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Wednesday 18 December 2013

Refutation of attack on the DPRK by the British modern revisionists-an unofficial commentary

Refutation of attack on the DPRK by the British modern revisionists-an unofficial commentary

                               The "Morning Star " , which is a faded version of the old "Daily Worker " of Britain (the revisionists changed the name from "Daily Worker " to "Morning Star " in order to distance themselves from the working class and militant communism) , in an editorial  attacked the supreme leadership of the DPRK and slandered the socialist system of the DPRK .
                              The article  " Schism in north Korea " seems to be a mixture of the "Sun" newspaper and quasi Trotskyite rantings . The "Morning Star" just repeats the lies of the capitalist media about "starvation " etc . The supposedly left wing newspaper  seems to share the concern of imperialism that counter-revolution in the DPRK has been smashed and effectively calls for a counter revolution in the DPRK. We cannot help wondering whether the south Korean puppet embassy slipped the "Morning Star " a few backhanders to print such rubbish about the DPRK ?
The following comments can be made of the article ;
               Firstly, there is no schism in the DPRK , it is ridiculous to style a handful of traitors , counter-revolutionary factionalists , a schism . The people are united firmly around supreme leader comrade Kim Jong Un and the Workers' Party of Korea . Moreover the traitor was not the "number two " in the leadership  , this in an invention of the capitalist press and some so-called "Korea experts " (who are in reality in the pay of south Korea and the US ) . The socialist system of the DPRK is a people -centred socialist system of a Korean -style and will not perish. It has survived despite the sanctions and blockades of US imperialism and its followers and all the pressure that they put on it . The DPRK has foiled attempts by the south Korean puppet regime to subvert and destroy by means of terrorism etc . The fact that the anti-party counter-revolutionary faction was smashed and defeated actually shows the strength of the socialist system of the DPRK.

            Secondly, dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un and the Workers' Party of  Korea should be praised for their swift , resolute and decisive action against the counter-revolution . Had the USSR taken such resolute and decisive measures against Gorbachov, Yeltsin , socialism in the USSR would not have collapsed .

      Thirdly ,  it was the demand of the Korean people that the traitor be executed. Meetings of soldiers and workers demanded that the traitor be put to death. The execution was an expression of the peoples will. It was people's democracy, proletarian democracy in action.

 Fourthly, the "Morning Star " resorts to "Sun " and "Daily Mail " lies and  slanders against the DPRK . The 'starvation ' stories have been proved time and time again to be myths but the "Star " rakes them up . Basketball is not simply the personal taste of the supreme leader but is immensely popular with the whole people , as shown in the famous DPRK film " A Family Basketball Team"
The "Morning Star " even goes as far to say that living standards are declining in the DPRK when in fact they are going up . In recent years numerous large scale cultural and service facilities have been constructed in the DPRK such as the Rungna People's Pleasure Park, Munsu Water Park , Ryugyong Health Complex one after the other as well new health care institutions such as the Ryugyong Dental Hospital , Okryu Childrens Hospital and the Breast Tumour Institute of the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital  . Even the DPRK enemies were compelled to admit that the DPRK was growing faster than south Korea (Businessweek 30 June 2009) and this year was according to some financial newspapers is growing faster than Brazil . The foolish "Morning Star " ignores these facts . In the DPRK housing is virtually free of charge  and health and education are free of charge.Prices are low it is only the equivalent  of 2.5p to use the Pyongyang Metro.

               Fifth , the " Star " is factually inaccurate , the traitor was never accused of  trying to form his 'own dynasty' but of trying to create his own empire within the WPK  "He worked hard to put all affairs of the country under his control, massively increasing the staff of his department and organs under it, and stretch his tentacles to ministries and national institutions. He converted his department into a “little kingdom” which no one dares touch.". In other words he was an arrogant big boss figure.

Sixth, the "Morning Star " deliberately distorts the essence of Songun politics. In the DPRK the people's armed forces are under the leadership and guidance of  the Workers' Party of Korea . As the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un  said
" Leadership of the Party is the lifeline of the KPA, and its might is inconceivable separated from the leadership of the Party. The general direction ahead of the KPA is one, that is, to advance straight forward with guns levelled in the very direction our Party indicates. Our arms must serve as an ever-lasting cornerstone that ensures a sure guarantee for the Party and its cause." "Let Us Add Eternal Brilliance to Comrade Kim Jong Il's Great Idea and Achievements of the Songun Revolution" 25 August 2013).
              If you see military parades in the DPRK you will see the gold and red flag of the Workers' Party of Korea displayed by army units and fluttering proudly on the top of military vehicles .  
Basically Songun politics is fundamentally different from military governments in capitalist countries. The former is a democratic mode of socialist politics administered for the sake of the people, while the latter is an anti-popular, fascist mode of politics as the consequence of capitalist crisis.This difference is rooted in that in ideology and ideal. Songun politics, guided by the Juche idea which advocates the independence of the masses of the people  and countries and nations, can never be compatible with the mode of politics administered by military regimes or fascist dictators based on misanthropy and national chauvinism. The DPRK has given top priority to military affairs and highlighted the role of its army, proceeding solely from the interests of its people and its specific conditions. In other words, Korea has staunchly followed the road of sovereignty, independence and socialism in confrontation with imperialist powers and, in the course of this, the traditions of attaching importance to military affairs were created and eventually the mode of Songun politics has been established in all aspects of life. The Songun idea and Songun politics are essential for the DPRK which is in direct confrontation with US imperialism and the south Korean puppets. The guns of the US army are levelled at the DPRK and it is targeted by nuclear bombs . No doubt the "Morning Star " editor ensconced in a cosy office thinks that the DPRK can defend itself by waving flowers and saying "peaceful co-existence ".

                                   All in all the "Morning Star " editorial is an extreme slander on the DPRK that  simply replicates the attacks of the bourgeois and imperialist media on the  DPRK and its supreme leadership , the article would not be out of place in the "Independent " or "Guardian " or even the "Daily Mail ".  "Schism in north Korea " is a grave disservice of the traditions of the "Daily Worker " which defended the socialist countries and supported the DPRK in the Korean war. Now they have stooped lower than the lowest .

A former "Morning Star " reader and supporter.  

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