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Friday 19 December 2014

ASSPUK , JISGE and UK KFA slam "dissolution " of the Unified Progressive Party in south Korea

  London 19th of December Juche 103(2014)  
      The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK, the Juche Idea Study Group  of England  and the International Committee for the Release of Mr Ro Su Hui issued the following joint statement condenming the 'dissolution ' of the Unified Progressive Party of south Korea by the fascist regime of Park Geun Hye !
                               We have recently learnt that the Unified Progressive Party of south Korea , a legal party with elected representatives has been dissolved by the decision of the "Constitutional court " of south Korea
                          We, the ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA , condemn the south Korean puppet fascist regime for its attempts to  effectively ban the Unified Progressive Party by its dissolution  through a  so -called constitutional court .  This follows on from  numerous repressive measures such as the arrest and jailing of the Rev Han Sang Ryol and Mr Ro So Hui, the arrest of national assembly member Lee Seok Ki on false charges  and a generalised fascist crackdown on pro reunification and progressive activists as well as gangster style fascist terrorism against Ms Hwang Son and Prof Sin Un Mi .
The puppet fascist Park Geun Hye is following in the footsteps of her father the  fascist dictator Park Chung Hee , a dictator so terrible that he was shot by the head of his own secret police . Park Chung Hee slaughtered thousands and jailed communists and south Korean revolutionaries.
 South Korea is one of the few countries in the world where communist parties are completely illegal under the "National Security Law " and indeed all pro reunification , pro DPRK and leftist activities are illegal under the NSL.  The recent moves of the south Korean puppet regime are pushing south Korea further down the road to extreme fascism . South Korea is becoming one big fascist prison house where progressive thought is punished by law .
South Korea is a society where the richer get ever richer and the poor get ever poorer. It is ruled by a corrupt elite whose first allegiance is to the United States . South Korea is occupied by US troops . The US robs the south Korean people of nearly $1 billion a year in "upkeep expenses" . Thus it is only normal that people should seek out and embrace progressive ideas and fight for independence and reunification but this being forcibly suppressed by the south Korean puppet regime in a desperate bid to maintain their own rule and keep south Korea as a US neo-colony.
                                                       The south Korean fascist puppets are enforcing an extreme  fascist rule without parallel in the world and turning south Korea into a tundra of human rights, a dark shadowy land whereas fascism prevails and everything progressive is trampled down.
                                    The repression of the UPP must be stopped at once  and fascist terrorism
must be stopped !

All solidarity with the brave pro reunification progressives of south Korea !


Tuesday 11 November 2014

Truth about S. Korean Authorities' Human Rights Abuses Disclosed

 Pyongyang, November 11 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute Tuesday released a detailed report indicting the south Korean puppet regime for its hideous crimes against humanity and human rights abuses on the lapse of 200 days since the ferry Sewol disaster in south Korea.
    It said:
    On board at the time of sinking were 476 passengers including 325 students of Tanwon High School of Ansan City, Kyonggi Province who were on their field tour to Jeju Island.
    Just 172 were rescued and 304 and the ferry buried at sea.
    According to survivors and witnesses, after a loud bang the ferry began to gradually tilt one hour later. It went down to the seabed six hours later.
    When the ferry was sinking, its captain and crewmen shouted over loud speaker "Passengers stay put" and "Don't move", taking no measures.
    Then they changed their uniforms into plain clothes and escaped from the ferry like alley cats.
    The puppet maritime police were tasked to rescue the passengers but patrol boat No. 123 under the Mokpho Maritime Police Agency picked the captain and crewmen only on board before disappearing.
    Only personnel affiliated to a non-governmental rescue company who had a contract with the police in advance on a payment basis were allowed to have access to the sinking ferry while civilian divers were prevented from conducting any operation to rescue passengers.
    Those of the puppet military mobilized for the rescue operation deliberately neglected it, complaining that it was too dark under water and its current too fast.
    They thus missed all chances to rescue the survivors after the sinking of the ferry.
    The horrible tragedy which put 304 passengers plus the ferry to the bottom of the sea turned the whole of south Korea into a mourner's house all of a sudden.
    It was against this backdrop that the puppet regime perpetrated inhuman and unethical acts of mocking and insulting the victims, stunning all people.
    The puppet prosecution and police refused to deliver dead bodies to their bereaved families in good time, preventing them from properly holding funerals for them.
    The present chief executive invited her American master to visit south Korea and kowtowed to him in gorgeous dress, utterly indifferent to the atmosphere at the mourner's house. She orchestrated a burlesque of consoling a sham "bereaved family."
    Coteries of the "Saenuri Party" turned down the demands of people of various strata that the opposition parties and bereaved families be granted the right to investigate and prosecute if the truth about the ferry Sewol tragedy is to be properly probed.
    When bereaved families visited the "National Assembly" to lodge a protest, they expelled them at random.
    Those coteries cried out for "a strong retaliation," groundlessly claiming that the ferry Sewol accident was "caused by north." They were busy cooking up "a story about north wind," insisting that the north was fostering a "conflict in the south."
    They in collusion with right-wing conservative organizations went the lengths of branding those bereaved families demanding the probe into the truth about the accident and the punishment of those responsible for it as "agitators" and "dealers in dead bodies" and mocking at those bereaved families on hunger strike.
    Gangsters of the said organizations insulted the bereaved families by calling them "Reds instructed by the north" and "second Kwangju rioters" and asserting that "Reds may be let die."
    The report said the ferry Sewol tragedy is not a product of vices perpetrated by a vicious ship owner or by a few persons concerned with maritime transport but an inevitable outcome of the anti-human rights and unpopular policy of the puppet regime from A to Z.
    It went on:
    The puppet authorities did not conduct a proper safety inspection of the ferry before okaying its navigation, though it was in a bad shape. Worse still, they overlooked the inability of its captain and crewmen to work aboard it, though they were disqualified to do so.
    When the sinking accident broke out, the authorities floated the story that it was attributable to the reckless money making by Yu Pyong On, former chairman of the Semo Group who owned the ferry.
    They orchestrated Yu's escape and search operation for him and found only a dead body which was so seriously disfigured that it was hard to confirm whether he committed suicide or was killed and shifted the blame for the accident onto him. They tried to hush up the case by punishing a few fries including the captain at a trial.
    When drowning passengers were crying out for help, the puppet authorities were busy evading responsibility.
    The boss of Chongwadae became a target of criticism and derision for being absent in her office for 7 hours even after she was informed of the ferry sinking accident.
    When public criticism of Chongwadae was mounting higher, she made a reluctant "apology," shedding "crocodile tears" dozens of days later. This sparked off greater uproar among people. She only staged such farce as sacrificing the puppet prime minister.
    Various disasters occurred one after another in south Korea in the wake of the ferry Sewol disaster, driving its society into a panic.
    The report continued:
    The puppet group is trumpeting about someone's "human rights" though it turned south Korea into a tundra of human rights and veritable hell. This is, indeed, the height of shamelessness and an unpardonable mockery at human rights.
    With no rhetoric can the south Korean authorities evade the responsibility for the ferry Sewol disaster. They had better honestly apologize for the hideous crimes against human rights and people and come out to a court.
    If the puppet group persists in its crafty moves to conceal the truth about the disaster, it will spark off bitterer resentment and denunciation among the people of all social standings in south Korea and the group will not escape a disgraceful ruin in face of resistance of broad masses, the report warned. -0-

Sunday 12 October 2014

Ever-mounting Struggle against the Regime

Ever-mounting Struggle against the Regime

For probing the truth about the ferry Sewol calamity
On September 27, there took place a big rally at Seoul Plaza demanding the probe of the truth about the ferry Sewol calamity.
Attending it were tens of thousands of people of various circles from across south Korea including the bereaved families, farmers, members of civic organizations and citizens.
Speakers there censured the chief executive for seeking to cover up the truth of the disaster.
Though lots of questions were arouse, nothing was clarified yet, so how can they stop the struggle, they noted.
They asserted that they can never make a safe society without probing the truth so they can never retreat in the struggle for enacting a special law.
They pointed out to the struggle spreading throughout south Korea and called on all the people for the continuing struggle till the truth is probed.
After the rally, the participants launched a demo.

Against the regime’s move to open the rice market
The National Federation of Peasants Associations and other farmers’ organizations in south Korea held a rally in Seoul on September 27 denouncing the puppet regime’s move to open the rice market.
They criticized the regime saying that the total opening of rice market is little short of renouncing agriculture.
They asserted that the regime claims it would protect agriculture with high tariff, but it cannot withstand the pressures from foreign countries.
They stressed they would turn out in the struggle to check the opening of rice market in order to defend the food sovereignty and the right to existence.
Prior to this, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions called a press conference in Seoul on September 24 in which it announced a worker-peasant solidarity struggle to check the regime’s move for opening the rice market.
Meanwhile, farmers in Gwangju, South Jeolla Province and other parts launched struggles against the puppet regime’s move to open the rice market.

Workers’ struggle
On September 25, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions clarified that it would wage the struggle against the regime’s anti-people misrule.
It claimed that it would fix the institution of a special law on the ferry Sewol calamity and gaining the rights to existence and labor as the key aims for the present.
It noted that it would conduct, in particular, an all-people struggle on November 1, the 200th day since the Sewol disaster.
It stressed it would also launch large-scale struggles to frustrate the privatization of medical service and the revision of public servants’ pensions

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Oratorical Meeting Held by Trade Union Officials, Members

Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- An oratorical meeting was held by officials and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea at the Central Hall of Workers on Wednesday to celebrate the 17th anniversary of leader
Kim Jong Il's election as general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the 69th founding anniversary of the glorious WPK.
    Nam Chun Bin, chairman of the primary organization of the federation of Pyongyang Railway Station, in an oratory "Strong Roots" eulogized the greatness of President Kim Il Sung who accomplished the historic cause of the party founding without delay in the liberated country on the basis of party building successes and experience gained in the flames of the hard-fought anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.
    In an oratory "Undying Feats" Ro Man Gi, worker of the February 8 Jikdong Youth Coal Mine, highly praised Kim Jong Il for building the WPK into the party of Kim Il Sung and a genuine mother party which takes care of the destiny of the popular masses in a responsible manner.
    In oratories "Great Defender" and "Korean Speed" Won Kyong Ok, trade union explainer of the Mangyongdae Revolutionary Museum, and Ryu Chang Sun, trade union lecturer of the Pyongyang Railway Maintenance Team, said that Marshal Kim Jong Un is arousing the Korean people to create the Korean speed startling the world people while preserving and carrying forward the revolutionary traditions of the WPK.
    In an oratory "We Know Nobody but You" Kim Un Jong, trade union lecturer of the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex, vowed to carry forward and accomplish the cause of Mt. Paektu under the leadership of the party just as the first and second generations of the revolution did to feature the grim road of the revolution with victory and glory under the leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. -0-

Friday 19 September 2014

KCNA Releases Detailed Report on Truth about Crime of American

KCNA Releases Detailed Report on Truth about Crime of American

    Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central News Agency released the following detailed report on Saturday:
    Recently another American was arrested and tried for committing criminal acts against the DPRK.
    A due legal judgment was passed on the American for his crime committed as part of the U.S. anti-DPRK human rights campaign and he admitted his crime and accepted the judgment.
    However, officials of the present U.S. administration responsible for his crime took issue with the just legal action taken by the DPRK like a guilty party filing the suit first. They raised unreasonable "human rights issues" in a foolish attempt to cover up the crimes perpetrated by Americans.
    Upon the authorization, the KCNA discloses the truth behind the crimes committed by American Miller Matthew Todd.
    He was sentenced to six years of hard labor at a trial held on September 14. He entered the DPRK as a tourist on April 10, 2014 and rudely behaved, tearing off his tourist visa when he was going through formalities for entry at Pyongyang Airport. So, he was put in custody by a relevant organ.
    The results of the investigation made it clear that he did so not because of simple lack of understanding and psychopathology but deliberately perpetrated such criminal act for the purpose of directly going to prison after being intentionally reprimanded by a legal organ of the DPRK, pursuant to the present U.S. administration's anti-DPRK campaign, spying on "human rights" performance and making it known to the world.
    On the basis of this investigation the DPRK Supreme Public Prosecutors Office issued warrant of arrest for Miller Matthew Todd and accused him of criminal responsibility according to Article 64 of the Criminal Law of the DPRK and put him in custody.
    According to the preliminary examination, Miller Matthew Todd left a university halfway and remained jobless in Yongdungpho District, Seoul City of south Korea. There he had inveterate hostility towards the DPRK while systematically listening broadcasting programs and reading publications of the U.S. and south Korea slandering the DPRK.
    He believed that people in the DPRK have neither freedom nor human rights and if they disobey the government they would be subject to a miserable prison life. So, he had a foolish idea of spying on prison and human rights situation while experiencing "prison life" after intentionally committing crimes in violation of the law in the DPRK.
    He tried to find a way for entering the DPRK. It was his calculation that when he kicked up a fuss tearing off tourist visa while going through formalities for entry as a tourist he would be arrested by a relevant organ and taken to "prison". So, he applied for tour through a travel agency in the U.S.
    Prompted by the intention to refurnish his image before finding his way to "prison" he had prepared a memo book in advance. It contained the following sentences: "I seek a political asylum. I am seeking refuge after failing in my attempt to collect information about the U.S. Government. I am planning to open to public information like Snowden."
    He, at the same time, prepared iPad and iPod he claimed containing important information about the military bases of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in south Korea which he gathered by having access to internet and papers containing invectives against the north let loose by defectors from the north he obtained by visiting them.
    According to the already worked out scenario, he tore off his tourist visa while going through formalities for entry and insisted that he came in pursuit of "refuge" and he sought "political asylum".
    He confessed during the preliminary examination that he tried to meet American Kenneth Bae who had been sentenced to hard labor if he succeeded in going to "prison" and have negotiations for Bae's "release" and become "witnesses" together with Bae disclosing the "human rights" situation in the DPRK after leaving prison.
    As proved by his confession, the crime committed by Miller Matthew Todd was prompted by his sinister political aim to deliberately slander the DPRK in the light of his aim, preparations and implementation of his plan.
    He perpetrated the above-said acts in the hope of becoming a "world famous guy" and the "second Snowden" through intentional hooliganism. This is an intolerable insult and mockery of the DPRK and he, therefore, deserved a punishment.
    What mattered was that his crime timed to coincide with the reckless remarks made by officials of the present U.S. administration including Secretary of State Kerry terming the dignified DPRK a "country of evil" over its rocket firing and elections to power bodies in March and April this year, and the smear campaign over its "human rights issue."
    What he committed was espionage coming under Article 64 of the Criminal Law of the DPRK.
    This case of the American helps the army and people of the DPRK recollect what miserable end American spies met after being arrested before infiltrating into the prisoners' camp where a lot of American POWs including Dean, commander of the 24th Division of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces, were in custody, for the purpose of spying on it during the last Fatherland Liberation War.
    Much water flowed under the bridge and old generation was replaced by a new one but the shameful tradition of the U.S. in which it was hit hard and sustained heavy setbacks by the DPRK historically and the latter's proud tradition in which it meted out a stern judgment to the former, the kingpin of plot-breeding, are given steady continuity and these law-governed two traditions will last forever.
    The Supreme Public Prosecutors Office of the DPRK brought the Supreme Court an indictment against the American as the truth about the crime committed by the accused was confirmed by his statement and evidence.
    The Supreme Court of the DPRK held a trial of him on Sept. 14.
    There was no pleading by the counsel as the accused rejected it and the trial was held in camera according to his request.
    At the trial he admitted that he committed the crimes, prompted by his political motive to personally spy on the "human rights" situation in the DPRK and disclose it in a bid to isolate and stifle the DPRK's system.
    The Supreme Court of the DPRK sentenced Miller Matthew Todd to six years of hard labor according to Article 64 of the criminal law.
    The army and people of the DPRK are now watching with vigilance the forces behind the scene as Miller's crime was committed in pursuance of the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and strongly calling for ferreting out all those who dare provoke the dignified DPRK and meting out a merciless punishment to them, no matter who they are and where they are.
    The disgusting U.S. which is behaving in the international human rights arena as if it were an inborn "judge" and those who are acting like tiger moths, talking about "human rights" pursuant to its line will not be able to escape a judgment by the era and history and the present U.S. administration clinging to the evil repugnancy toward the DPRK and its inveterate hostile policy toward the latter will not be able to evade the responsibility for the recent case of the American. -0-

Thursday 28 August 2014

Trade Union Officials Hold Seminar

  Pyongyang, August 28 (KCNA) -- Officials of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea held a seminar on the education in Kim Jong Il's patriotism, faith, working class viewpoint and morality at the Central Hall of Workers Thursday.
    The participants heard papers dealing with the significance and validity of the idea clarified by Marshal Kim Jong Un on the education in Kim Jong Il's patriotism, faith, working class viewpoint and morality and the issues arising in conducting the 4-point education in a unique manner among the trade union members.
    The floor was taken by Hyon Sang Ju, chairman of the C.C., the federation, Kim Kyong Su, chairman of the Pyongyang City Committee of the federation, Kim Un Chol, chairman of the Cabinet Committee of the federation, Jang Kum Chol, chairman of the Academy of Social Sciences Committee of the federation, and Ri Sung Gwon, chairman of the Ministry of Railways Committee of the federation.
    The speakers said that the idea advanced by Kim Jong Un on 4-point education serves as important guidelines to be held fast to in the ideological work of the federation at present, and it is the basic task of the federation to firmly prepare all trade union members to be the true patriots thoroughly applying Kim Jong Il's patriotism into practical activities.
    They underlined the need to put up mosquito nets so that the imperialists' ideology and culture and alien trend of life would not be instilled into trade union members, and wage a dynamic struggle to thoroughly root out all non-socialist practices.
    Trade union members should have the steadfast spirit of defending the country and turn out in the decisive struggle to resolutely shatter the moves of the U.S. imperialists and south Korean puppet group of traitors to ignite a new war, they noted.
    The federation should dynamically conduct the 4-point education among trade union organizations and members and thus successfully perform its honorable mission as reliable helpers and defenders of the party in the general advance of the Songun revolution, they stressed.
    Present at the seminar were trade union officials and members and workers. -0-

Wednesday 13 August 2014

National Reunification Institute Reveals U.S. Criminal Colonial Rule over S. Korea

National Reunification Institute Reveals U.S. Criminal Colonial Rule over S. Korea

  Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute in a memorandum it released Wednesday in the run-up to the 69th anniversary of the liberation of Korea revealed the crimes the U.S. committed by inflicting unbearable misfortune and pain on the south Korean people through its colonial rule.
    Nearly 70 years covered by south Korea after the liberation of Korea were a history of disgrace in which it has been thoroughly dependent on the U.S. in the political, military, cultural, economic and all other fields with its political sovereignty and the right to existence wantonly violated by the U.S.
    South Korea is a colony of the U.S. with its political sovereignty violated by the U.S., the memorandum said, and went on:
    The U.S. is the ruler over south Korea as it has decided everything in south Korea since the liberation of Korea.
    The south Korean regime was installed according to the will of the U.S. and pro-U.S. stooges who were groomed by the U.S. were elected as "presidents" to faithfully serve the U.S. This is the stark reality in south Korea.
    The puppet regime is unable to exercise the elementary right to sovereignty as it kowtows to the U.S. The relations between the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces are master-servant relations, those of domination and subjugation.
    The right to command the armed forces in south Korea has been exercised by the U.S. under brigandish military treaties imposed by the U.S. on south Korea since the south Korean army was organized as a colonial mercenary army.
    After the present conservative regime took power in south Korea, the U.S., by taking advantage of the chief executive's ignorance of the military affairs, pushed the situation in south Korea to the brink of a war and created "insecurity" through various forms of north-targeted war drills in its persistent bid to extend again the transfer of the right to command the wartime operations.
    As a result, the present south Korean chief executive, who committed herself "not to extend again the transfer of the right to command the wartime operations" during her "presidential campaign" in 2012, could not but stage the farce of imploring the U.S. to extend the right to command the wartime operations, seized by extreme "security uneasiness". Therefore, it was decided shortly ago to extend the transfer to the period after 2020.
    The memorandum noted that the U.S. employed all sorts of mechanisms, means and methods to turn south Korea into its permanent colony and military base in a bid to realize its ideological and cultural domination over south Korea. It continued:
    The U.S. is distributing anti-DPRK books, publications and literature that preach the corrupt American way of life, Yankee culture in different parts of south Korea. And it is pressurizing the south Korean authorities to reduce the institutional mechanism for limiting the showing of foreign films and screen more U.S. films, claiming that movies are very effective for disseminating the idea of worship towards the U.S. and the American way of life.
    Owing to the U.S. cunning and vicious ideological and cultural domination, the south Korean people's consciousness of independence and national culture and their beautiful manners and customs were stamped out and the idea of flunkeyism and subjugation and corrupt American culture and way of life are prevalent in the south Korean society.
    Noting that south Korea is a colony totally dependent on U.S. economy, the memorandum went on:
    The south Korean economy has been reduced to an empty one due to the protracted U.S. colonial enslavement policy. It finds itself in such miserable position that it always suffers an acute shortage of raw materials and funds and undergoes marketing difficulties.
    South Korea depends on the U.S. and other foreign countries for 87-100 percent of raw materials and fuel needed for industrial production, for 70 percent of spare parts and materials and for 100 percent of core technology and resource technology for the production of goods.
    Multinational capitals in the U.S. found their ways into south Korea by various forms and methods such as direct investment, indirect investment, loan, technical cooperation and joint bank and are raking up excessive colonial profits, being granted all sorts of special privileges by the puppet forces.
    The puppet forces can never get rid of such miserable plight as colonial stooges and the south Koreans cannot escape disgrace, misfortune and pain as long as the U.S. colonial domination and their sycophancy toward it and treachery persist, the memorandum concluded. -0-

Sunday 13 July 2014

Suppression of S. Korean Confederation of Trade Unions under Fire

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions made public a statement against the public security authorities' suppression of the confederation, according to the south Korean on-line paper Thongil News on July 9.
    The police raided the houses of the incumbent director for reunification and the former chairman for reunification of the confederation, the statement noted, branding it as a deliberate suppression to tide over the ruling crisis after the ferry Sewol disaster.
    At least 10 searchers were involved in the search of just one house, an act pursuant to a plan to find other charges as the suspicions about them were too unreasonable, the statement held, and went on:
    It is impossible to expect anything from the present regime which relies on the outdated suppressive mechanism to get rid of crisis.
    The confederation would strongly react to the suppression. -0-

Monday 7 July 2014

Kim Il Sung Remembered by Workers, Trade Union Members

  Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- Workers and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) held a remembrance meeting on the theme of "Fatherly leader and our working class" at the Central Hall of Workers on Monday on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of demise of President
Kim Il Sung.
    The meeting began with chorus "Our Unforgettable Leader".
    Hyon Sang Ju, chairman of the C.C., the GFTUK, praised the President as the peerless great man and the eternal sun of Juche who was acclaimed for the first time in the Korean history spanning thousands of years.
    Hyon also praised the President as the peerless patriot and benevolent father of the people who regarded the Korean workers as the proud driving force of the revolution and the eldest son of the country and provided them with a worthy life with his noble love and trust.
    Ri Jae Gyong, researcher of the Chollima Steel Complex, and Kang Chung Sil, secretary of the primary party committee of the Songyo Knitwear Factory, recollected with deep emotion the days when they were received by the President and leader Kim Jong Il.
    Ri Myong Gum, worker of the Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Textile Mill, Kim Yong Nam, chairman of the trade union committee of the State Academy of Sciences, and Ham Kwang Ho, chairman of the primary trade union committee of the Junggu Housing Construction Company, made up their minds to uphold Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the eternal sun of Juche and remain loyal to the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    Put on the stage were female small chorus "Great Torrent of Yearning", female duet "The Leader Came to Our Factory", chorus "Our Leader Will Always Be with Us" and so on.
    Present at the meeting were Ri Il Hwan, department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials and members of the trade unions and workers. -0

Monday 23 June 2014

DPRK trade unionists denounce US Imperialism


Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Workers and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) held an indignation meeting at the compound of the National House of Class Education on Monday on the occasion of the June 25, the day of struggle against U.S. imperialism.
    Hyon Sang Ju, chairman of the Central Committee of the GFTUK, made a report to be followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said that the U.S. imperialists, the sworn enemies, provoked the brigandish war of aggression on June 25, Juche 39 (1950) and inflicted the monstrous calamities and misfortune on the Korean nation.
    Under the leadership of Generalissimo
Kim Il Sung the servicepersons and people of the DPRK honorably defended the national sovereignty and gains of the revolution and made the U.S. imperialists go downhill for the first time in history, they noted, and went on:
    The U.S. imperialist aggressors have not yet drawn a due lesson from the defeat in the Korean war but imposed unbearable misfortune and pain on the Korean nation, occupying south Korea.
    They called for remaining loyal to the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un and giving fullest play to the heroic stamina of the working class of Songun Korea in reunifying the country and achieving the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche.
    Present at the meeting were officials and members of the GFTUK and workers. -0-

Monday 9 June 2014

KCTU Demands Wage Increase and Guarantee of Right to Existence

  Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) held a meeting in Sejong City on June 5 demanding the authorities settle the wage issue and guarantee the right to existence.
    The KCTU at the meeting said that plutocrats' purses are snowballing while the life of the workers is miserable.
    Nevertheless, the minimum wage committee is mulling cutting down the wages of the workers again, it noted, and continued:
    The settlement of the wage issue is the most urgent one and the least demand of the workers for living as human beings.
    Stressing the need to force Park Geun Hye to fulfill her promise to increase workers' wages, the organization declared it would carry on diverse actions to have the demands of workers met with the current meeting as an occasion.
    Prior to the meeting, the organization held a joint press conference with the Federation of Trade Unions of south Korea at which it held that the settlement of the wage issue is an urgent matter at present when the living of the workers has reached an abject destitution. -0-

Thursday 5 June 2014

South Korea, Kingdom of Crimes

South Korea, Kingdom of Crimes

South Korea, a colony of the US imperialists who is the ringleader of aggression and war, is a living hell and den of crimes where mammonism and the law of jungle hold sway and people cannot live in.

Ever-increasing crimes by the US aggression troops in south Korea
In recent years, crimes by the US aggression troops in south Korea are rapidly increasing.
Last year alone, the US occupation troops committed without letup such crimes as sexually abusing south Korean women in their barracks, metros and lifts, threatening citizens with gun-fire, assaulting them in group and menacing them with deadly weapons, catapulting civilian cars to damage, smuggling drugs via military mails, groundlessly walking away innocent citizens to their bases without agreement with the puppet police, etc.
Such felonious crimes as violence, larceny, drug use, sex abuse, robbery, arson and killing amount to 44% of all crimes committed by them.
South Korean civic organizations including the movement headquarters to eradicate the GIs’ crimes assert that the disclosed criminal cases by the GIs since the US occupation of south Korea in 1945 to the present date would number more than 100,000.
Since Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, diehard pro-US conservatives, took power, crimes by the arrogant US troops began to dramatically increase.
As regards the daily-increasing US crimes, various circles in south Korea stress the need for the reexamination of the presence of the US troops in south Korea for a fundamental solution to their crimes, noting that enormous is the damage the people suffer by those troops.

Immoral south Korea
Maltreatment cases of children beyond imagination occur one after another these days in south Korea.
A man surnamed Jeong, 22, living in Kumi City, North Gyeongsang Province, got frenzied in games while leaving his son, 28 months, unguarded in a vacant house, so he died of hunger.
Worse still, he left the corpse wrapped with a blanket in the balcony after smelling the stink from it, then stealthily discarded it within a plastic bag in a neighboring village for fear of others’ noticing of it. What an egregious crime it is.
Father Kang, 39, living in Cheong-an City, South Chungcheong Province, brought back his daughter, 15, who left home for family discord, cruelly beat her to death with 1 meter-long singlestick and fists but he made a false testimony as if she suicided, denying his crime.
At a high school in Jinju City, South Gyeongsang Province, students perpetrated a shuddering crime of beating two juniors to death for disobedience within 10 days, triggering a big shock in the public.
It is quite natural that in south Korea ruled by murderers who don’t have an iota of qualms after sinking hundreds of young students to death, immoralities and killings are persisting.

Monday 5 May 2014

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Work on Trade Unions Observed

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Work on Trade Unions Observed

There took place in Pyongyang on May 2 a meeting to mark the 30th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's work "On Further Improving the Work of the Trade Unions."
The work, published on May 3, Juche 73 (1984), fully clarifies all theoretical and practical issues arising in the building and activities of the trade unions in the era of Juche including the nature, mission, objectives and tasks of the unions and the principles governing the activities of the unions.
The meeting was attended by officials of the trade unions and officials concerned and others.
Hyon Sang Ju, chairman of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, in his report said that publication of the work enriched the Juche-based idea and theory on the building of the federation and provided a landmark, a radical turning point to develop the work of the federation as required by the higher stage of the Korean revolution.
Thanks to the leadership and loving care of Kim Jong Il, the federation developed into an organization for ideological education boundlessly loyal to the leadership of the party and the leader, he said.
Kim Jong Il's idea on the building of the federation and his feats are being carried forward by supreme leader Kim Jong Un, he said, adding:
Kim Jong Un clearly indicated the tasks to be carried out by the federation and the ways to do so, attaching great importance to the position and role of the federation.
He underlined the need to steadily deepen the education in the Juche idea, the Songun idea, as guided by the spirit of the 8th Conference of Ideological Workers of the Workers' Party of Korea, and dynamically conduct ideological education such as the education in the party's policies and revolutionary traditions and thus prepare the union officials and members as Kimilsungists-Kimjongilists with ardent loyalty to the party and the leader, transparent revolutionary faith and high degree of class awareness.
He called on all the unionists to unite closer around Kim Jong Un under the uplifted banner of the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and make vigorous endeavors for the final victory in the building of a thriving socialist nation and the revolutionary cause of Juche.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

North, South Workers' Organizations Make Public Joint Resolution

North, South Workers' Organizations Make Public Joint Resolution

Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, the south Korean General Federation of Trade Unions and the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions released a joint resolution Thursday to mark the 124th May Day.
The resolution said that the workers in the north and the south have promoted national reconciliation and unity together with all other Koreans, sharing joy and sorrow with warm compatriotic feelings in the struggle for independent reunification in line with the June 15 joint declaration.
It expressed deep condolences for all the bereaved families of the victims of the ferry sinking accident that occurred in the south recently.
Workers' organizations in the north and the south expressed the following resolution, prompted by their will to defend the safety and peace of fellow countrymen and take the lead in paving a wide avenue for independent reunification:
1. The workers in the north and the south will promote national reconciliation and unity, get firmly united in solidarity and alliance under the banner of By Our Nation Itself.
We will take the three principles of national reunification and the principle of national independence and the banner of By Our Nation Itself solemnly clarified in the north-south joint declarations as the lifeline of the reunification movement.
We will further consolidate solidarity and alliance among workers in the north and the south provided in the June 15 era, activate multi-faceted contact, visit and pro-reunification meeting and widen solidarity and cooperation between workers' organizations of industries, sectors and regions.
The workers in the north and the south will pool their efforts and wisdom for peace and reunification of the country, taking hands with all political parties, organizations and personages attaching importance to the nation and aspiring after reunification.
2. The workers in the north and the south will resolutely check war and confrontation moves and smear campaign of the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad.
We will heighten vigilance and thoroughly smash all smear campaigns to malignantly slander and hurt the social system and dignity of the other party contrary to the spirit of the inter-Korean declarations and any move for confrontation of social systems.
We will, together with people from all walks of life at home and abroad valuing peace of the country and prospect of the nation, invigorate the anti-war peace movement against all reckless joint military exercises with foreign forces and arms buildup.
3. The workers in the north and the south will stand in the van of the patriotic efforts for preserving and implementing the June 15 joint declaration and October 4 declaration and open a new phase of independent reunification, peace and prosperity.
They will put the reunification movement for supporting and implementing inter-Korean declarations on a normal and massive basis and expand it, urge their implementation and conduct diverse activities on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the historic June 15 joint declaration and the 7th anniversary of the October 4 declaration, in particular, thus turning the movement for implementing them into a nationwide movement.
They are the eldest son of the nation and standard-bearers and vanguard opening a new era of independent reunification, peace and prosperity.
They will take the lead in protecting the security of the nation and peace of the country and opening the June 15 era of independent reunification in solidarity and unity under the banner of By Our Nation Itself, deeply cherishing the noble mission and responsibility they are assuming before the times and the nation. -0-

Tuesday 29 April 2014

World's Poorest Human Rights Record in S. Korea Disclosed

World's Poorest Human Rights Record in S. Korea Disclosed

    Pyongyang, April 29 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute and the Measure Council for Human Rights in South Korea released a white paper Tuesday to inform the public at home and abroad of the poor human rights record in south Korea, a product of the U.S. colonial rule and the puppet forces' unpopular rule.
    All fields of south Korea including politics, economy, military and culture are entirely dependent on the U.S., the white paper says, and goes on:
    The U.S. regard south Koreans as no more than ducks in water, pheasants in the mountains and rats in fields. GIs consider south Korean women as no more than sexual playthings.
    The U.S.-led foreign monopoly capital accounts for 30 percent of the south Korean stock market and big businesses and banks hold more than 50 percent of stocks, swaying over the south Korean economy. They rake in profits running to billions of U.S. dollars from stock dividends only every year.
    The U.S. monopoly capital stalks in south Korea, making businesses of south Korea go bankrupt and its people languish in unemployment and poverty.
    Onrush of excessive agricultural products from the U.S. threatens the local farmers numbering more than 2.8 million.
    The U.S. built military bases in different parts of south Korea and has staged madcap military exercises. This has deprived south Koreans of their cradle of life, devastating farmland, taking their lives and doing harm to human bodies and polluting environment.
    Young and middle-aged south Koreans are taken off as cannon fodder of the U.S. in its wars of aggression.
    There is no land in the world except for south Korea which is suffering such humiliation as offering funds as upkeep of the foreign occupation forces.
    South Koreans have no place where they may complain even though they are deprived of everything by the U.S. and their rights violated by it.
    Human rights are more crudely violated due to the puppet forces' medieval, tyrannical and unpopular rule.
    Political freedom and democratic rights are mercilessly infringed upon, among other things.
    The progressive party that made a legitimate appearance was forced to be disbanded, after being labeled "forces following the north" and a lawmaker from an opposition party was walked away from the "NA" building in broad daylight, on the charge of his alleged involvement in an "attempted rebellion."
    In the eight months of the present regime more than 23 790 articles were deleted from internet site for being "articles following the north", and hundreds of internet sites were forced to shut down.
    People demanding the right to existence were harshly suppressed.
    When workers in the field of railways staged a strike against the de-nationalization of railways at the end of last year, the fascist authorities hurled at least 5 000 police of over 60 companies to put it down the way they conducted an "anti-terrorist operation". They even stormed the building of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions without a confiscation and search warrant and walked off more than 130 people.
    The puppet forces' unpopular rule deteriorated the living of south Koreans from all walks of life, forcing them to undergo unspeakable sufferings.
    The number of the unemployed has reached over 4.5 million and that of underemployed who do part-time jobs for low wages for a day or a few months almost 10 million. People accounting for 11-19 percent suffer from chronic malnutrition.
    The number of those who commit suicides is more than 40 a day, topping the world list.
    Over 1.1 million or 20 percent of the aged roam about in the streets, begging for food or rummaging garbage bins, being forsaken by society and their children.
    Children kill their parents in cold blood for money and all other kinds of crimes including murder, rape and robbery are prevalent in south Korea.
    The south Korean puppet group's terrorism and abduction are another example of serious human rights abuses.
    It is working with bloodshot eyes to conduct terrorism and abduction of citizens of the DPRK by mobilizing the Intelligence Service, the Foreign Ministry, Unification Ministry and all other plot-breeding organizations. This unprecedented man-hunting is being commanded by Chongwadae.
    Agents of the puppet Intelligence Service and such anti-DPRK plot-breeding organizations including "Missionary Council of Duri Hana", "Good Friends" and "Association for Improving Human Rights in North" and terrorists and agents who go under the masks of religionists, businessmen and philanthropists, financed by the puppet authorities, go on the rampage in the northeastern area of China, abducting and luring citizens of the DPRK.
    Those citizens of the DPRK who had been abducted by the south Korean puppet forces and taken to south Korea are interrogated at the "central joint investigation center" made up of those concerned of the puppet Intelligence Service, Unification Ministry, Defense Ministry and police for six months. They receive "anti-communist brain-washing education" for three to four months, being subject to all kinds of violence at a concentration camp called "Hana Center".
    Those who had been taken to south Korea are also subject to sub-human mal-treatment and humiliation.
    Unable to eke out their living, they reside in places around mountaineering courses or garbage ground, picking up leftovers of food in day time and covering their bodies with leaves or rubbish at nights.
    The south Korean puppet forces did not hesitate to commit hair-raising atrocities against distressed citizens of the DPRK who went adrift to south Korea.
    Those whom the puppet forces did not send back to the north after kidnapping them when their boats were wrecked in the sea numbered more than 60 in the past five years.
    All facts go to prove that the puppet forces are a group of the worst human rights abusers and hideous criminals.
    We express the expectation and conviction that the world justice and conscience will heighten vigilance against the anti-human rights burlesque of those forces hostile toward the DPRK, pay due attention to the worst human rights situation in south Korea and become vocal censuring the human rights abusers. -0-

Saturday 12 April 2014

Workers are not Slaves

Workers are not Slaves

Ever intensifying day after day in south Korea is the people's struggle protesting against the anti-people policy of the south Korean regime which reduced south Korea to a living hell.
On March 29, the solidarity of freight workers held an emergent general meeting of its unionists in which it bitterly denounced the reactionary labor policy of the regime and the companies.
Some 5,000 members of the solidarity of freight workers and the trade unions of railways and metal industry workers took part in it.
Headquarters chief Lee Bong-ju of the solidarity of freight workers declared in the meeting that they turn out in the struggle not to live any longer as toiling slaves.
Participants there demanded their labor rights and vital rights such as realizing the basic rights of labor and legalizing standard rates.
Meanwhile, the national trade union of the railways held a meeting to vow a general strike and all-out struggle with 4,000-odd unionists attended that day.
The employers get hell-bent on repression only, turning down the trade union’s demand for strike, the participants charged and urged the stop to forceful transfer of railways trade unionists and the sincere negotiations of the company. Some 100 unionists tonsured condemning the repression of their trade union by the regime and the company.


The participants marched along the streets holding slogans reading “We oppose the privatization of the railways”, “Halt to the forceful transfer!” and “Discontinue repression of trade union!”, etc.
Such being a hard fact, chief executive Park Geun-hye neglected the ever-mounting public wrath and grievance at her regime for destroying the economy and the people's living. But she made a detestable and nauseating misdemeanor abroad jabbering about the north’s “economic crisis” and “poverty”, and touting a “nutrition aid to pregnant women and babies”.
The south Korean regime had better discard the ingrained concept of confrontation against the fellow countrymen and worry about its wretched reality in which suicide cases occur one after another and mass protest and demo struggles take place everyday, before caring for others.

Thursday 27 March 2014

S. Korean Authorities Accused of Scattering Anti-DPRK Leaflets

  Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The south Korean military hooligans fired bullets and shells from the areas around the five islands including Paekryong and Big Yonphyong islands and scattered leaflets malignantly slandering the DPRK on March 24.
    The spokesman for the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea in a statement on Thursday denounced such reckless actions as hideous provocative acts of hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and its social system and a blatant challenge to the desire and wish of all Koreans for the peace of the country and improved inter-Korean relations.
    The leaflet scattering operation staged in the hottest spot was a deliberate and premeditated confrontation racket against the DPRK, the statement said, and went on:
    This clearly proves that "confidence" and "peace" touted by the south Korean authorities are no more than rhetoric to cover up their true colors as confrontation maniacs and mislead the public opinion at home and abroad and sophism of traitors, a group of war maniacs opposed to national reconciliation and improved inter-Korean relations.
    The working class in the DPRK will thoroughly implement the party's new line of developing the two fronts simultaneously, each holding more tightly a hammer in one hand and a rifle in the other, and thus fully demonstrate their heroic spirit in building a thriving nation and defending socialism and wipe out the enemies challenging the dignity of its supreme leadership and its social system to the last one.
    The south Korean authorities would be well advised to stop at once their smear campaign going against the agreement reached between the north and the south and the desire of the fellow countrymen and behave themselves, bearing deep in mind the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by their DPRK-targeted madcap war exercises being staged with the U.S. -0-

Wednesday 5 March 2014

News Analysis on Deeds of "Human Rights Judge"

  Pyongyang, March 4 (KCNA) -- The United States is tundra of human rights, the world's worst human rights abuser.
    This is well illustrated by its election system. Any election in the U.S. is a money competition among the rich disregarding the will of the overwhelming majority of the population.
    During the 2012 presidential elections, Obama, the present chief executive, poured 23.6 million dollars on TV advertisement in less than one month to overpower his rivals.
    It is quite clear that the will and interests of the working masses accounting for 99 percent of the population can be hardly respected under such money-based election system serving one percent rich persons.
    In the U.S. its citizens' freedom of speech, privacy of correspondence and other primary rights are violated by the state power.
    The government has monitored every movement of all citizens in real time with cameras and wiretapping devices and even unmanned drones under the pretext of "national security".
    More than ten millions of the population are jobless and the number of those in poverty increased to 46.5 millions last year from 39.8 millions in 2008.
    The housing price soared 11.5 percent last year, leaving many people homeless.
    Meanwhile, only 480 billionaires of the country have possessed 2.05 trillion dollars worth of wealth, leading a luxurious and dissipated life. Last year President Obama spent at least one hundred million dollars on his one-week tour of African countries, evoking criticism from among the people.
    Some days ago, the U.S. "GALLUP" released a polling result that two out of the three surveyed complained of the widened gap between the poor and the rich.
    All sorts of crimes rampant in the U.S. pose a serious threat to the people's rights to existence and their inviolable rights.
    New York City witnessed 1 093 cases of gun-related crimes last year.
    More than one hundred thousands of people are affected by gunshots from gangs throughout the U.S. each year.
    Though the U.S. administration is allegedly moving to establish the law on gun-related regulations, its attempt has suffered a setback due to obstructions of arms dealers. On the contrary, Illinois and other states have adopted bills on easing arms control.
    Drug abuse that degrades people mentally and physically has become one of the social problems in the U.S. Russia's ITAR-TASS reported that the amount of heroin consumption in the U.S. rose 80 percent in recent years.
    Violent assaults on women are reported one after another in the U.S. Last year a 52-year-old man, Ariel Castro, abducted three women and confined them to his house, inflicting sexual assaults upon them for 10 years.
    In the U.S., more than two million women fall victim to family assaults each year and nearly 20 percent of the women suffer from raping.
    The police, whose mission is to prevent all sorts of social evils, take the lead in committing crimes.
    In New York City, there was once a "cannibal policeman" who intended to roast 100 abducted women.
    The U.S. is getting more vocal about an "all-people-equal society" than any other country, but it is criticized by the international community as a kingdom of racial discrimination.
    Last year, the Florida Court gave a verdict of not guilty to a white policeman, Zimmerman, who shot to death an innocent black boy, evoking an array of outcries among the black community.
    As many as 1 000 ultra-right racist groups are active in the U.S., backed by the government.
    Such poor human rights records can be witnessed in Japan and other Western countries following the U.S.
    The anti-DPRK forces should reflect on their human rights issues and inhumane crimes before styling themselves "human rights judge". -0-

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Kim Jong Un Receives Letter from Participants in Meeting of Presidential Council of WFTU

 Pyongyang, February 26 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un received a letter from participants in the meeting of the Presidential Council of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) held in Italy on Feb. 15.
    The letter said that leader Kim Jong Il dedicated himself to happiness of the working masses all his life and reliably defended socialism from all threats, blackmails and sanctions of the imperialists.
    Kim Jong Il's revolutionary idea and cause are being steadfastly carried forward by Kim Jong Un, it stressed.
    The letter strongly demanded the U.S. and the south Korean authorities stop at once the dangerous military exercises which will lead the situation on the Korean peninsula and the north-south relations to catastrophe and unconditionally accept the crucial proposal and open letter of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK.
    In the letter the WFTU expressed full sympathy and support for the DPRK's stand that foreign forces should be rejected, the stand of By Our Nation Itself be firmly adhered to and an atmosphere be created for improving the north-south relations if the reunification of Korea is to be achieved.
    The WFTU will as ever extend invariable solidarity to the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea and the whole Korean working class, the letter concluded. -0-

Sunday 23 February 2014

Korean People's Just Cause Supported by WFTU

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the Presidential Council of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) extended full support to the Korean people's just cause. It was held in Rome, Italy on February 14 and 15.
    Adopted at the meeting was an appeal signed by delegates of trade unions of 18 countries and international and regional trade unions.
    The appeal addressed to the trade unions of all countries in the world in support of Korea's reunification and peace said:
    The nearly 70 year-long history of territorial division is inflicting untold disasters and sufferings upon all Koreans in the north and the south.
    Such tragic and disgraceful history of the Korean nation is entirely attributable to foreign forces.
    The U.S. and south Korean authorities are blustering that they will soon stage Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military drills for aggression which they have done every year under the pretext of "annual" and "defensive" ones.
    On January 16 the National Defence Commission (NDC) of the DPRK sent a crucial proposal to the south Korean authorities to pave the wide avenue of improving the north-south relations.
    This proposal reflects the desire and demand of the whole Korean nation in the north, the south and abroad aspiring after the independent reunification, peace and prosperity of the country.
    We strongly demand the U.S. and the south Korean authorities immediately stop their war drills seriously threatening peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in Asia and the rest of the world, expressing deep concerns about the projected dangerous joint military drills.
    Recognizing that the crucial proposal of the NDC of the DPRK serves as the first step for ensuring peace and security on the Korean peninsula, we fully support it and urge the south Korean authorities to respond to it as soon as possible.
    We ardently appeal the world working class and trade unions loving justice and peace to extend full support and solidarity to the Korean people and other working people in their just struggle for achieving reunification, peace and prosperity of the country.
    A letter to supreme leader Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting. -0-

Monday 10 February 2014

Kim Jong Il's Birth Anniversary Celebrated by Workers, GFTUK Members

 Pyongyang, February 10 (KCNA) -- Workers and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) held a meeting at the Central Hall of Workers Monday to celebrate the birth anniversary of leader
Kim Jong Il.
    Present there were Ri Yong Su, department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials and members of the GFTUK and workers.
    Hyon Sang Ju, chairman of the Central Committee of the GFTUK, made a report to be followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said that the birth of Kim Jong Il in Mt. Paektu was a great fortune of the nation which promised a rosy future of Juche Korea and world's historical event which opened a bright future for accomplishing the human cause of independence.
    They went on:
    After pledging to glorify Korea, Kim Jong Il demonstrated before the whole world the dignity of Kim Il Sung's nation with his absolute loyalty to President Kim Il Sung, ardent love for the country and people and boundless devotion in the whole period when he led the revolution.
    Saying that the workers are precious treasures of the country, he put forward them as pioneers and outpost workers for building a thriving nation and led all the work of the FGTUK.
    Supreme leader Kim Jong Un ushered in a new phase of accomplishing the cause of perpetuating the memory of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and is wisely leading the drive for modeling whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.
    The workers and members of the GFTUK should strive hard for the prosperity of Juche Korea, true to the leadership of Kim Jong Un, holding Kim Jong Il in high esteem forever. -0

Monday 3 February 2014

Enlarged Plenary Meeting of General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea Held

 Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- The 75th Enlarged Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea took place here on Monday.
    It discussed tasks to be fulfilled by the trade union organizations to devotedly implement the important tasks set forth by supreme leader
Kim Jong Un in his New Year Address and more firmly establish the monolithic leadership system of the party.
    Hyon Sang Ju, chairman of Central Committee of the federation, made a report, to be followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said that Kim Jong Un's New Year Address serves as the important guidelines indicating the short-cut to ushering in the heyday of Songun Korea by raising a fierce wind of making a fresh leap forward on all fronts of building a thriving nation.
    They noted that the trade union organizations at all levels should conduct the ideological education work of various forms and methods to positively arouse the trade union members to the grand advance to suit the mission of ideological education organizations.
    They stressed that the organizations will give top priority to the work to more firmly establish the monolithic leadership system of Kim Jong Un.
    They underscored the need to make a tangible contribution to glorify this year as a year of grandiose struggle, a year of sea changes.
    Decisions were adopted at the meeting.
    Present there were members and alternate members of the Central Committee of the federation and its officials in Pyongyang and local areas. -0-