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Sunday 20 January 2013

Suppression of Trade Unions in south Korea protested against

 S. Korean Authorities' Fascist Suppression of KCTU Protested
Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions issued a statement on Jan. 17 in protest against the puppet authorities for their fascist suppression of workers.
    The statement accused the authorities on Jan. 16 of hurling police into an operation to indiscriminately crack down on the workers' sit-in strike demanding a solution to the labor issues including layoff, abolition of part-time jobs and a halt to the destruction of trade unions.
    Through this crackdown they wounded strikers and arrested 8 persons including the head of the organizational department of the Metal Workers' Union, it noted.
    The KCTU can no longer remain an onlooker to the present regime's brutal suppression, it warned, calling for intensified actions against the fascist crackdown upon workers. -0-

S. Korean Authorities' Suppression of Labor Movement Protested

 Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) --The Emergency Situation Council to Urgently Cope with Layoff, Part-time Jobs and Destruction of Trade Unions in south Korea held a press conference around Kwanghwamun, Seoul on Jan. 17 at which it denounced the puppet authorities for their suppression of the labor movement.
    At the press conference the organization branded the death of many workers as murders by the regime and capital.
    Enterprise owners, backed by power, are pressurizing those workers affiliated to trade unions, dismissing and suppressing them, the organization charged.
    Even the regime, conservative media and courts are joining in this suppressive campaign, it noted.
    Broad segments of people will turn out in large-scale actions in case the authorities turn down the demand for a halt to the suppression of the labor movement and do not take responsible steps, it warned. -0-

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