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Monday 23 December 2013

UK KFA Trade Union Section Denounces south Korean fascist repression of railway workers


          23rd of December 2013
The UK KFA Trade Union section,which includes members of the following trades unions; PCS, Unite , Unity the Union and the RMT , issued the following statement today about the repression of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the South Korean Railway Workers Union;
                       The UK KFA Trade Union section vehemently and totally condemns the fascist repression of the KCTU and the  south Korean Railways Union .   On the 22nd of December   500 heavily-armed special police officers raided the building to arrest workers involved in ongoing strike action at Korea Railroad Corp (KORAIL). Up to 6,500 members of the Korean Railway Workers Union (KRWU), which is affiliated with the KCTU, have been on strike since December 9 in protest against moves towards the privatisation of the rail  system. 120 trade unionists were arrested by the south Korean puppet authorities and  arrest warrants have been have been issued for 9 trade union leaders . The assault by south Korean police on the KCTU headquarters was extremely violent with windows being smashed and tear gas fired.
                                The south Korean puppet fascist regime,which just represents the interests of US imperialism and the comprador capitalists has , cracked down severely on the just struggle of the south Korean railway workers against privatisation . Other south Korean trade unions such as the Teachers Union and Government Employees Union have been repressed.
                                     All the above goes to show south Korea is a dark tundra of fascism where working people do not enjoy the right to organise and to defend their living conditions.   The strike of the railway workers is a manifestation of the towering resentment of south Korean workers against the  south Korean puppet regime which seek to reduce workers into slaves of comprador capital and foreign monopoly capital and leave the issue of the livelihood of the toiling masses to the tender mercy of bloodsuckers keen on the unethical competition of capital, and a quite just struggle to defend the right to existence and the democratic right.
            he fascist suppression by the puppet regime is reminiscent  of the "Yusin" dictatorship decades ago which earned an ill fame for harsh crackdown on workers. Fascist puppet ruler Park Chung-Hee, the  "Yusin" dictator, suppressed workers to prevent them from forming trade unions.

          The UK KFA Trade Union Section expresses its full solidarity with  south Korean workers and their trade unions in their just struggle . We believe that the British trade union movement should do more to expose the repression  of trade unions in south Korea and support south Korean workers in stuggle.

UK KFA Trade Union Section.

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