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Sunday 20 January 2013

Ssangryong Motors Incident Indicts

"A 30 meter tall transmission tower is charged with a high voltage current. A makeshift building of a little over 2 square meters at the height of 20 meters looks quite cold.
The dismissed workers of the Ssangryong Motors are on stay-in strike there despite the cold of winter. Cooked rice boxes provided by pulley enable them to remain alive for 42 days. There is a good reason why they stage such a struggle."
That is part of a south Korean radio report on stay-in strike of workers of the Ssangryong Motors on a steel tower to mark the New Year.
Then, what made them greet the New Year with a fierce struggle in the cold winter not in hope and delight?
In May 2009 workers of the Ssangryong Motors went on a general strike against the company side's plan to enforce a lay-off.
It was a justifiable struggle to defend their vital rights against the arbitrariness of the enterprising body.
The Lee Myung Bak group, however, brutally suppressed the strikers in favor of the company side seeking only profits.
The group of traitors cut off the supply of food, gas and water for workers and perpetrated a bloody crackdown on the innocent workers on the strength of fascist gangsters heavily armed with clubs, iron bars and electric guns.
In the end several workers were killed and many others were injured or taken in custody.
That is how the Ssangryong Motors incident took place.
The Lee group caused the incident and deteriorated it systematically.
The conservative ruling quarters on the side of a handful of owners of big businesses shifted the blame for the economic crisis onto the workers and encouraged lay-off, mercilessly suppressing the workers resisting to it.
They also charged the workers of their struggle for vital rights and committed a despicable destruction of labor unions.
At the end of his tenure of office traitor Lee transferred the settlement of the incident to the next regime, pretending that he is not answerable for it.
The Ssangryong Motors incident shows that it is foolish to want something from the puppet conservatives, servers of big businesses and the south Korean workers should resolutely put an end to the misrule of the traitors if they are to lead a worthwhile life.
Pok Un Hui

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