising oil prices.

Neon signs and outdoor lights were ordered switched off in the business and entertainment districts of the South Korean capital, in a tangible sign of how the oil price rise is hurting the resource-starved country.

President Lee Myung-bak has called for a tighter national energy policy to counter the impact of higher prices

Wednesday 2 March 2011

KCNA Assails Shuddering Crime Committed by GI against S. Korean Old Couple

KCNA Assails Shuddering Crime Committed by GI against S. Korean Old Couple

  Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- A soldier belonging to the 2nd Division of the U.S. imperialist aggression troops present in south Korea broke into a house in Tongduchon City, Kyonggi Province, and assaulted an old couple with a lethal weapon on Feb. 26.
  It is needless to say that this is the height of human rights abuses and an unpardonable insult to the dignity of the Korean nation.
  This crime is by no means limited to this area and it is not the first of its kind, either.
  The U.S. imperialists openly commit violence and murder against south Koreans at any place and any time regardless of age and sex.
  Five cases of various crimes are committed by GIs in south Korea on a daily average. The number of the crimes disclosed before the world reaches hundreds of thousands.
  Not a day passes in the U.S. military bases in different parts of south Korea without their crimes.
 Typical examples of them are the incident of forcing hair cutting upon a Korean woman in Tongduchon, the incident of killing Yun Kum I, the mass-killings of Koreans in the U.S. air force base in Songthan and the incident of killing Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son.
  The U.S. military bases and their vicinities are the strongholds of Yankees for committing murder, arson, destruction and plunder, their main attribute, and dens of evils and crimes.
 This goes to prove that the U.S. military bases are nothing but nooses tightening the necks of the south Korean people.
  This being a hard reality, the U.S. made no mention of the dismantlement of the U.S. military bases. Worse still, it is going so foolish as to let the above-said criminal go scot-free from the outset.
  This once again betrays the arrogance of the occupiers behaving as rulers over south Korea, exercising extraterritorial rights.
  All the Koreans clearly remember the fact that the U.S. declared "not guilty" the GIs who mercilessly killed two schoolgirls by driving their armored car over them in broad daylight and whisked them away to the U.S.
  If the U.S. pays no heed to the demand of the south Korean people for taking a strong legal action against the criminal just as it did at that time, this will be a wanton violation of justice and conscience.
 The south Korean people′s misfortune and pain will go on and all the Koreans will not be able to escape disaster and catastrophe unless the U.S. military bases are dismantled. -0-

Thursday 27 January 2011

South Korea Ailing with Social Evils

South Korea Ailing with Social Evils

Increasing the poor bracket

In south Korean society misruled by the anti-people policy of the conservative regime, the number of the poor is increasing day after day.

Even according to an official announcement of the puppet regime the number of the poor households was 3,058,000, which holds nearly 20% of all the households and includes 7 million people.

According to a material 63% of the poor households are completely unemployed, and 14% of them are living on a shoestring as day-laborers and the rest are eking out a bare existence though they have certain jobs.

The conservative group has enforced the policy in favor of conglomerates and the rich only in disregard of the livelihood of the majority of the working people, so that the living standards gap between the rich and the poor extremely widened.

A large number of the medium-sized businesses and small merchants went into bankruptcy en masse so 134,725 households became the poor in 2009 alone.

In 2010, too, 30,000 ~ 70,000 independent businessmen went bankrupt every month. Therefore a growing number of the people face harsher living conditions, increasing the poor racket.

Poor public health

Since the conservative regime has been pursuing the “commercialization of the public health sector” after taking power, 82% hospitals flocked to big cities with high profit, further deteriorating the health condition in local areas. In particular, 43 counties are not equipped with emergency sections in hospitals, so that the inhabitants fail to receive any simple first-aid treatment.

Besides, 58% of all hospitals are treating the foreigners in the main for the sake of more fees, so that a few ones are available for the ordinaries.

In 2010, the outpatient fees increased by 7.2%, inpatient fees by 8.5%, tooth treatment fees by 10.6% compared with that in 2008, and the charges for appendix removal surgery skyrocketed to US$ 3,000, for abdominal cavity surgery to US$ 6,000 and for marrow transplantation surgery to US$ 170,000.

For the exorbitant prices of cold remedy and other common medicines 12 ~ 20% of all households are unable to go to hospital.

Miserable state of young people

The growing number of the young unemployed becomes a severe social problem.

The young unemployed number 764,000 in 2008, 905,000 in 2009 and 1,160,000 in the first half of 2010 making the unemployment rate of the young people a double that of the average.

6 of 10 university graduates, in particular, postpone their graduation to be undergraduate or withdraw from learning for the absence of jobs. Therefore, colleges and universities are called a nursery of the unemployed.

At present the portion of the young people working in big businesses and public sectors is very low at 20% and 10% respectively, and 50% of the 20s and 38% of the 30s are casual workers whose salary is no more than 54.7% of the full employed.

Young people and students who work in assorted chores for living expenses are 48% and 38.2%, the students absent from universities for failing to secure tuition fees are 26.9% and the students who owe debt for tuition fees are no less than 50.9%.

Among the suicides during the last 3 years the number increased by 35% in the 20s and 20.3% in the 30s every year.

Rampant crimes

Drug crimes are drastically increasing in south Korea.

15,000 drug users were recorded in 2000 but they reached to nearly one million in 2009, and addicts are numbered some 20,000.

Young drug users in their teens and 20s, in particular, account for 17%.

As the hospitals prescribe the medicines to patients with narcotic as the main agent, there appeared an atmosphere of openly agitating the use of drug in the public health sector, and the drug smuggling via internet increased 10 times more than that of 2008.

And the increasing sex offenses engage the society in a terror.

Sex offenses are growing in number every year, so in 2008 49 cases were reported on a daily average but in 2009 they were increased to 56.

In 2009, in particular, it is reported that the young sex criminals aged less than 18 years old increased by 25% more than the previous year and the sex crime against the children